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WTB 21-22 refresh MS 19” rims can trade 21” factory rims/tires

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LR MS RN1149, white\black, 19”, no FSD ordered5/1
Jul 11, 2021
Taking delivery of a MS with 21s and need 19s factory rims for winter. I have tires already but can buy the tires too if they are in 1 piece with the rim. Dm me

Ican trade the 21s if you meet in NY or can ship if you ship me the 19s first so i can take the 21s off to ship to you. I would ask for a 2k payment too since the 21s are a 6500 package add on vs the 19s

Will buy 19s without a trade! Pelase dm
Taking delivery of a MS with 21s and need 19s factory rims for winter. I have tires already but can buy the tires too if they are in 1 piece with the rim. Dm me

Ican trade the 21s if you meet in NY or can ship if you ship me the 19s first so i can take the 21s off to ship to you. I would ask for a 2k payment too since the 21s are a 6500 package add on vs the 19s

Will buy 19s without a trade! Pelase dm
Have a set of the 19’s with TPMS and tires mounted for sale
Taking delivery of a MS with 21s and need 19s factory rims for winter. I have tires already but can buy the tires too if they are in 1 piece with the rim. Dm me

Ican trade the 21s if you meet in NY or can ship if you ship me the 19s first so i can take the 21s off to ship to you. I would ask for a 2k payment too since the 21s are a 6500 package add on vs the 19s

Will buy 19s without a trade! Pelase dm
Definitely interested in doing this with you, but my EDD is 5/9-6/6 with an RN1152 reservation for Texas. If you are willing to wait, we could work out a deal.
Taking delivery of a MS with 21s and need 19s factory rims for winter. I have tires already but can buy the tires too if they are in 1 piece with the rim. Dm me

Ican trade the 21s if you meet in NY or can ship if you ship me the 19s first so i can take the 21s off to ship to you. I would ask for a 2k payment too since the 21s are a 6500 package add on vs the 19s

Will buy 19s without a trade! Pelase dm
Sent you a PM. I'm close to the city.