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Viewing thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

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      I have an issue with the over nannying approach to life in general that the world had been heading in. This is just one of a long list...
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      FastLaneJB reacted to djtaylor's post in the thread Speed restrictor -July changes with Like Like.
      *Need* no but then again, there never used to be cameras littered everywhere, just waiting for that one time when you accidentally...
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      FastLaneJB reacted to Ribs's post in the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update with Like Like.
      The lesson here is to buy things based on what they can do today. Not based on future promises. We should all have self driving cars...
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      FastLaneJB reacted to dombera's post in the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update with Like Like.
      And this is indeed concerning. I am getting closer and closer to file a case with small claims court and get a refund for EAP on my two...
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      FastLaneJB reacted to thax1's post in the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update with Funny Funny.
      I wonder if his vague interpretation of ‘Coming Soon’ and the fact that he’s conceived 12 children is related?
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      FastLaneJB replied to the thread UK Pricing piss take.
      I’m about 1,400 miles into my Highland now and I think I’ve mostly got used to this. It took a while and had to basically remember that...
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      FastLaneJB replied to the thread UK Pricing piss take.
      Makes sense and thanks for explaining. If your car allowance + mileage compensation covers the car then ultimately you are quids in at...
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      FastLaneJB reacted to yessuz's post in the thread UK Pricing piss take with Like Like.
      Yes, it is a bit longer. Main idea was (and still is) to keep the car in the end... So that is the target anyway, so no biggie here...
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      FastLaneJB replied to the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update.
      I think when Elon said something along the lines that FSD for RHD would take “a while longer” that’s telling. Coming Soon = Within 10...
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      FastLaneJB replied to the thread UK Pricing piss take.
      Is your loan period longer than the PCP though? I mean fair enough on the choice, just trying to understand how buying a car fully is...
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      FastLaneJB replied to the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update.
      It was a mistake and they pulled it from the LHD cars sold in the UK. It also didn’t work but just got into the release notes. Feels...
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      FastLaneJB replied to the thread UK Pricing piss take.
      What kind of mileage do you do? I know plenty of people that have taken PCP but go way over the mileage they specify. They don’t pay the...
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      FastLaneJB replied to the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update.
      Well it is RHD. It's not the position of the steering wheel that's the problem but the side of the road we have to drive on. As others...
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      FastLaneJB reacted to Aliomenti's post in the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update with Like Like.
      I don’t think the issue is RHD, as LHD Model S’s in the UK also didn’t get autopark. Watching videos of autopark in the States, it seems...
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      FastLaneJB replied to the thread [UK] 2024.20 Software Update.
      I don’t think it does matter that they’ve trained it only on LHD but they’ve not tested it I guess in RHD countries so won’t release it...
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