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WTB: 13/14 Model S

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Hello there,

I'm looking to get a Model S that's under $40k. I have a premium account on EV-CPO (to get the email notifications), and have also contacted an owner advisor at Tesla. He's looking out to see if anything pops up, but he suggested looking elsewhere in the meantime, so I figured I'd check in here again! I've opened up a bit with my criteria, basically looking for one that is:

Exterior color: red, white, silver, gray
Tech Package
Pano Roof

I'm okay with an R-title if the price is right and it's Tesla certified, but even then it could be tough cause financing is tough on them - the rates are quite a bit higher.

Anyway, thanks for checking this out! Have a good one!

blrm71 - I am looking to sell my 2012 Model S. It has a salvage title, but was rebuilt by Tesla at the factory. It is a long story, but this may be the car for you. It only has 27k miles. It is black with a 85kwh battery. It would be in your price range also. Send me a personal message and we can discuss.