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New Teslas (Model S & X) For Sale / Rent

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Hi there.

I hope this is the right place for this post. Right now, I'm focused on trying to win the top referral program annual award for 2017 in North America. It's a P100DL...my ultimate dream car! It's looking pretty decent right now. I need to get to 20 total referrals as quickly as possible & before anyone else does to win. Each phase has a limited number of available referrals, so it won't happen until the 3rd phase this summer at the earliest.

Given this overarching goal, I put together a program to help my cause but also to potentially help new Tesla owners save money on their new purchase or lease (Model S or Model X). I'd ideally like to work with customers who live in either Colorado, Utah or an adjacent state. If you are interested in working with me according to this program details below, please message me (I'm 100% serious about this). I drive a Tesla Model X 90D currently and previously drove a Model S P85D.

I'm posting this here, mostly to get feedback on if this program would be helpful and valued. Again, all I need is 20 total referrals and I already have a bunch prior to starting this program. I'd likely be willing to do more than 20 if there's sufficient interest this year. It's also a way for me to get access to more priority delivery Model 3s (see below), so that's another motivation to offer this program right now.

New Tesla rental program details:
- Benefits to any participant includes savings and shorter time commitment vs leasing.
- You decide which new Tesla configuration you want to purchase (Model S or X)
- Use the leasing tab on Tesla.com as the comparison benchmark with 12k miles per year selected.
- I purchase the Tesla on your behalf and then rent it back to you for 24 months.
- It's a 24 month rental commitment instead of a 36 month lease with Tesla/US Bank
- You get to choose either $200 per month off the lease price on Tesla.com for all 24 months or take upfront $4,000 off the down payment.
- You pay no upfront sales taxes or property taxes like you would if you purchased it directly
- You pay no vehicle registration, licensing, plate fees for the 24 months
- You don't have to worry about selling this car, or trading it in and getting hit with a huge depreciation
- All other terms are equal to a normal Tesla lease.
- There's one last item that may be of interest to potential new Tesla owners buying right now. For each new Model S or X purchased, I can get 1 priority delivery on a Model 3. No guarantees on when it would happen be delivered, however, I've been told it will be before the masses get theirs. When your Model 3 priority delivery arrives, I will allow you to return your Model S or X without any transfer fees or another lease commitment. You can swap it out for your Model X or S and also just add it as a 2nd car (new 24 month rental in this case). This Model 3 priority transfer isn't a possibility under a normal Tesla lease as far as I'm aware.

Thanks for your feedback!


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That's interesting way to approach it too. Unfortunately, they don't allow you to pay for the referrals, but they do allow you to get a referral on your own purchase as long as you are an existing customer. Part of how I'm able to offer this deal, is based on the tax credits. To tap these credits, I need to actually purchase the car, register it and then rent it back to you.

Just curious, what risks do you see in my proposal?
Seems like quite a bit of risk and financial exposure for the chance of winning the annual prize. There was a limit of 8 referrals the first quarter, and 9 the second. So assuming there are A LOT of people with 17 referrals going into the third quarter, they need just three referrals to get to 20. Are you that close to 20 so you're par with everyone else with 17 referrals? If you have less than 17, you're already way behind the pack.

Have you also factored into your formula paying tax on the rental income? How about depreciation recapture when you sell these business assets that you previously depreciated? What about paying tax on winning the annual prize?

Why would you be interested in doing more than 20? What benefit does that get you besides the interim quarterly prizes?
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Seems like quite a bit of risk and financial exposure for the chance of winning the annual prize. There was a limit of 8 referrals the first quarter, and 9 the second. So assuming there are A LOT of people with 17 referrals going into the third quarter, they need just three referrals to get to 20. Are you that close to 20 so you're par with everyone else with 17 referrals? If you have less than 17, you're already way behind the pack.

Have you also factored into your formula paying tax on the rental income? How about depreciation recapture when you sell these business assets that you previously depreciated? What about paying tax on winning the annual prize?

Why would you be interested in doing more than 20? What benefit does that get you besides the interim quarterly prizes?

I'm not sure how many people are thinking along these lines or just getting referrals the old fashion way. I feel pretty good about my chances to win actually, but it will come down to that third phase no doubt. You can shield the rental income based on straight-line depreciation. The tax credits help offset some of the depreciation hit too.

My reasoning for doing as many as possible is because of the 1 to 1 Model 3 priority delivery. If the rental customer opts for the Model 3, that's great. I benefit from getting priority delivery on the Model 3s.
Just thinking outside the box, it would seem a lot easier on June 16th to just buy three S75 bare-bones cars at $63,200 each (after tax credit).... unload them at a deep discount "as new" for say $55k... you're out about $24k (plus sales tax) and you win the annual prize (maybe).

That's true and sort of the plan. At the same time, I'm hoping I'd like to have rental customers lined up for after the purchases. I'd ideally like to do many more than just the 20 too. I can explain my reasoning but probably not easily on this forum. It has to do with priority delivery on the Model 3, tax credits, shielding income from an existing business and creating a consumer brand. For that reason, easiest isn't necessarily the only consideration. How do you recommend I get the initial 20 customers and beyond?
I have no suggestions for you, but your plan seems kinda far-fetched, especially for such a small chance at actually winning the annual prize. You do realize a lot of people are competing for that same prize? Also, at Tesla's discretion, they could deny your referrals as acting in bad faith or gaming their system.

Referral Program

Good Faith
We introduce programs such as these in good faith and expect the same good faith in return. Please note that we may withhold awards where we believe customers are acting in bad faith or otherwise acting contrary to the intent of this program. To be clear, commercializing or otherwise selling referral codes is not appropriate, and we will not honor such codes. We cannot cover every nefarious scenario, nor will we attempt to, but we do promise to be fair and reasonable.
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Yes, I realize it about the competition and I believe I'm well positioned right now as being either in the lead or tied for the lead heading into the 3rd phase. I've been in touch with the referral team at Tesla regarding my idea and they didn't have a problem with it. The program allows you as an existing customer to refer yourself without any limitations. So actually, it's not very far fetched at all. Just a matter of making it happen.
About time, they should get rid of this one too...

I heard from the site moderators and apparently my post violated some of the user terms of service. It has to do with promoting a service and/or my referral code on the site in an inappropriate way. This was not my intention at all with posting info about my rental concept. I was interested to hear if community members felt the program was useful and had merit. Anyway, out of respect for the moderators and other site users, I decided not to fight their decision. It's not that I necessarily agree with it, but not worth getting sideways over this.

All I can say is that I'm totally serious about this concept and I feel it may be helpful to a specific type of customer. It's not about the referrals and never really was...I don't even need them anymore. I honestly thought that if I explained that part at least people would say I can see it working if that is your only goal. Well, it isn't but it doesn't matter that much anymore.

Thanks for everyone who weighed in with their thoughts and questions. Cheers, JD
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It's not about the referrals and never really was...I don't even need them anymore.

Right now, I'm focused on trying to win the top referral program annual award for 2017 in North America.

I need to get to 20 total referrals as quickly as possible & before anyone else does to win.

Each phase has a limited number of available referrals, so it won't happen until the 3rd phase this summer at the earliest.

Just curious, do you have a referral code currently? If not, you can save $1,000 off your purchase by using mine. Just wanted to make sure you knew that...I'm assuming you do.

Seems to me that the focus was on referrals.. BUT putting everything else aside, looking at the math, wouldn't it be cheaper to just trade your current car and pay the difference than have to finance how ever many other cars you need? Financing the other cars for a *chance* to win the P100DL seems like a lot more of a liability than just buying a P100DL outright.

Thanks Erik

I agree with Hank & something tells me if you asked Tesla about this and showed them your approach, they wouldn't be so keen on it.

I have no suggestions for you, but your plan seems kinda far-fetched, especially for such a small chance at actually winning the annual prize. You do realize a lot of people are competing for that same prize? Also, at Tesla's discretion, they could deny your referrals as acting in bad faith or gaming their system.

Referral Program
I only need 20 referrals to win the P100DL for the 2017 annual award. Each phase only allows for a certain number of referrals (8 in phase 1 & 9 in phase 2). I had already maxed out my allotted referrals for the 1st and 2nd phases, so I only need 3 more at the beginning of phase 3 to win it. Keep in mind, all my referrals to date have been your typical variety, so I wasn't too worried about getting to 20 the old fashion way, just the timing of it to get to 20 as soon as possible at the outset of the 3rd phase.

That's the reason why I started to think about this whole rental scenario to begin with, so yes it's related to referrals for sure. It's just that after getting feedback on this and a couple of other related threads here on the TMC site, I decided to just get my remaining 3 referrals the regular way and not intertwine any "commercial" concepts. I should be able to control the timing of the last 3 referrals to an extent, but ultimately if it's not enough to win the P100DL, then I won't lose any sleep over it.

Above and beyond the referral contest (which admittedly is/was a key piece of my original posts but isn't so pressing anymore), I'm fascinated by this rental program as a win-win way to help customers get into a brand new Tesla and aggregate additional Model 3 priority deliveries in the process. I'm not here to promote this program or option in any way. I'll I'm saying is that if you are sitting in my seat and you do the math with this type of a lens, the math works out pretty well under reasonable assumptions like loss ratios, the used car's worth in the future and my ability to sell the used cars in the future. That's really the part that fascinates me the most of all on this whole deal. That it actually could be done at a decent level of scale. Not that I will necessarily do it, just that it is possible to do it on a decent level of scale and hit a cool market window while it's open.

Thanks again for your thoughts and feedback.