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WTB: 6 or 7 Seater "Base" Model X

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I'm looking to buy a basic Model X. What I mean by basic is that all options (battery size, color, AP, etc.) are not a concern. The only option I really need is a 6 or 7 seater with an active warranty. The used prices from Tesla and everywhere else seem extremely high to me. I understand a new Model X 75 with 7 seats can be bought for $82.5K before tax incentives. I'm hoping to find a used one for under $70K. I may have to wait another year or for a refresh to hit, but I want to start my search now anyway. Even if you don't have one personally to sell, I will gladly take any leads. Thank you!
I'm looking to buy a basic Model X. What I mean by basic is that all options (battery size, color, AP, etc.) are not a concern. The only option I really need is a 6 or 7 seater with an active warranty. The used prices from Tesla and everywhere else seem extremely high to me. I understand a new Model X 75 with 7 seats can be bought for $82.5K before tax incentives. I'm hoping to find a used one for under $70K. I may have to wait another year or for a refresh to hit, but I want to start my search now anyway. Even if you don't have one personally to sell, I will gladly take any leads. Thank you!
With the government incentives still in place you may want to look at a new one. Call your local Tesla Store, I bet they can assist you and answer any questions you may have.