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  1. elambo

    2024 20.1 software update

    This weekend I had to drop the thermostat to 61 before the fan would kick on and get to work. It was laughable. Then the very next day we set them back to 72 and everyone was cold. Such odd behavior. We're still on the .19 software version. I really don't understand why it's not downloading the...
  2. elambo

    Audio system upgrade

    There should be basic tweeter upgrades for less than that. I'm not suggesting that there are, only that there *should* be. I'd asked that exact question before but no one was interested. It's the tweeters that stand out as most-lacking in my experience. They are surprisingly brittle and...
  3. elambo

    Audio system upgrade

    So which part of my conclusion was incorrect?
  4. elambo

    Audio system upgrade

    I'm an audio enthusiast (it's also my day job) and have been following the site for a few months. There's not much talk about audio upgrades partially because the stock options are quite good. I'd posted something about the tweeters (they are awful, smearing at very high frequencies) and...
  5. elambo

    2024 20.1 software update

    If you're crazy then we both are because I've noticed the same thing. It's now frustratingly difficult to get the AC to cool off the cabin in an acceptable way. It's either barely making a difference or it's dead set on freezing us to death. No in-between. I often have to set the temp to 67 just...
  6. elambo

    Do car thieves tend to ignore Teslas?

    I believe it's more profitable to sell the parts from stolen cars than it is to sell the entire working car, so perhaps thieves are less interested in charging or any kind of operation. The challenge is in getting away with the theft without being discovered, and that's where Teslas excel.
  7. elambo

    Did they stop putting matrix headlights in Model Ys in the US?

    I've had adaptive headlights in three of my last four cars, all in the US, so there doesn't seem to be any regulation against the functionality. Perhaps something about Tesla's employment of adaptive headlights breaks the rules somehow, *however* we're seeing reports from people here in the US...
  8. elambo

    Did they stop putting matrix headlights in Model Ys in the US?

    That's possible, though I believe my last update is one back from the very latest (even though the update occurred only a few days ago). The other confusing part is that we have people across the forum and FB group suggesting that the US market doesn't and won't receive this functionality and...
  9. elambo

    Did they stop putting matrix headlights in Model Ys in the US?

    I've never known a car company that rotates parts and features so often in a certain model year. I both love and hate this. Love that if they feel that the car should be changed they change it immediately. Hate that it's so difficult to get answers about your own specific car's parts and...
  10. elambo

    Do car thieves tend to ignore Teslas?

    That's why I added the words "tend to" in the title.
  11. elambo

    Is there a way to see which devices are requesting live location info?

    It was Tessie tracking the car. About every 30 seconds.
  12. elambo

    Is there a way to see which devices are requesting live location info?

    I went to the Tessie site, into my account, and disabled tracking. I’m hoping this will stop the tracking. It’s not that I have an issue with tracking, I just want to know *what* is doing the tracking. If it turns out to be Tessie in the background that’s fine and I’ll turn it back on.
  13. elambo

    Is there a way to see which devices are requesting live location info?

    After the latest software update I'm noticing the icon at the top right which shows when an app is requesting live tracking of my Model Y. I'm trying to figure out which of my associated devices is doing the tracking. I sat in the car and closed my iPhone's Tesla app so it's not that. I...
  14. elambo

    Do car thieves tend to ignore Teslas?

    Well there ya go. I had a feeling it might be toward the bottom.
  15. elambo

    Do car thieves tend to ignore Teslas?

    They passed their keycard to a parking attendant and the rest is history. It's actually not quite that simple. The guy who took their car didn't realize it was their car -- thought it was a different Tesla. Yes, it's odd.
  16. elambo

    Do car thieves tend to ignore Teslas?

    In just a week's time I've heard personal reports of two different cars being stolen. Two different friends of mine. One, which occurred just last night, was a Jeep and the other was a Tesla. I don't suspect that it's good news for the Jeep owners as it appeared that the thieves had planned this...
  17. elambo

    2024 Model 3 Performance Announced - Discussion thread post announcement

    I dunno. People knock leasing but I jumped into a MYP lease prior to the price drops and I'm feeling pretty good about it today (no offense to those whose cars depreciated overnight). Everyone's situation is different so there's not a universally right or wrong method, just one that's best for...
  18. elambo

    Unreliable [music] USB mounting on startup after sleep?

    I'm glad to hear this, and now even more anxious to get an update (I'm on 2024.3.25) because 1 out of every 5 times that I get in the car it has lost the USB.
  19. elambo

    Just tinted all my windows on my MYP

    I tinted my driver and front passenger side windows to match the factory rear window tint (so not very dark) and I absolutely lose visibility when there isn't sufficient street lighting at night. Left turns under these conditions often make me nervous and I sometimes must roll down the window. I...
  20. elambo

    Am I being lied to by the tint business

    I hadn't intended to imply that it was, only to describe regular glass.
  21. elambo

    Adding artwork to songs that are missing it.

    I see the option for embedding artwork that was manually downloaded but not an option to find and add the artwork automatically. Does it include this feature and I've just not found it?
  22. elambo

    2024 Model 3 Performance Announced - Discussion thread post announcement

    I didn't think we'd be seeing these in SoCal this soon. Had I known I might have ordered this instead of the MYP (also in that stunning Ultra Red!) but I needed a car now, not in June, and I didn't think customers would actually get them until July. Congrats on the purchase! It's a stunner. I...
  23. elambo

    Unreliable [music] USB mounting on startup after sleep?

    That seems to be true here as well. If I jump back in the car two hours after my last trip it will resume playing, no problem. Something does occur after about 24 hrs. though.
  24. elambo

    Adding artwork to songs that are missing it.

    It's not fully a Tesla topic but some experts here will probably have the answer. As the title suggests, I'm looking for a way to embed artwork into the songs that have lost their artwork. I've tried iTunes (or Music as it's now called) and that app has fought me at every step in one way or...
  25. elambo

    Unreliable [music] USB mounting on startup after sleep?

    This may not be related since my car doesn't seem to lose sight of the USB stick entirely, but about half the time when I get into the car I get the spinning wheel suggesting that it's searching through the USB to find media. I have to go to the song list and click one and then it's fine, but...
  26. elambo

    Is it ok to change to “P” before the car is completely not moving?

    Yes, as we all know, and as those who've not explicitly read the manual have likely assumed. I was explaining the deeply-rooted fear of Park that some have been conditioned to feel. Having not read about this in the manual, I, too, wondered if it could enter P at speed. I was essentially 100%...
  27. elambo

    Am I being lied to by the tint business

    UVA passes through regular glass nearly unaffected. A is what accelerates skin cancer. I don't know how much filtering is employed in Tesla glass.
  28. elambo

    Is it ok to change to “P” before the car is completely not moving?

    That's true, but a simple tap of the stalk typically engages P and I think that is their fear: tapping the wrong stalk. Many of us are still accustomed to a traditional gearbox where entering Park while at high speeds could be disastrous, so I understand the fear. That gets engrained in your...
  29. elambo

    Turn signal update?

    I couldn't find it yesterday. Maybe the car needed to be in Park for this to be accessible.
  30. elambo

    Turn signal update?

    I noticed similar weirdness (unpredictability and inconsistency) with my turn signals and the auto-cancel function and thought it was just me. I'll dig a little deeper and try to bring some thoughts.
  31. elambo

    Dealing with Curb Rash

    I was relaying my experience. YMMV.
  32. elambo

    Dealing with Curb Rash

    The tire/wheel combo has everything to do with it. Recess the wheel two inches inside the edge of the tire and see how often the rim is scratched. It never will. It's all about the wheel/tire. Obviously a car doesn't drive itself (well... these do) so it's ultimately the driver's actions which...
  33. elambo

    Dealing with Curb Rash

    I'm wondering how it's useful to post pics of other cars with rash. No one thinks any brand is immune, so the net will be crowded with such photos, but that doesn't bring relevance to the argument that these wheels are among the most likely hit a curb. It's a thinly-veiled Straw Man argument...
  34. elambo

    Is premium paint more durable?

    Good tip -- thanks!
  35. elambo

    2024 Model 3 Performance Announced - Discussion thread post announcement

    I think it's the white strip that cuts into the tail lights.
  36. elambo

    Is premium paint more durable?

    No bubble bursted -- it's worth the $$ just for the color and finish -- I was largely curious to know if it was more or less likely to show car wash scratches and if I should cut back on how often I go. I'll just go as often as I think it needs to be cleaned until I see a reason not to.
  37. elambo

    Is premium paint more durable?

    As I've now read in other threads here and elsewhere, the Ultra Red was referred to as a triple-coat (whereas others were double) so it should be more durable. I'd hope that there's some practical advantage beyond the aesthetics, considering the $2K up-charge.
  38. elambo

    2024 Model 3 Performance Announced - Discussion thread post announcement

    I have to say I'm not a huge fan of the look of the rear. Is it just me? I haven't read all 27 pages but I can't be alone in this. It feels too random. Too many materials of odd shapes placed randomly. Perhaps it's all purely functional, but it doesn't hit my eyes well.
  39. elambo

    Is premium paint more durable?

    I've seen a lot of post about Tesla paint chipping or scratching, seemingly more easily than the owners would have expected. I have the Red Ultra, which is an upgrade and, as I understand it, a thicker coat of paint. I'm wondering if it's more durable than standard paint. I tend to wash it more...
  40. elambo

    When using USB music, better to partition a single drive or use hub?

    It's a ghost town here but I did find a solution on my own. The partition never worked (still unsure why) but a USB hub with an additional drive for music worked fine. I ended up having the car format both drives and it now works swimmingly. The car went with ExFAT. I may have been using FAT32.
  41. elambo

    Model Y Plaid

    Nah, the badge fits. That's a Burro-Mule-Wildebeest. Very rare.
  42. elambo

    When using USB music, better to partition a single drive or use hub?

    I partitioned the stock Tesla drive into two volumes, following the manual step by step, but the car refuses to see either the Cam or the Music partitions.
  43. elambo

    When using USB music, better to partition a single drive or use hub?

    I've read conflicting reports about this topic, and now that 2024 models are released, as well as some recent software updates, I thought I'd ask specifically: is it better to get a large single drive and create two partitions (one for Sentry recordings and one for music), or is it better to...
  44. elambo

    Apple Music, shuffle mode w/ 100+ songs

    I have about 700 songs in a particular Apple Music playlist. The car only shows 100 at a time, so there are 7 pages of songs. This isn't a problem, HOWEVER when using shuffle mode (as I always do) it only seems to pull from the 100 songs on the particular page you're currently viewing. Hit...
  45. elambo

    The Modern Spare tire doesn't secure in the trunk, or does it?

    I wholeheartedly agree with you! Also common are Tesla owners who blindly argue for the status quo purely because anything else would be deemed offensive and psychologically unmanageable. "My car didn't come with a spare, and I've never needed one, therefore no car should ever come with a...
  46. elambo

    Playing own music in 2024 Model Y

    Did you decide to stream from your phone instead of a USB stick?
  47. elambo

    Playing own music in 2024 Model Y

    That's fine, but it's not the "only recourse." It's best to present people with all their options, along with a suggestion if necessary, but not box them into a single corner which ultimately may *not* be the best option for them.
  48. elambo

    Playing own music in 2024 Model Y

    It's not the only recourse. As others have said, you have the option of partitioning a single device into two virtual drives, one for video and one for audio.
  49. elambo

    The Modern Spare tire doesn't secure in the trunk, or does it?

    This is a good summary of how I view this topic. It's not difficult nor terribly expensive to have a "kit" ready for travel, or home repair. And if you're not too far from home, someone might even drive the spare kit to you, or Uber home and get it. AAA or roadside assistance always sound like a...