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Autopilot Features Limited.

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Completed a short road trip today from Toronto to London Ontario and back. Weather was clear and about 4-5 degrees Celsius. I had lots of “Autopilot features are limited - if issues persist, contact Tesla service”. Car would stay in the lane but no auto lane change and no Nav on auto pilot. I re-set, stopped to SC etc and the error message did not go away.
Not sure if it is software or hardware related. ( I searched and found some other threads with people having the same issue but no one seems to have any resolution. ).

I will call tesla tomorrow, wait on hold for an hour and then see if they can check the logs.
There is another thread on this somewhere. Quite a few people have experienced this, myself included. I've never seen any credible comment as to causality - its not cold temps (summer here right now). I initially thought either I had a fault in camera circuitry for the repeater cameras, or the software for those cameras has locked up/crashed.

First time it occurred, it went away after parking the car briefly. Subsequent occurrences it has self resolved in about 30 seconds without stopping the car.

I have not yet seen this on 2018.50.6.

If you do report this to Tesla, do consider posting feedback here, or better in the other thread.
I also got that message on this last trip a lot. Not sure if it was the driving thru snow or not:



If this is a sensor issue it's annoying that they can be blocked in a simple snow storm.

Annoying especially that you lose cruise control. The sensors are not needed just to maintain a certain speed. Other cars I own I can maintain a specific speed w/o cruise control due to the feedback of the engine RPMs, but there is NOTHING in a Tesla, so I am all over the map trying to maintain a speed w/o CC.



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I had my car in for service last month and this was an item on my list. They checked the AP logs and told me it happens when the side marker rear facing cameras are too dirty. It only happens to me after a few days of nasty weather causes salt/grime to build up on the sensors.
Completed a short road trip today from Toronto to London Ontario and back. Weather was clear and about 4-5 degrees Celsius. I had lots of “Autopilot features are limited - if issues persist, contact Tesla service”. Car would stay in the lane but no auto lane change and no Nav on auto pilot. I re-set, stopped to SC etc and the error message did not go away.
Not sure if it is software or hardware related. ( I searched and found some other threads with people having the same issue but no one seems to have any resolution. ).

I will call tesla tomorrow, wait on hold for an hour and then see if they can check the logs.

I am having this issue, every drive. Currently on 50.6, but the problem has existed with all software versions I've had since delivery. I always get the message in the vicinity of ORD airport, and have specifically narrowed it down to the spot on I-90 when driving abeam the east/west runway ends. The message remains for the rest of the drive until the car is powered down. I have a theory that the car is getting some kind of interference from the localizer/glideslope signals from the airport. Message appears immediately if the car is started up within the airport boundaries as well. I've been in touch with customer support, followed all their troubleshooting and bug report with time stamp requests and they have forwarded all the info to the techs. Will post back if/when I hear more.
Just wanted to update. Got a call from the Tesla tech team - they were able to use my information to narrow the problem down to interference with the side repeater camera system from airport radar signals. They said that this is a newly identified issue, within the last week or two, and would require a firmware fix - time TBD. I asked them to pass along to the team working the issue, that in the interim it would be ideal if they could prioritize self recovery for the autopilot system instead of needing to wait for a parking/system shutdown. Eventually they will need to find a solution, as self-driving cars losing their autopilot capabilities every time they go near a major airport would be a big problem...
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Another update - after further conversations with Tesla Tech, they have isolated the problem as interference to the side repeater cameras from Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) and believe a hardware change is needed. They note that several other users have reported the "Autopilot Features Limited" error near major airports and have made this a priority fix. They are using my car as a test vehicle for the fix, have shipped hardware to my local Service Center and I have an appointment on April 1 to install it. I'll post an update once I have had a chance to test the fix. Very impressed with how seriously Tesla has taken this issue, and the speed with which they are working on a permanent solution!
Another update - after further conversations with Tesla Tech, they have isolated the problem as interference to the side repeater cameras from Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) and believe a hardware change is needed. They note that several other users have reported the "Autopilot Features Limited" error near major airports and have made this a priority fix. They are using my car as a test vehicle for the fix, have shipped hardware to my local Service Center and I have an appointment on April 1 to install it. I'll post an update once I have had a chance to test the fix. Very impressed with how seriously Tesla has taken this issue, and the speed with which they are working on a permanent solution!

Gosh that is interesting both episodes that I have experienced are within shouting distance of my local airport (a regional & military airfield).
Another update - after further conversations with Tesla Tech, they have isolated the problem as interference to the side repeater cameras from Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) and believe a hardware change is needed. They note that several other users have reported the "Autopilot Features Limited" error near major airports and have made this a priority fix. They are using my car as a test vehicle for the fix, have shipped hardware to my local Service Center and I have an appointment on April 1 to install it. I'll post an update once I have had a chance to test the fix. Very impressed with how seriously Tesla has taken this issue, and the speed with which they are working on a permanent solution!

Would love to hear an update on this! Hopefully, Tesla doesn't end up installing one of these on the roof of your car to resolve it!


On a more serious note, I had an issue with Auto Steering failing this week while driving. It was a bit of a scare, I got the sudden "red hands of death" warning while approaching a turn. It's not clear to me whether or not this was interference or as a result of the autopilot computer crashing. Tesla was not able to tell me when I opened a case and was not sure whether it was hardware, software or interference. They simply stated I should come into the service center if it happens again.

I'm curious if Tesla will be replacing your part with another Continental AG Radar. Maybe you can ask the technicians for the P/N and manufacturer of the device that replaces your current system?
Would love to hear an update on this! Hopefully, Tesla doesn't end up installing one of these on the roof of your car to resolve it!

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On a more serious note, I had an issue with Auto Steering failing this week while driving. It was a bit of a scare, I got the sudden "red hands of death" warning while approaching a turn. It's not clear to me whether or not this was interference or as a result of the autopilot computer crashing. Tesla was not able to tell me when I opened a case and was not sure whether it was hardware, software or interference. They simply stated I should come into the service center if it happens again.

I'm curious if Tesla will be replacing your part with another Continental AG Radar. Maybe you can ask the technicians for the P/N and manufacturer of the device that replaces your current system?

Car is in the shop as we speak. It's my understanding that they are replacing some parts with new shielded and grounded components. I'll share details once I can, for now I'm driving a loaner S70D with the sad name of "loaner number 9"...
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I see there is a possible cause already listed for the issue above. Something else I noticed is I get that message at times when the sun is in a position to interference with one of the cameras. It will present it self as an on/off problem depending on terrain and direction of travel.

Wyatt W