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WTB 19" wheels/tires for Model S

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Just picked up my first Tesla, a CPO S P85. Love it so far, but the only thing I didn't really want/need was the 21" wheels. They look awesome, but 19"s make more sense for my location and driving.
So I'm looking to see if anyone has 19" wheels/tires for sale.
I could pick up in Salt Lake City area or am open to pay for shipping.
Would also consider trading the 21"s on the car for 19"s.

I just got my 2013 S85 last week and it has the 19" wheels and I want the 21" wheels. They are in "pretty good" shape not perfect. Would love to swap. I'm in NY would have to figure out if shipping costs are worth it. I can send pics if you are interested. I'll be putting on my winter wheels sometime next week so these would be available. Shoot me a PM or reply here :)
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