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Religion Quarantine

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History is a wasteland of errors and disasters, caused by a "free market" that permits hazardous results to permeate the environment,
When toxic results are discovered and the population exercise constitutional right to assemble and complain, in the long run everyone pays for lack of due diligence at beginning. (for record, most companies do deal with waste properly)

There is also a arguably a misunderstanding about "free" market, Big corporations are "free" do do what they want, including if they can suppressing rivals (or buying them out). Perhaps a better term for market freedom is "equitable market?"
Well, thank you for making my point for me. You just stated that “for record, most companies do deal with waste properly.” Private companies have an incentive to please their customers and shareholders. They will clean up whatever mess they cause to remain a viable business enterprise. If they don’t clean up their mess, they lose customers and go out of business. Make sense?
Well, thank you for making my point for me. You just stated that “for record, most companies do deal with waste properly.” Private companies have an incentive to please their customers and shareholders. They will clean up whatever mess they cause to remain a viable business enterprise. If they don’t clean up their mess, they lose customers and go out of business. Make sense?

It makes sense in the exact same way that communism makes sense: no one worries about money! Everyone is cared for and happy!

What could go wrong?
Well, I think it is most unfortunate that the free market idea has become ideological. It became ideological when the embrace of Marxism became so prevalent about a century ago. And that embrace is still going on today!
It’s an ideology when it is thought to be adaptive where it is not. Economists have long since abandoned the idea of a truly free market and modern economic theory has moved away from pretending it’s remotely nimble.

Believing it is something it is not is precisely what makes it an ideology. I don’t know where Marxism plays into that at all.

In case I’m being ambiguous here, what I’m saying is that you are being a free market ideologue and are espousing outdated and long debunked concepts. Hence the idea of either another thread or potentially moving it to the religion quarantine.
Your very well being is due to the free market. You benefit from the diesel powered trucks bringing products to the store shelves that you purchase. You have necessities like everybody else. The products to sustain your life are produced and transported by fossil fuels. Hell, a Tesla mobile service vehicle that came out to my house was an ICE car! Tesla uses ICE cars to reduce their operational costs. Imagine that!
Irrelevant. Imagine that!
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It’s an ideology when it is thought to be adaptive where it is not. Economists have long since abandoned the idea of a truly free market and modern economic theory has moved away from pretending it’s remotely nimble.

Believing it is something it is not is precisely what makes it an ideology. I don’t know where Marxism plays into that at all.

In case I’m being ambiguous here, what I’m saying is that you are being a free market ideologue and are espousing outdated and long debunked concepts. Hence the idea of either another thread or potentially moving it to the religion quarantine.
The ideas of Milton Friedman are not outdated at all. He was spot on while he was living and his free market ideas are valid today. Perhaps those economists (Paul Krugman) who never liked the free market to begin with say things like the free market is not adaptive.
The ideas of Milton Friedman are not outdated at all. He was spot on while he was living and his free market ideas are valid today. Perhaps those economists (Paul Krugman) who never liked the free market to begin with say things like the free market is not adaptive.
You didn't even address my point. They still teach Friedman but monetary policy (his mainstay) is nothing like what he prescribed, because it's hopelessly outdated. Your continued praise of the free market while deflecting valid criticisms tells me it's dogma to you. So I think these posts will be appropriately moved to religion quarantine.
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