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  1. S

    Tesla Model 3 Wins Top Safety Award from Institute for Highway Safety

    While this seems a waste, I think this is needed. Simulation is not always cover all aspects. At the end, those are programmed by us with scenarios and data.
  2. S

    3M Crystalline vs PINNACLE vs Suntek CIR vs LLumar CTX vs Wincos Tint

    I think it's kind of brownish. The store compares 3M with FormulaOne over a white material. I end up choose Formula One as I think it's better looking over the white seat.
  3. S

    Which Tint?

    I got my Stratos 35% (similar VLT as 3M Crystaline 40%) on both windows (front and rear), sun roof and back large windows. And I use 70% on windshield. I initially somehow regret that I made the already tinted sunroof too dark. (Actually I can see outside. Not dark completely blocked all...
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    Slacker radio

    This is the response from Tesla Support as of today: Thank You for contacting Tesla Service Support! I apologize for any inconvenience this delayed response has caused. The bit rate is 128 Kbps, in order to get a premium 320 Kbps, you would have to create a premium account with slacker radio...
  5. S

    Slacker radio

    The quality seems better than 64. I thought that's 320...
  6. S

    Left Camera Video Recordings Corrupted

    I have the similar issue. But I assume both cameras should use the same encoding. It doesn't make sense it works on two (front and right) but not the left one. But it seems more a software issue to me. But I do think that could be compatbility (or driver) issue too.
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    3M Crystalline vs PINNACLE vs Suntek CIR vs LLumar CTX vs Wincos Tint

    I know what you mean. My old car, despite it's tinted (carbon tint 70% all around, no windshield tint). I feel the same even when the sun on the driver side. I had to use sunshade. WIth the new car new tint, no such issue, the feeling is so tiny. No need shade.
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    3M Crystalline vs PINNACLE vs Suntek CIR vs LLumar CTX vs Wincos Tint

    The main reason I did the windshield (with ceramic tint) because I want to reduce the heat and UV. As far as I can tell, it helps a lot. Since I tinted all windows and roof, I feel the interior is a lt cooler and I don't feel any direct heat sensation. (even sit in the LA traffic).
  9. S

    3M Crystalline vs PINNACLE vs Suntek CIR vs LLumar CTX vs Wincos Tint

    I have the windsheld tinted. I think it really depends on the skill and the preparation of the shop. I have Stratos 70% for windsheld, and 35% for all around. I exam clearly on the front camera and sensor. Looks fine and no moist inside.
  10. S

    Left Camera Video Recordings Corrupted

    I am on 2019.8.5. I noticed this problem on my left camera too. It's not yet fixed.
  11. S

    Recommended tire pressure

    My AWD 19" shows 42psi
  12. S

    PPF + Ceramic Coating + Window Tint in LA/OC

    Yes. That is the expensive part. I suggest to check Yelp for the excellent review tint shop. Lower price is nice but I think getting one that can do good job is important.
  13. S

    PPF + Ceramic Coating + Window Tint in LA/OC

    If all windows including rear large windows (tint in one piece) and roof and you use the top of the line ceramic tint, it's aroound that price in Los Angeles.
  14. S

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    If you are doing the large windows, doing it in one peice is the best move. Since I live in S California, I remember the heat without the ceramic tint is quite hot. I picked up my car in Dec. I can feel the heat when I was driving it on my way home. My friend who sat at the passenger seat had...
  15. S

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    I agree with you. I think 70% is better choice than 50%. I capture screeshot of my car from my video. I think the picture look closer than the still picture. It shows how 70% looks like when it has 35% windows. Please note that I have white interior. Black interior will surely look darker...
  16. S

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    I initally planned to get 40% or 50%. But after I checked it in person and read the specification, it seems the spec looks better to pick 40% or lower. After the store showed me 30%, 35% and 40% side by side and put it on my car windows, I decided to use 35%. Based on the spec of visible light...
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    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    Here are the pictures of mine. Hope it helps. It looks a bit lighter when seeing it in-person than the picture.
  18. S

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    I end up got Stratos 35% all windows, back window and roof. 70% windsheld. I have white interior seat. It doesnt look very dark from the outside. But I think it's good enough for my need as I mainly want to block UV and IR. I don't want to get ticket. I hestiate about tinting the roof in...
  19. S

    Llumar Window Tinting?

    Thanks! I end-up use 35% as well including the sunroof. I really like to block as much as IR and UV. If I could choose again, I would use lighter tint for sunroof as I want to see more clear. But when LA summer is arrived, I guess I won't feel regret to have 35%.
  20. S

    Llumar Window Tinting?

    I am going to tint my car using Stratos too. But I am still debating to use 35% or 40%. Did you tint the rear huge back windows? I am towards not tinting the sunroof now..
  21. S

    Tesla Version of Michelin 4s different from the others?

    Has anyone tried Primacy MXM4 for Model 3 19" Wheel? Is it as good as this one?
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    After charging complete won’t start charging again. Normal?

    I have the similar situation. I have my model 3 charged to 90% (279 miles). But I didn't drive for two days. It dropped to 274 miles. The car wanted to scheduled to charge at 10:30PM tonight. I feel this is charging a bit too frequent as it has dropped only 5 miles. I unplugged it. I...
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    Cost to install your 14-50 plug at home?

    I paid $1350 for the installation including new box (mine is too small to expand), new breaker, cut thru wall from breaker to the garage, permit, repatch the wall, etc. (in Los Angeles, CA). Tesla-recommended Tech.
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    Delivery Question - Receipt of Paperwork

    I did ask but they said everything is in electronic. I regretted that I trust them on this.
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    Any documents after the delivery?

    I am unable to see the signed paperwork either. But the MVPA on the Tesla account only show the wrong information on the "Accepted by Customer on". It showed that I accepted on 9/8/2016. That's more for original order date. I didn't get my car until 12/16/2018. Will this be an issue for the...
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    Delivery Question - Receipt of Paperwork

    I am in the same situation where I don't have any copy of the paperwork I signed. I am going to ask for it. The one in my Tesla is not really have the correct info.
  27. S

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    It's good to know. Thanks! Let me read a bit more on the Pinnacle.
  28. S

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    According to the spec, Crystalline has block more heat than Stratos. But the LLUMAR guy said that this is the line to compete with Cyrstalline.
  29. S

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    Thanks! I look at 35 in store. It seems not very dark. But the pictures Indy3 posted (40), it seems darker than I expected. Since I live in Los Angeles, CA, I don't want to get too dark to avoid ticket. Yeah I always wonder if that is worth for simply getting Pinnacle too.
  30. S

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    Hi Leeclanual, $420 for all four doors only? Or does it include more ?
  31. S

    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    Thanks Indy3! The picture helps a lot. It seems 40% is a lot darker than I saw the film at the store. Maybe I should pick 50% instead. If you tint sunroof, what percentage would you pick? would 40% too dark for the already tinted sunroof? Thanks!
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    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    Thanks Glamisduner! I haven't bought it yet but I did a side by side comparison. Although 3M has better IR heat rejection, I think I like the Stratos. I probably will pick it.
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    Formula One Stratos Window Tint

    l am debating to get either 3M Crystalline or LLumar F1 Stratos for my Model 3 MSM. For 3M, I think about CR40 or 50 for Windows, Rear Windows and Sun Roof. CR70 for Windshield. For F1 Stratos, I think 35 for Windows/Rear Windows/ Sun Roof. 70 for Windshield. Based on the specification...