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WTB Model S 60D/70D/75D Refresh AP

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Looking for a 2016 refreshed Model S dual motor 60D/70D/75D with AP, leather and pano. Should be ESA eligible. Ideally midnight silver metallic. Will travel to you in lower 48. $60k+ budget depending on specifics.


I believe my car, a 2016 Model S 75D, meets all of your requirements except for color (it is red). The link appears below. Current price is $71K, which I hope isn’t a deal breaker, given your stated budget. But if it is, please feel free to make me an offer.

Start a conversation with me if you are interested. Thanks!

2016 Model S 75D, 17,179 Miles, $73,500
I'm sorry, I'm not sure why I didn't see the alert that you replied to my post until now. Thank you for sharing the link, I actually did see your car for sale already. Unfortunately red is a deal breaker for me but thank you for pointing it out, and best of luck with the sale!