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Low peak values on a new installation [Tesla will not fix strings in parallel]

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I got my 10kW system installation done a few days ago and I the peak values (midday and sunny) never go over 6.5kW and I was wondering if that's normal. It is two systems connected to two Powerwall+. The inclination is 9/12 (36.86 degrees) and they are facing south (azimuth is 209).

This is the house (It shows some shadow in the picture but it has none when I notice the peak value may be too low).





Inverter 1 wiring:

Inverter 2 wiring:

Data from PyPowerwall:

Battery power level: 44%
Combined power metrics: {'site': 90, 'solar': 6260, 'battery': -5400, 'load': 965.25}

Grid Power: 0.09kW
Solar Power: 6.26kW
Battery Power: -5.40kW
Home Power: 0.97kW

Grid raw: {'last_communication_time': '2022-06-13T12:43:54.064582899-04:00', 'instant_power': 90, 'instant_reactive_power': -131, 'instant_apparent_power': 158.93709447451215, 'frequency': 0, 'energy_exported': 417, 'energy_imported': 39544, 'instant_average_voltage': 247.45, 'instant_average_current': 8.58, 'i_a_current': 0, 'i_b_current': 0, 'i_c_current': 0, 'last_phase_voltage_communication_time': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'last_phase_power_communication_time': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'last_phase_energy_communication_time': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'timeout': 1500000000, 'num_meters_aggregated': 1, 'instant_total_current': 8.58}

Solar raw: {'last_communication_time': '2022-06-13T12:43:54.088864433-04:00', 'instant_power': 6260, 'instant_reactive_power': 0, 'instant_apparent_power': 6260, 'frequency': 59.980000000000004, 'energy_exported': 63310, 'energy_imported': 0, 'instant_average_voltage': 246.8, 'instant_average_current': 25.364667747163693, 'i_a_current': 0, 'i_b_current': 0, 'i_c_current': 0, 'last_phase_voltage_communication_time': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'last_phase_power_communication_time': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'last_phase_energy_communication_time': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'timeout': 1000000000, 'num_meters_aggregated': 2, 'instant_total_current': 25.364667747163693}

Vitals: {'STSTSM--1538000-25-F--GF22206600017G': {'partNumber': '1538000-25-F', 'serialNumber': 'GF22206600017G', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': '2022-04-28-ga12200ec2', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 207}, 'STSTSM-Location': 'SolarPowerwall', 'alerts': ['GridCodesWrite', 'GridCodesWrite', 'FWUpdateSucceeded', 'BackfeedLimited', 'SystemConnectedToGrid', 'PodCommissionTime']}, 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122130001JNG': {'componentParentDin': 'STSTSM--1538000-25-F--GF22206600017G', 'partNumber': '3012170-25-C', 'serialNumber': 'TG122130001JNG', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 224}, 'THC_State': 'THC_STATE_AUTONOMOUSCONTROL', 'THC_AmbientTemp': 24.5}, 'TEPOD--1081100-33-V--T22D0000006': {'componentParentDin': 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122130001JNG', 'partNumber': '1081100-33-V', 'serialNumber': 'T22D0000006', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138633, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 226}, 'POD_nom_energy_to_be_charged': 8944.0, 'POD_nom_energy_remaining': 6510.0, 'POD_nom_full_pack_energy': 14889.0, 'POD_available_charge_power': 7000.0, 'POD_available_dischg_power': 8760.0, 'POD_state': 'POD_ACTIVE', 'POD_enable_line': True, 'POD_ChargeComplete': False, 'POD_DischargeComplete': False, 'POD_PersistentlyFaulted': False, 'POD_PermanentlyFaulted': False, 'POD_ChargeRequest': False, 'POD_ActiveHeating': False, 'POD_CCVhold': False}, 'TEPINV--1081100-33-V--T22D0000006': {'componentParentDin': 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122130001JNG', 'partNumber': '1081100-33-V', 'serialNumber': 'T22D0000006', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 253}, 'PINV_EnergyDischarged': 13020.0, 'PINV_EnergyCharged': 18130.0, 'PINV_VSplit1': 124.7, 'PINV_VSplit2': 122.60000000000001, 'PINV_PllFrequency': 59.971000000000004, 'PINV_PllLocked': True, 'PINV_Pout': -2.7, 'PINV_Qout': 0.04, 'PINV_Vout': 247.20000000000002, 'PINV_Fout': 59.988, 'PINV_ReadyForGridForming': True, 'PINV_State': 'PINV_GridFollowing', 'PINV_GridState': 'Grid_Compliant', 'PINV_HardwareEnableLine': True, 'PINV_PowerLimiter': 'PWRLIM_POD_Power_Limit', 'alerts': ['PINV_a067_overvoltageNeutralChassis']}, 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122117000WLV': {'componentParentDin': 'STSTSM--1538000-25-F--GF22206600017G', 'partNumber': '3012170-25-C', 'serialNumber': 'TG122117000WLV', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138633, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 224}, 'THC_State': 'THC_STATE_AUTONOMOUSCONTROL', 'THC_AmbientTemp': 24.10000000000001}, 'TEPOD--1081100-33-V--T22D0003283': {'componentParentDin': 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122117000WLV', 'partNumber': '1081100-33-V', 'serialNumber': 'T22D0003283', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 226}, 'POD_nom_energy_to_be_charged': 8953.0, 'POD_nom_energy_remaining': 6473.0, 'POD_nom_full_pack_energy': 14876.0, 'POD_available_charge_power': 7000.0, 'POD_available_dischg_power': 8770.0, 'POD_state': 'POD_ACTIVE', 'POD_enable_line': True, 'POD_ChargeComplete': False, 'POD_DischargeComplete': False, 'POD_PersistentlyFaulted': False, 'POD_PermanentlyFaulted': False, 'POD_ChargeRequest': False, 'POD_ActiveHeating': False, 'POD_CCVhold': False}, 'TEPINV--1081100-33-V--T22D0003283': {'componentParentDin': 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122117000WLV', 'partNumber': '1081100-33-V', 'serialNumber': 'T22D0003283', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 253}, 'PINV_EnergyDischarged': 13060.0, 'PINV_EnergyCharged': 18260.0, 'PINV_VSplit1': 124.5, 'PINV_VSplit2': 122.4, 'PINV_PllFrequency': 59.976, 'PINV_PllLocked': True, 'PINV_Pout': -2.67, 'PINV_Qout': 0.05, 'PINV_Vout': 246.8, 'PINV_Fout': 59.989000000000004, 'PINV_ReadyForGridForming': True, 'PINV_State': 'PINV_GridFollowing', 'PINV_GridState': 'Grid_Compliant', 'PINV_HardwareEnableLine': True, 'PINV_PowerLimiter': 'PWRLIM_POD_Power_Limit', 'alerts': ['PINV_a067_overvoltageNeutralChassis']}, 'PVAC--1538100-01-F--CN321286C1F0OR': {'componentParentDin': 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122130001JNG', 'partNumber': '1538100-01-F', 'serialNumber': 'CN321286C1F0OR', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 296}, 'PVAC_Iout': 10.68, 'PVAC_VL1Ground': 124.19999999999999, 'PVAC_VL2Ground': 121.5, 'PVAC_VHvMinusChassisDC': -212.0, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_A': 5.67, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_B': 5.73, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_C': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_D': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_A': 241.60000000000002, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_B': 241.9, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_C': -0.29999999999999893, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_D': -1.299999999999999, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_A': 1368.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_B': 1377.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_C': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_D': 0.0, 'PVAC_LifetimeEnergyPV_Total': 29090.0, 'PVAC_Vout': 247.60000000000002, 'PVAC_Fout': 59.976, 'PVAC_Pout': 2760.0, 'PVAC_Qout': 20.0, 'PVAC_State': 'PVAC_Active', 'PVAC_GridState': 'Grid_Compliant', 'PVAC_InvState': 'INV_Grid_Connected', 'PVAC_PvState_A': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_B': 'PV_Active_Parallel', 'PVAC_PvState_C': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_D': 'PV_Active', 'PVI-PowerStatusSetpoint': 'on'}, 'PVS--1538100-01-F--CN321286C1F0OR': {'componentParentDin': 'PVAC--1538100-01-F--CN321286C1F0OR', 'partNumber': '1538100-01-F', 'serialNumber': 'CN321286C1F0OR', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': '0eb61d6819b2b3', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138633, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 297}, 'PVS_vLL': 247.4, 'PVS_State': 'PVS_Active', 'PVS_SelfTestState': 'PVS_SelfTestOff', 'PVS_EnableOutput': True, 'PVS_StringA_Connected': True, 'PVS_StringB_Connected': True, 'PVS_StringC_Connected': False, 'PVS_StringD_Connected': False, 'alerts': ['PVS_a019_MciStringC', 'PVS_a020_MciStringD']}, 'PVAC--1538100-01-F--CN322025C1F0F5': {'componentParentDin': 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122117000WLV', 'partNumber': '1538100-01-F', 'serialNumber': 'CN322025C1F0F5', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 296}, 'PVAC_Iout': 14.76, 'PVAC_VL1Ground': 124.5, 'PVAC_VL2Ground': 121.5, 'PVAC_VHvMinusChassisDC': -212.0, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_A': 10.42, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_B': 0.01, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_C': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_D': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_A': 365.90000000000003, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_B': 0.3000000000000007, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_C': -0.7999999999999989, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_D': -1.299999999999999, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_A': 3758.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_B': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_C': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_D': 0.0, 'PVAC_LifetimeEnergyPV_Total': 34220.0, 'PVAC_Vout': 247.20000000000002, 'PVAC_Fout': 59.980000000000004, 'PVAC_Pout': 3450.0, 'PVAC_Qout': -10.0, 'PVAC_State': 'PVAC_Active', 'PVAC_GridState': 'Grid_Compliant', 'PVAC_InvState': 'INV_Grid_Connected', 'PVAC_PvState_A': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_B': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_C': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_D': 'PV_Active', 'PVI-PowerStatusSetpoint': 'on'}, 'PVS--1538100-01-F--CN322025C1F0F5': {'componentParentDin': 'PVAC--1538100-01-F--CN322025C1F0F5', 'partNumber': '1538100-01-F', 'serialNumber': 'CN322025C1F0F5', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': '0eb61d6819b2b3', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138633, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 297}, 'PVS_vLL': 246.20000000000002, 'PVS_State': 'PVS_Active', 'PVS_SelfTestState': 'PVS_SelfTestOff', 'PVS_EnableOutput': True, 'PVS_StringA_Connected': True, 'PVS_StringB_Connected': False, 'PVS_StringC_Connected': False, 'PVS_StringD_Connected': False, 'alerts': ['PVS_a018_MciStringB', 'PVS_a019_MciStringC', 'PVS_a020_MciStringD']}, 'TEMSA--1624171-00-G--GF2220660001AL': {'componentParentDin': 'STSTSM--1538000-25-F--GF22206600017G', 'partNumber': '1624171-00-G', 'serialNumber': 'GF2220660001AL', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 300}, 'ISLAND_VL1N_Main': 122.5, 'ISLAND_FreqL1_Main': 60.0, 'ISLAND_VL1N_Load': 122.5, 'ISLAND_FreqL1_Load': 60.0, 'ISLAND_PhaseL1_Main_Load': 0.0, 'ISLAND_VL2N_Main': 124.5, 'ISLAND_FreqL2_Main': 60.0, 'ISLAND_VL2N_Load': 124.5, 'ISLAND_FreqL2_Load': 60.0, 'ISLAND_PhaseL2_Main_Load': 0.0, 'ISLAND_VL3N_Main': 0.0, 'ISLAND_FreqL3_Main': 0.0, 'ISLAND_VL3N_Load': 0.0, 'ISLAND_FreqL3_Load': 0.0, 'ISLAND_PhaseL3_Main_Load': -256.0, 'ISLAND_L1L2PhaseDelta': 179.5, 'ISLAND_L1L3PhaseDelta': -256.0, 'ISLAND_L2L3PhaseDelta': -256.0, 'ISLAND_GridState': 'ISLAND_GridState_Grid_Compliant', 'ISLAND_L1MicrogridOk': True, 'ISLAND_L2MicrogridOk': True, 'ISLAND_L3MicrogridOk': False, 'ISLAND_ReadyForSynchronization': True, 'ISLAND_GridConnected': True, 'METER_Z_CTA_InstRealPower': 320.0, 'METER_Z_CTB_InstRealPower': -172.0, 'METER_Z_CTA_InstReactivePower': -100.0, 'METER_Z_CTB_InstReactivePower': -81.0, 'METER_Z_LifetimeEnergyNetImport': 39544.0, 'METER_Z_LifetimeEnergyNetExport': 417.0, 'METER_Z_VL1G': 122.89, 'METER_Z_VL2G': 124.74000000000001, 'METER_Z_CTA_I': 4.745, 'METER_Z_CTB_I': 3.95}, 'TESLA--GF2220660001AL': {'componentParentDin': 'STSTSM--1538000-25-F--GF22206600017G', 'serialNumber': 'GF2220660001AL', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'meterAttributes': {'meterLocation': [1]}}, 'NEURIO--VAH4755AB5813': {'componentParentDin': 'STSTSM--1538000-25-F--GF22206600017G', 'serialNumber': 'VAH4755AB5813', 'manufacturer': 'NEURIO', 'firmwareVersion': '1.7.1-Tesla', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'meterAttributes': {'meterLocation': [5]}, 'NEURIO_CT0_Location': 'solarRGM', 'NEURIO_CT0_InstRealPower': -2724.0}, 'NEURIO--VAH4644AB0258': {'componentParentDin': 'STSTSM--1538000-25-F--GF22206600017G', 'serialNumber': 'VAH4644AB0258', 'manufacturer': 'NEURIO', 'firmwareVersion': '1.7.1-Tesla', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'meterAttributes': {'meterLocation': [5]}, 'NEURIO_CT0_Location': 'solarRGM', 'NEURIO_CT0_InstRealPower': 3460.56005859375}, 'TESLA--1538100-01-F--CN321286C1F0OR': {'componentParentDin': 'STSTSM--1538000-25-F--GF22206600017G', 'serialNumber': '1538100-01-F--CN321286C1F0OR', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'pvInverterAttributes': {'nameplateRealPowerW': 7680}}, 'TESLA--1538100-01-F--CN322025C1F0F5': {'componentParentDin': 'STSTSM--1538000-25-F--GF22206600017G', 'serialNumber': '1538100-01-F--CN322025C1F0F5', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'pvInverterAttributes': {'nameplateRealPowerW': 7680}}}

String Data: {'A': {'Current': 5.67, 'Voltage': 241.60000000000002, 'Power': 1368.0, 'State': 'PV_Active', 'Connected': True}, 'B': {'Current': 5.73, 'Voltage': 241.9, 'Power': 1377.0, 'State': 'PV_Active_Parallel', 'Connected': True}, 'C': {'Current': 0.0, 'Voltage': -0.29999999999999893, 'Power': 0.0, 'State': 'PV_Active', 'Connected': False}, 'D': {'Current': 0.0, 'Voltage': -1.299999999999999, 'Power': 0.0, 'State': 'PV_Active', 'Connected': False}, 'A1': {'Current': 10.42, 'Voltage': 365.90000000000003, 'Power': 3758.0, 'State': 'PV_Active', 'Connected': True}, 'B1': {'Current': 0.01, 'Voltage': 0.3000000000000007, 'Power': 0.0, 'State': 'PV_Active', 'Connected': False}, 'C1': {'Current': 0.0, 'Voltage': -0.7999999999999989, 'Power': 0.0, 'State': 'PV_Active', 'Connected': False}, 'D1': {'Current': 0.0, 'Voltage': -1.299999999999999, 'Power': 0.0, 'State': 'PV_Active', 'Connected': False}}

So with all this data, any idea if there's anything wrong?

Also, why are the strings A and B always showing the same power?

Thank you.
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Strings A & B on your second inverter are wired together at the inverter so they will always have the same voltage and current. That inverter is wired to a pair of 7 panel strings that are wired in parallel on the roof.

That pair of strings are putting out about 1/2 the current I would expect. Is the shading shown in your picture typical of what you see all day or just in the morning? They probably shouldn't have wired the strings in parallel if you have shading on one of the strings. It could also be a wiring issue on the roof where on of the 7 panel strings is not hooked up.
I am sure some of the techies will dig into your post. In the meantime, I see you have 25 400Watt panels on two strings but I cannot make out the inverter max capacity as that is what will limit your max output under the best ideal conditions.
The inverters that come with the Powerwalls+, so 7.5kWh each if I remember correctly.
That pair of strings are putting out about 1/2 the current I would expect. Is the shading shown in your picture typical of what you see all day or just in the morning?
There is shadow now before 10am or so and after 4pm.
There is shadow now before 10am or so and after 4pm.
Sorry I missed your comment about shading in your original post. I suspect there is a wiring issue on the roof as your producing half the expected current during midday. One of those two 7 panel strings is likely not producing

Unfortunately you will have to get Tesla onsite to look and it will take some effort to get them out there as their first answer will likely be "It is producing as expected." I would emphasize to them that the pair of strings is producing half the expected current under full illumination.
Sorry I missed your comment about shading in your original post. I suspect there is a wiring issue on the roof as your producing half the expected current during midday. One of those two 7 panel strings is likely not producing

Unfortunately you will have to get Tesla onsite to look and it will take some effort to get them out there as their first answer will likely be "It is producing as expected." I would emphasize to them that the pair of strings is producing half the expected current under full illumination.
Sorry you mean current, voltage, or production? What makes you think that that is the problem? The voltage?
The current is the giveaway. Each string should put out ~10A during peak sun (obviously will vary based on location, panel orientation, and time of year). You have two strings in parallel so together they should put out ~20A. They are wired into two jumpered inputs on the inverter so each inverter input should read ~10A for a total of ~20A. Your data only shows ~5A which means the two strings are putting out only ~10A together. In all likelihood one of the two strings is putting out the nominal ~10A and the other is putting out near ~0A.
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And was it cloudy or full sun? Your graphs show very erratic operation like it was a cloudy day or something not operating properly. Full sun should have a nice smooth ramp.


  • Screen Shot 2022-06-14 at 6.55.34 AM.png
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what happens to output with strings in parallel when you have partial shading on one string? voltage has to be equal on both arrays, so current would have to decrease. now does the array would not be at the same optimal power point as the other array, so the mppt will seek a new optimal power point that is neither optimal for both arrays.
just seems better to have two home runs landing on individual mppt controllers.
... 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122130001JNG', 'partNumber': '1538100-01-F', 'serialNumber': 'CN321286C1F0OR', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 296}, 'PVAC_Iout': 10.68, 'PVAC_VL1Ground': 124.19999999999999, 'PVAC_VL2Ground': 121.5, 'PVAC_VHvMinusChassisDC': -212.0, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_A': 5.67, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_B': 5.73, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_C': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_D': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_A': 241.60000000000002, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_B': 241.9, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_C': -0.29999999999999893, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_D': -1.299999999999999, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_A': 1368.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_B': 1377.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_C': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_D': 0.0, 'PVAC_LifetimeEnergyPV_Total': 29090.0, 'PVAC_Vout': 247.60000000000002, 'PVAC_Fout': 59.976, 'PVAC_Pout': 2760.0, 'PVAC_Qout': 20.0, 'PVAC_State': 'PVAC_Active', 'PVAC_GridState': 'Grid_Compliant', 'PVAC_InvState': 'INV_Grid_Connected', 'PVAC_PvState_A': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_B': 'PV_Active_Parallel', 'PVAC_PvState_C': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_D': 'PV_Active', 'PVI-PowerStatusSetpoint': 'on'}, 'PVS--1538100-01-F--CN321286C1F0OR': {'componentParentDin': 'PVAC--1538100-01-F--CN321286C1F0OR', 'partNumber': '1538100-01-F', 'serialNumber': 'CN321286C1F0OR', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': '0eb61d6819b2b3', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138633, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 297}, 'PVS_vLL': 247.4, 'PVS_State': 'PVS_Active', 'PVS_SelfTestState': 'PVS_SelfTestOff', 'PVS_EnableOutput': True, 'PVS_StringA_Connected': True, 'PVS_StringB_Connected': True, 'PVS_StringC_Connected': False, 'PVS_StringD_Connected': False, 'alerts': ['PVS_a019_MciStringC', 'PVS_a020_MciStringD']}, 'PVAC--1538100-01-F--CN322025C1F0F5': {'componentParentDin': 'TETHC--3012170-25-C--TG122117000WLV', 'partNumber': '1538100-01-F', 'serialNumber': 'CN322025C1F0F5', 'manufacturer': 'TESLA', 'firmwareVersion': 'a54352e6706386', 'lastCommunicationTime': 1655138634, 'teslaEnergyEcuAttributes': {'ecuType': 296}, 'PVAC_Iout': 14.76, 'PVAC_VL1Ground': 124.5, 'PVAC_VL2Ground': 121.5, 'PVAC_VHvMinusChassisDC': -212.0, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_A': 10.42, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_B': 0.01, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_C': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVCurrent_D': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_A': 365.90000000000003, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_B': 0.3000000000000007, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_C': -0.7999999999999989, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredVoltage_D': -1.299999999999999, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_A': 3758.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_B': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_C': 0.0, 'PVAC_PVMeasuredPower_D': 0.0, 'PVAC_LifetimeEnergyPV_Total': 34220.0, 'PVAC_Vout': 247.20000000000002, 'PVAC_Fout': 59.980000000000004, 'PVAC_Pout': 3450.0, 'PVAC_Qout': -10.0, 'PVAC_State': 'PVAC_Active', 'PVAC_GridState': 'Grid_Compliant', 'PVAC_InvState': 'INV_Grid_Connected', 'PVAC_PvState_A': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_B': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_C': 'PV_Active', 'PVAC_PvState_D': 'PV_Active', 'PVI-PowerStatusSetpoint': 'on'}, 'PVS--1538100-01-F--CN322025C1F0F5':...
the 2x 7 arrays are jumpered together is why a and b always show the same power.
i think the other array could be clipping on the one mppt. i can't find a tesla installation manual for the inverter.
what happens to output with strings in parallel when you have partial shading on one string? voltage has to be equal on both arrays, so current would have to decrease. now does the array would not be at the same optimal power point as the other array, so the mppt will seek a new optimal power point that is neither optimal for both arrays.
just seems better to have two home runs landing on individual mppt controllers.
I think if the shade was just on a small portion of one of the strings the MPPT would drop the voltage to close to the MPP of the shaded string. Essentially the impact of shading is ~x2 for strings in parallel. If more than half the string was shaded I would imagine the MPPT would transition to the MPP voltage of the unshaded string and the shaded string would be completely bypassed.
I think if the shade was just on a small portion of one of the strings the MPPT would drop the voltage to close to the MPP of the shaded string. Essentially the impact of shading is ~x2 for strings in parallel. If more than half the string was shaded I would imagine the MPPT would transition to the MPP voltage of the unshaded string and the shaded string would be completely bypassed.
That's a bummer to hear. I imagine it would be very hard to make them do a single string at this point. They are coming on Monday so I will tell them anyways.
i think they should just run the extra home run and put each string on its own mppt....
on the bright side you are generating 3450w on the array over the garage. but the one on the house is only producing half of what it should be. the current on both mppt's should be 10 amps, not 5 amps. my guess, one of the arrays is NOT CONNECTED.