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WTB: Model S 19" wheels or wheels & tires

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Have you upgraded you're 19" wheels/tires? You don't want to bother listing them on eBay?
You might even be in the greater Boston, MA area? (Or I will pay for shipping).

I am looking for up to 4 wheels/tires, hoping to get them in the summer/fall for use with snow tires coming up next winter. Yes I can buy a "package" from Tesla for $2,400, no I don't need them "that badly"

LMK what you have and how much you are looking for, wheels with TPMS sensors are of course worth more to me.
Though I can get them as parts from Tesla as well.
I got a spare for my S, 19" rim and tire for $250 from the San Diego SC. Since some of the first that came out did not have the 21" that were ordered they were sent out with 19. Might want to check with your local SC.

biwamura, you got a great deal, my local (Watertown, MA) service center doesn't have any "used" or even "beat up" 19" wheels.

They did get me a price on new 19" wheels ($275 each), and the TPMS sensor ($125 each), so $400/set without the tire.

I'm still looking...