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  1. BayBulk

    Help with Kingston SSD TeslaCam Setup

    I figured out how to set it up...it needed to be erased and set up as Mac Os FAT.
  2. BayBulk

    Help with Kingston SSD TeslaCam Setup

    The only options I have to click is First Aid, Erase or Restore.
  3. BayBulk

    Help with Kingston SSD TeslaCam Setup

    Hi - I ordered what a number of people have said works well: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N5IB20Q/ref=twister_B07Q8TL285?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011M8YACM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have a MacBook that's a bit older maybe 4 years or so...
  4. BayBulk

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.1 update released with 5% power increase

    This is true..still in love with this car :)
  5. BayBulk

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.1 update released with 5% power increase

    I don’t feel much a difference with the LR RWD. itesla tested it and only showed a .1 increase at most. Too bad.
  6. BayBulk

    Model 3 thunk noise in rear

    That’s a strange noise..I had noise coming from the back of my M3 and it ended up being the trunk. They replaced the cover (the plastic piece that you use your hand to pull the trunk closed) on the trunk and it solved the issue. Also my passenger seatbelt female part rattled. Neither really...
  7. BayBulk

    Help with Sentry/Music SSD USB?

    Thanks for the quick response. I will check it out.
  8. BayBulk

    Help with Sentry/Music SSD USB?

    Hi All - I see there has been a lot of discussion of what the best option is for recording with sentry mode. Is this debate settled? I am looking to have a device that can both record sentry, Dashcam and play music. I have spotify premium now and connect to bluetooth and it has been fine...
  9. BayBulk

    Tint Help

    Wow - that looks amazing! Thanks for the feedback.
  10. BayBulk

    Tint Help

    That looks great! Did you purposely not do the rear windshield to avoid the problem I have or to retain visibility?
  11. BayBulk

    Tint Help

    Ok - this all makes sense. Now I am considering just removing the tint on the rear windshield. I wonder what percentage tint on the front windshield would make the side windows match better. From what I have read on here, it's not advisable to got anything below 70%. I'll ask the installer...
  12. BayBulk

    Tint Help

    Hi All - I just recently tinted my car from the front two windows back with Marathon - Automotive | Johnson Window Films They told me to go with 30% because of the White Interior. I am glad I went with the 30% because I think 35% may have turned out too light. My car is Jet Black exterior...
  13. BayBulk

    Looking for 20 Inch Performance Wheels Bay Area

    Hi Guys - I am getting my car on the 29th with 19 inch sport wheels. I am looking to upgrade to the 20 inch performance wheels. Does anyone have a 20inch wheel set (and tires) for sale? Anyone interested in 19 inch sport wheels? Please PM me
  14. BayBulk

    Upgrading to TESLA 20 Inch Wheels / RED Calipers

    Hi Everyone! I am taking delivery of my Model 3 LR RWD on 3/29 (hopefully) and I am interested in upgrading to the 20's TESLA has on their site: Model 3 20" Sport Wheel and Tire Package The 19's that come with the car show as $3,500 and the 20's in the link above are $4,000. Has anyone put...
  15. BayBulk

    Bay Area Recommendations

    Thank you. I have heard that OCDetailing is the place to go from a number of folks. I will reach out to them.
  16. BayBulk

    Bay Area Recommendations

    Thanks! I will look into this recommendation.
  17. BayBulk

    Bay Area Recommendations

    Bay Area - I am looking to possibly do the following work and a point in the right direction would be wonderful. Ceramic coating Tints Obviously, looking for the best quality along with best bang for the buck. I have heard a few people mention OCdetailing. If you recommend a business, it...
  18. BayBulk

    LR RWD Waiting Room

    Thanks! That's good to hear that your ride was in good shape.
  19. BayBulk

    LR RWD Waiting Room

    Hi Guys! I am new to this forum but have been following TESLA for a number of years. Family has had 3 TESLA's and now I am finally getting mine. I was someone who got moved from a Mid-Range to a Long Range Model 3. Like a lot of people have mentioned on here, there has been a lot of...