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  1. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    It was in an intersection with traffic. I couldn't afford to wait more than a couple seconds.,..It just wasn't moving.
  2. E

    Old farts reminiscing about computers

    Vic 20 in the mid 80's as a young kid. Brother didn't let me use it much (it played a few games). Next up was a 286 and I got decent with some basic dos commands, opened it up to put a soundcard in...long story short I eventually got a degree of no value, then took a crash course in IT, and have...
  3. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    I do, but I've yet to screw one up. I know for sure my FSD screwed up on an unprotected--it failed to go. I also know that I have a better view of oncoming traffic than the tesla cameras do, because they are centered, so can be blocked by an opposing car trying to do the same thing. I drive 99%...
  4. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    Yes, I read my first sentence. It was masterfully worded and pithy in the extreme. What I'm getting at is, for example: when I am taking an unprotected left in traffic I do so with no worry at all. I've done it thousands of times and I know when or if it will happen. This requires very little...
  5. E

    Disappointed with being blocked for pointing out some facts and information

    What about the hundreds of miles underneath the US, within which the elite traffic children for adrenochrome? You're not telling me those are fake also, are you?
  6. E

    Highland Front Styling, Better or Worse?

    New is way better.
  7. E

    Star Trek TNG show and movie discussion

    TNG was the best star trek series by far. For fans of it I advise not watching more than season 1 of Piccard. It is a significant let down, but watchable. After season 1 it deteriorates into a horrific nightmare.
  8. E

    Disappointed with being blocked for pointing out some facts and information

    I strongly believe this coincides with social media. It has been a cancer on the world. If you look at its growth over the past 15 years you can also track it against various metrics like suicide, which is why pretty much everyone says it's bad for kids (I banned mine from it--mostly...
  9. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    The thing is you're having to constantly pay attention to it, because you undoubtedly have to intervene on occasion (of that I'm unequivocally positive). It's able to do the bulk of miles itself, but even when it does it doesn't do them the way I want them done. Sometimes it accelerates too...
  10. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    I think you're not arguing in good faith, and I'm quite good at detecting attempts to gaslight. The drivers in my household independently came to the same conclusions after using it a few times--neat tech demo, but ultimately not yet fit for purpose.
  11. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    Western NY state :) Here's some context. I play video games a lot, and I've played a lot of car video games. My interventions were not baseless panics. I was waiting until the last moment before something went south--I gave it as much rope as I could within reason. If its approach to driving is...
  12. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    heh, yeah cause if they are too trusting they end up impaled by a steel barrier 🤭 In current state i'd get it if I was doing a road trip, for the highway, but around the city I soon found it felt more like a chore than not--like I was with a new driver and having to pay keen attention at all...
  13. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    Suburbs of my city. It's able to go several miles at a time without an intervention, which is impressive overall, but there's weird behavior. The times it was certainly going to crash for me were going through a tunnel or various two-way-one-lane bridges we have, which require people to take...
  14. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    With all due respect who are you trying to kid here? Many in the forum have FSD--or at least tried it in the April free 30 days. I had to intervene many times to avoid it getting into accidents. Had nothing to do with trust; the system is simply nowhere close to the competency of even a bad...
  15. E

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    Sounds like a dystopian hell like the train in snow piercer. How much money are you saving living in an RV that's traveling all the time, consuming vast quantities of energy to do so, burning through a set of tires every month, and other wear and tear? Anyway, true FSD would nonetheless have a...
  16. E

    My experience with 500 miles on my one month old Cyber Truck

    Based on your experience if you can't get it to work it's not likely many could. It's evident that electric trucks are not fit for cross country towing. Not just this one--none of them are. They are perfectly usable for towing within a city, or using for cross country if you're not towing...
  17. E

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    I've never seen FSD in the UK. I've seen it in the USA On my 2023 Model 3 when they had the free pilot in April. It's extremely impressive in that it can more or less drive around by itself just with cameras. It's a cool tech demo. I was able to make several multi-mile (like 5-8 mile) trips...
  18. E

    Another Reminder to Pay Attention

    It wasn't a car, though. Had it been a car we can assume the vehicle in front of him would have seen it earlier and reacted sooner. As things get smaller the expectation is that a vehicle in front will delay its reaction. Some site google sent me to said at 70 mph thinking + stopping distance...
  19. E

    Autopilot is getting worse, not better.

    I honestly cannot even believe--genuinely--that they have been allowed to keep lying for so many years. This very moment (and I've done this exercise before) on tesla.com: Other than the fact that a FSD car is still much, much, much less safe than a brand new driver who just got their...
  20. E

    CleanCam rear camera washer

    Also love/hate for me, but I have that with all of my vehicles. The main problem I have with Tesla is that their repairs are exceptionally expensive, which leads to astronomical insurance rates. Resale is also God-awful, so what I'm getting at is the hidden costs with Teslas are very, very...
  21. E

    CleanCam rear camera washer

    Nobody seems to want to, though. You can easily spend six digits on all manner of brand vehicles and still end up with a salt-encrusted camera.
  22. E

    CleanCam rear camera washer

    I'm still pissed this isn't a ubiquitous technology in every vehicle. Putting rear squirters on cars was solved decades ago and a modicum of brands have already experimented with this. All you need is a high pressure jet onto the lens.
  23. E

    2000+ mile Camping trip to Rushmore in a Model Y Long Range - First long distance trip and sleeping in the car

    I used to camp as a kid. To be completely honest the lack of air conditioning is one of the main reasons I stopped. Another one is if you're tent camping sometimes other campers are incredibly noisy. I'm a modern human with a pathetically small range tolerate. If it's colder than 68 or hotter...
  24. E

    Recurrent: Model 3 drivers got 72% of EPA range with new cars, 64% after three years

    I'd say this is really accurate. Our new model 3 will give us 220 miles in extremely favorable conditions. More like 170ish in poor conditions. Granted both of these favorable/unfavorable are also mainly highway driving, but I'm referring to temps and wind and rain. It still gets it wrong. It...
  25. E

    DAF Semis

    I don't have anything appropriate to say about this.
  26. E

    What do you think caused this electrical fire?

    Do you have copper? I've run no statistical analysis but a summary look at this hints to me that aluminum is disproportionately represented in these fires. Not everything, just a lot ;) I'd rest easy if amazon if the official seller.
  27. E

    What do you think caused this electrical fire?

    Pretty much what happened to me. So per an earlier comment I did have an electrician come out, ran fresh copper from my breaker through metal conduit out in the garage. The thing is now hard-wired to my Grizzl-E. After a couple hours running I hit the connections in the grizzle with a...
  28. E

    Quick 4-month new MY report

    This speaks to a greater truth. In many cases our lusting for a product is more exciting than the final receipt of it. After a while it's just a box with four wheels and an engine (or electric motor). Not that one cannot really still like their car for years, but that "omg I want that" feeling...
  29. E

    FSD 12.4, Vision Attention Monitoring, and IR LEDs

    This is actually an exciting development if it works and ultimately can work with sunglasses. Of the several brands of vehicle I've been in that require "touching the wheel" I've been very unsatisfied with 100% of them (toyota, volvo, tesla). It's a terrible approach to the problem.
  30. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    The other guys already corrected me--and helpfully as well.
  31. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    I'm still pissed nobody got jail time for that. When your company's behavior is that egregious there need to be serious penalties.
  32. E

    Snippiness 2.0

  33. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    You can't be serious with this take. This is the equivalent of a teacher saying "who wrote this on the board" and nobody in the class knows except the person who did it. They refuse to own up, and the entire class gets detention. This happened to me 35 years ago and I've never forgotten how...
  34. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    It's almost believable, but it would be impossible (?) for him to personally approve these so I'm just going to assume this is fake.
  35. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    I echo this sentiment exactly. The pedo guy debacle is what cemented my negative opinion of musk as a person. Social media has normalized public figures acting like unmitigated aholes, to the detriment of society.
  36. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    This is the kind of email one might expect from a startup. Can you imagine Toyota dumping an entire team of its people, then telling suppliers it's in the midst of hiring their replacements and to "hold tight" on getting their money for a bit while it works things through?
  37. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    I cannot even remember how the heck we began talking about it. :D
  38. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    lol, yes, TRD stands for "racing", in the way a pinstripe makes a car faster. You can even get a TRD Sequoia. Pretty sure that's not tearing up the baja 1000 any more than the TRD Avalon is winning any races. I think you're not at all familiar with Toyota. It makes a couple of modest changes and...
  39. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    $74k is a build config directly on toyota's website, and does not include any dealer markup.
  40. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    C'mon dude. There aren't any $31,500 tacomas. That's like musk saying the model 3 would start at $35k (it took five years to get there). I think you have a very broad view of what constitutes a racing vehicle, btw. Correct. This is simply what tacomas cost now. Other than a scant couple of...
  41. E

    Good bye

    I've never tried its app but I've tried nissan's connect (as recently as a year ago), volvo's as recently as two years ago, and I have a current ram and toyota. Tesla's app is definitely the best. Unlike the others it works almost every time--and quickly. Bluetooth key works almost perfectly...
  42. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    Good insight and let me segue into what I think is actually wrong with Toyota today, since nobody asked. Did you know you can build a new Tacoma on Toyota's website that costs $74k? Yes, $74k. For a Tacoma. Now, here is a truck that will "last forever"--or a good analog thereof. But, who can...
  43. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    How can he possibly find the time for that, when he needs to suck down a couple hours/day of trash online, and then miss sleep while s***posting on twitter?
  44. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    I had not heard of this act, though its source material I had. I looked up where the idea came from on wiki ;)
  45. E

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    Conspiratorial alt-right fringe silliness has begun to arrest his mind. This is not something that tends to go away. It is a "progressive" condition. Can I assume your post was in jest, given your use of this term?
  46. E

    NEW Model 3 Highland review!

    It's strange to me you seem to hold this view that tesla is infallible in its decisions, damn everyone--even its customers. It will do what it wants and screw them if they dare to complain and cause it to correct course. Telsa didn't introduce the yoke because it's better. They introduced it...
  47. E

    NEW Model 3 Highland review!

    100%. Modern automatics are better in literally every way (albeit not simplicity if one breaks I suppose...). I used to be a manual fanatic. They are just dinosaurs now--fully deprecated. Their heyday is gone. They can't handle the power autos can and they aren't as efficient, either.