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WTB: Model X with AP2 AND ventilated seats

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Probably out of price range but specs should be what you're asking for:
MX P100D deep blue metallic
heated and ventilated seats
6 seat interior (3 rows)
at time of order *every* option was checked
free supercharging
black/carbonfiber interior with black trim and napa leather dash
less than 30k miles
Jesus it’s been 2 years! Still looking for a larger battery X with heated/cooled seats and 3rd row? Current budget?
Priorities have since changed. 100% remote work, but we’ve got a new driver in the household so no more Performance dreams and a lower budget. I’m thinking a 2017/18 75 will do just fine.

Tracking on ev-cpo oted a bunch of 75’s sold in the $45-$50ish range.