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Wtb: roof rack - model 3 - Boston area

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As the title states, looking for an oem roof rack for my model 3. I want one, but don’t really need it enough to justify the full price and I don’t trust the aftermarket stuff enough to not damage the glass roof.

So, who has a model 3 roof rack collecting dust in their garage that they’d be willing to part with? 🙃
As the title states, looking for an oem roof rack for my model 3. I want one, but don’t really need it enough to justify the full price and I don’t trust the aftermarket stuff enough to not damage the glass roof.

So, who has a model 3 roof rack collecting dust in their garage that they’d be willing to part with? 🙃
Whether you enjoy adventures with friends or just need a way to transport goods, TESERY's Model 3 roof rack is the perfect accessory! It is made of high-quality aluminum alloy material, lightweight and strong enough to accommodate goods such as bicycles, snowboards, kayaks, tents, etc. that are not suitable for placing in luggage!

In addition, this upgraded roof rack is equipped with locks at both ends, which has a good anti-theft effect and is safer to use. It only costs $299. With a new design, TESERY's Model 3 roof rack can achieve maximum aerodynamic efficiency, minimum wind noise, and reduce the impact on fuel consumption and endurance mileage.

Regarding installation issues, we provide reasonable installation tools. As long as you strictly follow the installation videos and precautions, the Tesla roof rack will not damage the roof at all.
Got a super weird message from user 'Ryker01' about the wife of a former member here having one, text her, blah blah blah. So I did. $225 shipped, but immediately jumps into "send me your shipping information". Unsurprisingly, it appears that user is now banned. Be careful out there everyone.
Yep, got me for $150 last week for a Model 3 TSportline rim. I am working with Venmo but its probably a write off.