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WTB Gen 1 tesla S roof rack 2012-2014

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Putting this out there, I am looking for a used good working order roof rack for my wifes 2013 Tesla model S. Not an immediate need so in no hurry should this take a few months or even a couple years to find at the price I am looking to spend, $200 local to Colorado Springs or an hours drive proximity from here would also be fine. I will buy from anywhere but unsure what shipping costs would be, my zip is 80916.

If you have an old one laying around you dont use or maybe cant use any longer if you sold the old car think of me, I know my kids will grow and I will need it for my future family road trips since we wont be able to use the legroom space for storage any longer.

Thanks Tesla peeps and broader universe!
this is gen1 I need vs gen2 I cant use for further clarification