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Anyone Else Having Spotify Playlist and Playback Issues?

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I plan to go on Spotify chat and complain about the broken Spotify music player until it compels someone somewhere to fix it.

At least this will put this issue on the radar for Spotify. Maybe someone at Spotify will reach out to the Spotify contact at Tesla to say "Hey, we've been getting lots of complaints every day about problems with the Spotify music player. Can we do something to fix the Spotify music player?"

When you initiate a Spotify chat request, please ask the person you talk with to ESCALATE the matter and perhaps say that you signed up for Spotify just so you can listen to music in your Tesla and that the music player is broken.

Support - Spotify

The thing is I started the Spotify Subscription specifically to improve the music experience in the car because of the USB music player bugs an dit not resuming music when I get back in the car. Only to find out that while the Spotify music player resumes music when I get back in the car, the actual Spotify music player seems to be even more broken than the USB music player :(
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I went to their support page: Support - Spotify and selected “Techbical Issue”. It eventually routes you to a web chat. Worth a shot I suppose if enough people do it.

Thanks! Excellent idea to contact Spotify support.

I'm chatting with Spotify now. For everyone else having this issue, when you select the support link, keep clicking until you get to an endpoint where you can request chat support: Support - Spotify

At first they didn't seem to realize what we are complaining about as I was asked to "reinstall" the Spotify App! I had to explain to them that the Spotify music player is built into Tesla cars.

When you contact Spotify, your goal should be to ask them to escalate the matter and tell them this is affecting ALL Spotify customers who listen to music in a Tesla. This is not something the chat representative can fix but Spotify should be able to work with Tesla to fix the music player.

I plan to do this chat request every few days and I encourage everyone else who'd like to see the Spotify music player in their cars fixed do the same. It's frustrating to not be able to listen to music in the car.
I just spoke with Spotify Support via online chat.

As suggested, I reported the issue of the Spotify music player not working and the player not handling playlists while in random mode and playing the same few songs over and over again. I requested escalation and they promised to follow with Tesla to fix the Spotify music player.

If anyone else has problems with the Spotify music player, contact Spotify support and request that they escalate with Tesla. Hopefully if they hear from enough of us, they will fix the music player.

I'll now contact Tesla support as well. Would love for the music player to be fixed.

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As many others have noted, frequent "loading error" might indicate pending emmc failure. At least in my case I observed it starting about 3k miles before the MCU went black permanently. I'm going to try to see if there are loading error with the new MCU and (presumably) new emmc flash chip but at least so far I have not seen one in two days of 1 mile round trip rides to for groceries and food.
I just spoke with Spotify Support via online chat.

As suggested, I reported the issue of the Spotify music player not working and the player not handling playlists while in random mode and playing the same few songs over and over again. I requested escalation and they promised to follow with Tesla to fix the Spotify music player.

If anyone else has problems with the Spotify music player, contact Spotify support and request that they escalate with Tesla. Hopefully if they hear from enough of us, they will fix the music player.

I'll now contact Tesla support as well. Would love for the music player to be fixed.

View attachment 544330
I can't be sure, but I am guessing that buffer used in the flash memory to store the streamed spotify song doesn't cover even one song. When I replayed the same song within a minute or so after it starts, I've seen it hang with a "loading error"
I can't be sure, but I am guessing that buffer used in the flash memory to store the streamed spotify song doesn't cover even one song. When I replayed the same song within a minute or so after it starts, I've seen it hang with a "loading error"

I'm thinking this is more of a software issue.

When the Spotify music player gets stuck playing just one song, I can usually get it to keep playing other songs by selecting another song from the playlist. Then the problem, of course, is that the car keeps playing the same half a dozen or songs over and over and over again.

Ah how happy I will be the day they fix the music player.
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Maybe V11 will have a revamp to the media player as a whole. I use a SSD for my music as well and get loading errors on occasion where I have to unplug the drive and plug back in. I notice when I click the “Back” tab from the artist it goes back to the top alphabetically rather than the artist I was just on. Also skipping down alphabetically when you press the letter it is off by a few and skips down past your search. When I use the search feature to locate an artist and tap on the artist it doesn’t do anything. I do like how the artists, albums and songs are in alphabetical order. Wish it was like that with Spotify as opposed to displaying photos and in random order. Makes it difficult to play what your looking for. With all the other improvements the software had received over the years I don’t doubt it will eventually be addressed. I just hope it’s sooner rather then later.
Maybe V11 will have a revamp to the media player as a whole. I use a SSD for my music as well and get loading errors on occasion where I have to unplug the drive and plug back in. I notice when I click the “Back” tab from the artist it goes back to the top alphabetically rather than the artist I was just on. Also skipping down alphabetically when you press the letter it is off by a few and skips down past your search. When I use the search feature to locate an artist and tap on the artist it doesn’t do anything. I do like how the artists, albums and songs are in alphabetical order. Wish it was like that with Spotify as opposed to displaying photos and in random order. Makes it difficult to play what your looking for. With all the other improvements the software had received over the years I don’t doubt it will eventually be addressed. I just hope it’s sooner rather then later.

The USB music player has had a bug that prevents music from resuming for over 2 years :(

For some reason, they don't seem to think being able to listen to music in the car should be a reliable bug free experience :(

I tried switching to the Spotify music player because of all the USB music player bugs but quickly discover the Spotify music player is even buggier. Back to the USB music player for me. It takes 2-5 minutes to start playing music each time I get in the car but at least from that point onward it usually works...
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Ah how happy I will be the day they fix the music player.
They have far bigger priorities....:mad:

2020.16.2.1 release notes
The Tesla Toybox has been redesigned to make it easier to view and play.
Backgammon Improvements - Playing Backgammon against your Tesla has now become more difficult.

It's actually insulting at this point to have such poor operation for some basic functions when they continue to tie up resources for the rubbish above.
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They have far bigger priorities....:mad:

2020.16.2.1 release notes
The Tesla Toybox has been redesigned to make it easier to view and play.
Backgammon Improvements - Playing Backgammon against your Tesla has now become more difficult.

It's actually insulting at this point to have such poor operation for some basic functions when they continue to tie up resources for the rubbish above.

Yeah I just don't understand how they seem to want to fix everything else BUT the music player--the ONE app many of us use every second we are in our cars o_O:(
As many others have noted, frequent "loading error" might indicate pending emmc failure. At least in my case I observed it starting about 3k miles before the MCU went black permanently. I'm going to try to see if there are loading error with the new MCU and (presumably) new emmc flash chip but at least so far I have not seen one in two days of 1 mile round trip rides to for groceries and food.

Wish they provided the option to use the USB drive for caching songs to save emmc cycles... Wouldn't this make sense?

They can then download songs in a playlist for a super smooth music playback experience even when there is no connectivity and it would not degrade or be limited by emmc space.
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I don't agree with the loading error indicating pending emmc failure, as you all know many parts of the world had Spotify years before the US cars got it. I got my 2017 built car in 2018 when it was just one year old and had less than 10K on the odometer. Ever since the update to V10 is when the Spotify problems began and have never been resolved, that isn't failing emmc on a 1 year old car with such little usage.
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I don't agree with the loading error indicating pending emmc failure, as you all know many parts of the world had Spotify years before the US cars got it. I got my 2017 built car in 2018 when it was just one year old and had less than 10K on the odometer. Ever since the update to V10 is when the Spotify problems began and have never been resolved, that isn't failing emmc on a 1 year old car with such little usage.

Have you contacted Spotify support and asked to escalate with engineering/Tesla for a resolution?
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nothing from Tesla whatsoever. Maybe if they receive enough complaints they will address it. That’s what I’m hoping for.

If anyone else also wants the Spotify music player fixed, please contact Tesla:

Tesla SSO – Login

Some good news. I just received a message that they have received my request and they are investigating. Hopefully between Tesla and Spotify, they can fix the major bugs with the music player. This issue where in random mode it plays the same few songs over and over again when a playlist has over 100 songs just makes the music player unusable.