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Solar Roof Showing 0kW Output on App

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Still Trying to Figure This All Out
May 31, 2015
Northern California
Today I wandered over the Solar Roof portion of my app to see how it was performing. I noticed the graph of energy created today but then noticed that the current kW value was 0. This is a solar roof on a Delta Inverter. I have two other solar systems measured by CTs on my PWs along with the solar roof.

The output for all solar systems did seem to add up OK when I backed out the two non Tesla inverters and then looked at the output at the Delta inverter using MProfessional. MProfessional did show an error on the Network but that may be normal. Never really looked before. I powered down the Tesla box going into an extender and also the extender that is getting WiFi from the home to the outbuilding the Solar Roof is on. None of that changed the output in the app. And from about that time on, there has been nothing shown on the production graph for the Solar Roof but again I think it's still producing. Downloading the data from the solar roof shows no production from 3pm on.

Now to add to the mystery I did change out the wireless AP that is connected to the extender last night. But all seemed to work fine until 2:30PM today.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?
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Sounds like the wireless CT might not find its way home to the TEG anymore. Is the CT signal wire from your solar roof inverter hardwired to the Gateway or is it connected to the TEG via WiFi?

If WiFi, did you set the DHCP reservation in the new AP? I have only started learning all about this procedure, but it is my first thought.
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Sounds like the wireless CT might not find its way home to the TEG anymore. Is the CT signal wire from your solar roof inverter hardwired to the Gateway or is it connected to the TEG via WiFi?
I have two ways of measuring the output of the solar roof:
  1. Through the TEG which is done via CT's but is bundled with the two other solar systems. This shows in the app via the TEG panel
  2. Through the Delta inverter and a Tesla box that is connected to the inverter via ethernet and then via another wireless extender to Tesla. This shows only the Solar Roof output. This shows in the app in the Solar Roof section.
#2 is where the problem was

If WiFi, did you set the DHCP reservation in the new AP? I have only started learning all about this procedure, but it is my first thought.
This essentially may be the issue in retrospect. When I substituted the new AP I noticed the old one had DHCP turned on so I decided to not turn it on with the new one, relying on the DHCP to be centralized from the main router.

Anyway I can report that the production is once again showing up in the app. And taking your DHCP hint I looked at the new AP and noticed that the Tesla Gateway box now appears and is sending data. It was not there when I was observing the problem and that should have been my clue. The lease (connected time) is now about 10 hours, so sometime after midnight it reconnected. My guess is that the lease must have expired when the problem first appeared the day before.

Why it did not get a new lease when I powered everything off and on is a mystery. But my networking skills are less than they used to be when I was in the business.

So this appears to be a unique set of circumstances that I caused and a mixture of technologies that is just not as resilient as I expected.
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A bit more background and the problem is not resolved.

Today the app once again reported the solar system was in Stand By while it was generating the power. I have one of these Neo black boxes which is only about 3 feet from the inverter. I had no idea there were status messages on the bottom edge. The No Signal error was displayed. I went through all the trouble shooting steps such as restarting the inverter and powering off/on the Neo gateway. About 4 hours later it started to display solar production on the app. It says to wait 24 hours before you give up.

So TBD why this gateway is acting like it is. My guess is that it is history and starting to intermittently fail. It was probably just coincidental to my AP swap. But it could also be hypersensitive to something in the new AP so I am going to run with the old one for a few days to see if it becomes stable again.

And when I got the gateway the Tesla person said it was the last in their cache. Not sure how or if I can get another.
And when I got the gateway the Tesla person said it was the last in their cache. Not sure how or if I can get another.
If your gateway is having trouble, I believe you should be able to get a replacement. I think we have the same black gateway box. Tesla contacted me a few months ago saying they wanted to replace my gateway box because they weren't getting all of the data they expected back at the mothership. They shipped me a replacement box from NJ (I live on the east coast) and then I mailed my old box back to them. After swapping the boxes, I called customer service to verify everything was working properly. That ended up being a good thing to do, since the customer rep said he needed to switch some config in their system to reference the new gateway box.

If you have not done so already, I'd contact customer service to see if they'll send you a replacement box.
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If you have not done so already, I'd contact customer service to see if they'll send you a replacement box.
I did the troubleshoot steps again this AM and still have intermittent ant or no connection with the gateway to the inverter. I used the app and put in a service request. Lets hope they do as they did for you and just ship me out a new gateway box.
Tesla contacted me yesterday via sms saying everything was fine. That was true yesterday and today, but the prior days it was either spotty or non existent.

Anyway after a few text exchanges they said that if it fails again they will mail me a new neuro black gateway box for the Delta inverter.

It shows (showed?) No Signal during all of these events, which I am led to believe is that it did could not connect to the inverter, which is literally 5 feet away and I can communicate to it with mProfessional, which has a much shorter distance limitation.
A bit of an update today. The system has been working fine for the last 5 days. No interruptions.

I am going to chalk this up to the less than resiliency of the little black Tesla/Nureo (sp) gateway box that connects to the Delta Inverter via ZigBee and your network via ethernet. If you follow Tesla's procedures to reset everything they state you should wait 24 hours before moving to support. And in fact I observed the box connecting and then disconnecting multiple times in an hour. I also suspect it has to sync with Tesla's servers and somehow that might effect how it reports too.

So in a nut shell, by swapping out the WAP it was all connected to the GW box needed 24 hours to become stable again, maybe when a lease ran out. Not the most stable device IMHO. But I seem to be back online again until the next unintended interruption.
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