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WTB: '13-16 Model S, Silver Turbines, Grey or White interior

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Looking to buy a 2013-2016 Model S with 21" silver turbine wheels. Must have Grey or White interior. Exterior color not as important as I intend to wrap the car. Prefer less than 75k miles and an East coast car. I'm in N. Carolina. Cash buyer.
Just a little word of advice from someone who once would ONLY buy a Model S with 21" turbines: They suck. Seriously. They're heavy, curb damage prone & give you very limited and very expensive tire options. My first Model S absolutely HAD to have them. Big mistake. After buying that one and seeing how many people were trying to sell 21" wheel sets inexpensively I bought my next car with the idea of getting the best car that met my needs within my budget and would put whatever wheels I wanted on it after. So, even if you don't heed my advice on not getting them at all, at least don't pigeon hole yourself into ONLY buying cars that have them. You'll miss out on some killer deals that are easily swapped to the wheels you want afterwards.

As for interior, the gray or white can be cooler than the black in the summer but the tan and gray tend to look a little more shabby with higher miles. They don't seem to age quite as well. I think the white holds up alright other than denim stains that are difficult/time consuming to remove. The black seems to hold up the best long-term. I see it's not on your list though so my guess is you're worried about it being hot in the summer. The only time I've noticed this in my Model S cars is when I leave the sunroof or side windows open and the sun comes in at just the right angle. The tan doesn't get quite as hot in these same instances but will still be uncomfortable. The moral is close your sunroof and tint your windows and it won't matter what color your interior is. Also, with the climate conditioning it's really not that big of a deal as compared to normal gas powered cars that you have to sit in for a while running to get any sort of actual cool air blowing out. In a Model S you quickly learn to set the temp to 70 degrees via the app to cool things off a few minutes before you get in.

Just my advice worth exactly what you paid for it.