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  1. Story

    Installing additional Powerwall to existing setup

    How did you get someone to install extra powerwalls? I want to upgrade from 2 powerwalls to 3-4, which is technically feasible. But I’m having a heck of a time getting anyone to take the work! So far 3 of 3 places have said “We have a policy to only install powerwalls if we also get to install...
  2. Story

    Stuck at 12-15A ... how to reset max charge current?

    Nailed it! That was exactly right. I’m charging at 70A again. I hadn’t seen that in a while because my Roadster is set to charge at midnight. Also, FWIW, I am charging off one of two Tesla HPWC on a shared 90A circuit. I found the TeslaTap 80A adapter and Henry Sharp’s CAN-JR work well...
  3. Story

    Stuck at 12-15A ... how to reset max charge current?

    I tried searching but had no great luck. Anyone debugged this issue? This week I rented a place, and the owner generously shared his Roadster wall Charger, but asked me to limit to 12A to avoid tripping his breaker. I’m back home, and on my 70A capable charger ... but the car refuses to offer...
  4. Story

    My Roadster Odyssey - Joined the Club

    Love it! Welcome to the club! This last week I rented a house for my wife’s birthday, and when I woke up in the morning, what was next to my 2.0 Roadster but this beautiful 1.5? Turns out the owner had just bought a 1.5 from Florida, with a P75 battery pack and less than 5,000 miles! He was...
  5. Story

    I rolled my own Carbon Fibre taillights

    Hi Bunnak -- Mick just texted me back and said "At this point the only solution I can provide is to send you the remaining balance back. I won't have the last set completed before late March, we did just send out a set to California but the order has been placed in early 2019." I'm wondering...
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    I rolled my own Carbon Fibre taillights

    What are you charging now for a pair of these babies??
  7. Story

    I rolled my own Carbon Fibre taillights

    How did you get Mick to confirm he’s made the Bespoke tail lights? I literally placed my order for those in July last year, got blown off for months by the contact person, finally got access to Mick who was quite nice in December. He still hasn’t shipped me any of the promised (and paid for)...
  8. Story

    Sense monitoring and Powerwall with Solar?

    Surely someone on here must have installed the Sense power monitoring box alongside a solar + Powerwall 2 installation, plus EV chargers that are on the grid side (outside) the Powerwall-backedup circuits. My installer says that Sense support says that they will bundle the solar and powerwall...
  9. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    Yeah, makes sense...do you just run two docker images, identically configured except for the "output" parameter?
  10. Story

    Powerwall 2 Gateway API Documentation

    OK, the answer is pretty simple -- my account, even though it was in the administrator group, did not have permission to run certain network commands at root privileges. If I "sudo ping" then everything worked fine from the terminal. Who knew that "ping" would be a restricted...
  11. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    OK, the answer is pretty simple -- my account, even though it was in the administrator group, did not have permission to run certain network commands at root privileges. If I "sudo ping" then everything worked fine from the terminal. Who knew that "ping" would be a restricted...
  12. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    Thanks all! I'm reaching out to Synology support to see what's up ... I can't even ping the router from my Synology command line, so it's clearly not isolated to Docker. Strangely there's very little I can find on the interwebs about this issue.
  13. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    Here ya go, thanks! From diskstation, first because it's much shorter: Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0
  14. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    Thanks -- the container has no network connections added specifically, but the overall container is in Bridge mode, yes. What network connections should I add to enable https out from the container to the network?
  15. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    No firewall, and I can not only ping the Synology but ssh into it from my Mac, no issues... I think it's something about either certificate, or not enabling outbound network connections? Not sure why I can't ping from my diskstation command line (terminal window)
  16. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    Hi dotbombjoe -- I assume you were replying to me? How would I know if I'm missing the gateway component? Dave
  17. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    Sweet! I've got the docker running, and I think all the settings and .ini files properly edited.... BUT I still get the "no network access" error. Any ideas? I'm guessing I need to enable a network port...or perhaps I still have to do the SSL Cert override? [pvoutput starts up...omitting...
  18. Story

    Powerwall 2 Gateway API Documentation

    That's also in the standard ASUS router firmware, just under LAN--> DHCP Server --> "Manually Assigned IP around the DHCP list". It even lets you browse offline hosts it's seen before, so you don't have to memorize the MAC address directly. :) Now if I could only get my BUG to show up on the...
  19. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    OK, I logged onto the BUG's network (TEG*) and had it rescan wifi, and re-added it to my home wifi LAN. Then I waited. Now I can ping and get to the API pages from my Mac laptop, using my home wifi! Big progress, gives me hope for the next steps. However, my linux synology diskstation still...
  20. Story

    Powerwall 2 Gateway API Documentation

    Thanks @cwied ... I logged onto the Backup Gateway (BUG) network, rescanned and readded my home network, and then waited... Now it appears to be properly recognized by my mac laptop, sitting on my LAN wifi, and I can hit the APIs using Chrome on my Mac. I'm trying to run the Python app on my...
  21. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    One interesting tidbit: On my mac laptop, if I join my BUG's wifi at TEG* and talk to it at, then I can also reach the server, and query the APIs. works fine, and produces the data I'll paste in below. BUT if I connect to my...
  22. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    Thanks again for the quick reply. Actually, all my devices are on that network, just some are on 5G and some are ethernet connected (like my diskstation). The BUG is on that network, and it talks to Tesla just fine...the app talks to it easily. I'll check the network mask, though. Is that a...
  23. Story

    Powerwall 2 Gateway API Documentation

    Anyone had trouble with the Powerwall2 backup gateway being unreachable from other devices? (Context: I'm trying to get my Linux synology diskstation running the python version courtesy of Ekul135 - ekul135/Powerwall2PVOutput.) The gateway works fine and if I log in on the TEG* network, it...
  24. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    Thanks @NuShrike. 192.168.2.* is actually my network...the laptop I'm typing this on is 192.168.2.xxx. That's why I'm a bit stumped.
  25. Story

    Question related to pvoutput-integration-service / pvoutput.org

    This is a bit off-topic, but I'm trying to set up the python version of the PVoutput integration service (courtesy ekul135's ekul135/Powerwall2PVOutput), but ran into an issue. I'm finding that my powerwall2 reports as "unreachable" on my network. ping and tracert don't reach it from my linux...
  26. Story

    PowerWall Cold Start without Grid Power

    @shs1 - have you actually blown your line fuses?
  27. Story

    PowerWall Cold Start without Grid Power

    Thanks for the pointer @gpez -- so as I read the specs, when off the grid (no Utility power) I can only expect 3.3KW max charging per Powerwall, or 6.6KW for two powerwalls, before the PW's start reducing solar input. But when I'm on the grid, I can expect the PW2's to charge at "real power...
  28. Story

    Roadster Forum Thread Reorganization

    I found it difficult to catch up on all the threads when I was a new owner (2014)...perhaps having a better index would do what the reorg is supposed to accomplish?
  29. Story

    PowerWall Cold Start without Grid Power

    I was wondering about this note from (insert name) above: "Since the Powerwall inverter's max sustained value is 5.0kw on a sunny day where the solar microinverters are maxed the Powerwall will shut them down to reduce the input below the inverter maximum to protect it, even if the battery...
  30. Story

    Boat Towing with Model X-Range expectations

    I’m not totally against it, but Monterey gets very busy and the chargers are hard to access. Also the day trip and diving can add up to a lot of tiredness by the end of the day...except in high summer it’s dark when I get home and it’s no fun cleaning gear in the dark.
  31. Story

    Boat Towing with Model X-Range expectations

    Thanks...I should be clearer. I am trying to figure out realistic range. The dive spot is 97 miles one way, if I take the flattest route to get there. So round trip, we’re talking a need for just under 200 miles of range, plus a buffer. (Plus deterioration over time...I tend to keep my cars...
  32. Story

    Boat Towing with Model X-Range expectations

    I’m considering an X, but I want it to be able to tow this boat round trip from Tesla HQ in Palo Alto, to Point Lobos State Reserve in Carmel, CA. Anyone have experience towing something like this 16’ Zodiac? I can’t quite tell how it compares to the kinds of trailers folks have been...
  33. Story

    Replacing a cracked tail light ... options?

    Quick update — on clarification, it seems to match what @hcsharp said - the $815 gets you a complete tail-light set (one side), not just a lens.
  34. Story

    Replacing a cracked tail light ... options?

    OK, the news is ... they can order an individual lens, for $815 (!!) I‘m now back to considering the Bespoke51 tail light set, which they say is $875. I have a bit of time now that California summer has arrived (no rain coming anytime soon) but either option will likely take at least a month...
  35. Story

    Replacing a cracked tail light ... options?

    Finally got someone at Tesla service to reply, she says she can order me a replacement lens. Stay tuned on the cost and availability...
  36. Story

    Roadster Owner Based Study of Battery Pack Capacity Over Time

    Thanks X.l.r.8 and tomsax -- I'll go about uploading that. And yes, AFAIK, this is the original pack. One more question: How do I determine my serial number? The VIN decoders don't seem to produce what I'd expect.
  37. Story

    Roadster Owner Based Study of Battery Pack Capacity Over Time

    I've recently discovered the joy of VMSParser...so happy to have a strong community. My Roadster 2.0 has data only going back to 2014, and the most recent day of June 4, 2019, reports 38,468 miles, and a CAC of 128.83 Ah. Here's the line from "VMSParser -p -r DAY *.tar" 06/04/2019 09:07:14 |...
  38. Story

    Solar for flat-roofed home in NY

    I agree with GenSao. I’m having Powerwalls installed on Tuesday after having solar for 16 years on my flat roof. One gotcha: it’s dang hard to reroof after putting solar on top. I had a brand new roof and added a big sled with 44 panels mounted at one single incline. I have had to beg my...
  39. Story

    Replacing a cracked tail light ... options?

    Thanks hcsharp...that's nutty. I guess maybe the Bespoke51 lights are a viable option after all?
  40. Story

    Wall Connector

    I didn‘t realize those cords were still available! Where did you get yours?
  41. Story

    PG&E Letter - Paired Storage Billing Update

    Thanks, all, for the quick replies! This forum is as fast as the Roadster forum! Net net as I hear it —if I upgrade my solar, the Powerwall will not prevent me from exporting to the grid. The NEM letter was really PG&E just putting another block in so that we don‘t arbitrage power rates...
  42. Story

    Clean your solar panels!

    Nice...I‘ve noticed similar improvement in output on my panels, but haven‘t had the benefit of Powerwall software monitoring...had to look at the ancient 2003 Sunnyboy RS232 readout! We pay our window washers extra to wash the solar panels. (Since our house is very tall, I feel we have to hire...
  43. Story

    PG&E Letter - Paired Storage Billing Update

    Hmm.... I just switched to the TOU plan from NEM, and am having two Powerwall units installed next Tuesday. I‘m also about to replace a set of old / failing solar panels with new ones... System specs: I have 52 165W panels installed in 2003, 8 of which I replaced in 2017 with 265W, and they...
  44. Story

    Roadster chasing a Roadster at Laguna Seca

    Just caught this! Nice run...gives more thrills than I expected, even just looking over your boulder! :)
  45. Story

    Replacing a cracked tail light ... options?

    Sooo...a ladder fell over in the garage (lesson learned!) and cracked a tail light. I haven‘t taken it apart yet, so I‘m not sure if I can replace just the lens or if I need to buy the light unit...I‘d prefer to do the work myself, if I can. My local Tesla dealer isn‘t returning calls about...
  46. Story

    I rolled my own Carbon Fibre taillights

    Hi Henry, count me in on taillights and doorsills! I'm enjoying your CAN JR... Dave
  47. Story

    Replacing the 12V aux Battery

    OK, longtime lurker, first time poster... I noticed in the thread that several people had their car work without a 12V, and about 4 years ago(!) Spaceballs just happened to mention in the thread "I've got my car modded so it doesn't have a 12V." Since I've had my 12V replaced once already 3-4...
  48. Story

    Replacing the 12V aux Battery

    This is a really helpful thread, folks, thanks from the future....the last post was 7.5 years ago! Dave