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help find spare used parts for my Tesla model Y

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greetings to all
Help me find spare parts for my Tesla MY. Can someone tell me where to look? Below is a list of spare parts that I need
grateful for any help
maybe there is a contact disassembling broken tesla

Bumper grill
Fog in bumper right (possible from model 3)
Headlight right (possible from model 3)
Bumper attachment to the fender, lower right
Fastening the bumper to the fender, upper right
Wing facing right
Arch plastic on the wing in front of the right
Plastic fender liner in front of the right (protection of the arches)
Black camera on the right wing
Front door right bare metal
Handle black outer front right
Back door bare metal
Arch plastic on the wing, rear right
Threshold, right, plastic trim


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