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FSD interventions - what still needs help?

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Based on my own experiences with it, I would rate FSD as 'just not ready yet'.
Depending on what one defines as "ready" I do and don't agree. :) "Ready" for what?
Is it ready for full level 3/4/5 autonomous driving in all situations? No, not even close.
Is it an excellent and enjoyable, and useful, self-driving system when supervised properly? YES. I intervene frequently and disengage frequently, but still think it's worth it, useful, and enjoyable.
I think people who get annoyed by it and downright angry sometimes, just are expecting more than it is offering at this time.
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Depending on what one defines as "ready" I do and don't agree. :) "Ready" for what?
Is it ready for full level 3/4/5 autonomous driving in all situations? No, not even close.
Is it an excellent and enjoyable, and useful, self-driving system when supervised properly? YES. I intervene frequently and disengage frequently, but still think it's worth it, useful, and enjoyable.
I think people who get annoyed by it and downright angry sometimes, just are expecting more than it is offering at this time.
In my experience, I would say 'not ready for safe and practical use'. That said, as I noted in an earlier post, my own experience was far worse than that illustrated in the video I watched and that I earlier linked. I am wondering if experiences may vary depending on the region in which you drive the vehicle, among other factors.
I took advantage of the one-month trial of FSD that ended, for me, in May. Having only done the trial, my experiences will not be as complete as those here who are using FSD on a constant basis. That said, my experiences during the trial did not inspire me to continue with FSD under subscription. I went into some detail on this in another thread, but to sum up, I found FSD basically unusable in urban driving, at least in the urban area that I live (Ottawa ON) and only moderately good on the freeway. In urban driving, there was a continual need for interventions on my part to avoid accidents, and frequent unilateral disengagement of the FSD. Those aspects of FSD were better on the freeway, but the need for intervention on the freeway and to be prepared for disengagement of FSD still happened more often than I would have liked.

On the freeway, one situation in particular where the Tesla FSD failed to perform was in thinking ahead and adjusting to allow other cars entering the freeway to safely merge. I monitored it closely and FSD was detecting the merging cars well in advance and in many situations would have been able to change lanes to give them room, but it never did so - not even once - in my experience with it. Nor did it use the alternative approach of staying in the same lane but speeding up or slowing down in an anticipatory fashion to make room. In each case, rather, I had to take over controls to do this. In the few situations where I did not intervene, the FSD used very sudden braking to make room at the last second, which was not a good experience and not good driving. I would have thought that managing the freeway merges of other cars is something that FSD would have learned or been programmed to do, and indeed would be an area where FSD could excel. I was quite surprised and disappointed that it was not able to do this. Perhaps Tesla has fixed this problem since then - I was using version 12.3.3. If this aspect of FSD is now fixed, I would be interested to know that this is the case.
…and for me, I’ve had good luck with the current iteration of FSD (some PITA items notwithstanding, including aiming for every manhole cover instead of gently dodging them without becoming alarming to surrounding drivers).

After three hours of sanding drywall mud off the kitchen ceiling at my inlaws in Stittsville (suburban Ottawa) earlier today, I was just too hot and too tired to really care and just let FSD drive me to my home in Kanata (suburban Ottawa) without needing to deal with the traffic. Worked like a charm. It’s just the last 100 meters that I have to take over, to correctly enter my garage.

After completing a 10,765 km trip over the past 3.5 weeks, with FSD doing 99.99% of the driving, my one observation is that FSd must become more “predictable” around other drivers. And I suspect that will only improve once FSD stops staring down at painted lines (to a guesstimate of 10 car lengths) and start looking up and ahead at the environment it is about to travers (and understand the context of it’s position therein).
My new model 3 just dinged into a boulder turning into a driveway. Luckily I was pretty fast to hit the breaks before the whole front end got wrecked. But I now have some serious scratches on the front. The boulder was clearly visible in the display, it just chose to turn into them. 12.3.6.