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WTB Tesla Wheels

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Active Member
Apr 10, 2014
Looking for a set of wheels to throw a set of snow tires on. I don't care what style they are, but would prefer they have the Gen2 TPMS.

I'm located in NJ and work in Philly so something in that area would be ideal to avoid shipping.
I have a set of 4 Tesla silver 21” turbines with Gen2 TPMS and Tesla center caps and lug covers.
No tires.
Has a few curb rashes but would make excellent winter rims. I switched to sonic carbons.
These wheels are staggered 8.5 x 21” fronts and 9.0 x 21” rears for better road traction.
I am in Central Calif and would have to ship to you.
PM me if you are interested.
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