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  1. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    Just left Tesla Service. They said this type of battery lost is within spec and my battery is fine. They also said this is normal behavior especially for a car that is 2 years old. This is my first time owning a Tesla, so I’m not sure what to believe at this point. But they definitely wasted my...
  2. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    They said that on my first attempt to schedule for service, but I’m kept on pressing and even provided pictures. And they still said my battery was fine. I’ve managed to keep my appointment and hopefully there will be some answers.
  3. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    I am taking my car in on Thursday. Let’s see what they say….
  4. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    I never had any of those one.
  5. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    Wow this is driving me crazy! I have not check my tesla app since I parked and lost almost 4% in h 5 hours???
  6. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    Nothing on seats
  7. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    I do not
  8. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    Finally got 2022.36.20 and lost 2% in a 8 hour period. Is this normal?
  9. C

    HVAC recommendation?

    I have a central system
  10. C

    HVAC recommendation?

    Sorry, didn’t phrase that probably. First time buyer on the HVAC unit. I know there are plenty of high efficiency HVAC units out there and looking for recommendations. I have solar panels, but not battery. What type of systems are people buying with having solar panels?
  11. C

    HVAC recommendation?

    I may need to get my HVAC unit replace. Don’t know where to begin. Any recommendation on a system that will pair well with solar?
  12. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    Climate control has been off and I’m still on 2022.20.18
  13. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    I have not been running my AC/heating lately. I did run the AC a lot during the summer, but never had this type of battery drain. At most maybe 1% lost.
  14. C

    Sudden increase in vampire drain?

    Hey OP, I’m kinda experiencing the same issue as you. Never had an issue until recently. I lose about 3-5% within the first hour. Tesla was no help for me, because they said my battery was still in good condition.
  15. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    The sudden battery drain is back! Lose about 4% within the first 40 mins. I checked everything: sentry mode, cabin overheat protection, app on my phone, and app on my wife’s phone. Everything is off and has been off. Am I missing anything else? Tesla was no help. They ran a diagnostic test on my...
  16. C

    Duster for car?

    Does anyone use a duster? Any recommendations for keeping the dust off the car?
  17. C

    Range of Model Y LR

    I’ve done this trip many times from LA to LV. Always charged at Baker on the way there and Yermo on the way back. I can probably make it to Prim on one charge at 100% if I really tried. Like others had mentioned, it is be very difficult to drive less than 65 mph on this trip.
  18. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    I checked both. The car was off but the app was on
  19. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    Finally solved this issue! I was able to get on the phone with Tesla. They said to check the settings of the other driver (wife) to ensure sentry mode is off. Sure enough she had sentry mode on in her app.
  20. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    Sentry mode is off and has been off. Dropped 3% in 4 hours
  21. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    It’s been warm in California. Battery is still draining. Can this be because of hot weather?
  22. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    Oh dam! Didn’t realize there was an app update 2 days ago. Just updated the app. Hopefully this will solve it. I do not launch the app often at all as well.
  23. C

    Sudden Battery drain

    I have started to noticed battery drains 3-5% when car is parked at home and at work. Usually this is 8-10 hours time span. Sentry mode and cabin overheat protection are off as well. I had the car for 2 years and never noticed this type of issue. It usually drains about 1% at most when parked at...
  24. C

    Benefits of having Powerwalls in SoCal

    What’s the life span of a powerwall before having to replace it?
  25. C

    Benefits of having Powerwalls in SoCal

    What if I was planning to add a second EV in the future?
  26. C

    Benefits of having Powerwalls in SoCal

    Currently have a 5.78 kw solar panel system. So far I’ve been pretty happy with the system. Had it since March 2021 and was able to build enough credits to not have to pay anything. Are there any benefits to adding a powerall at this point? We hardly get blackouts and trying to figure out if it...
  27. C

    Diminished value claims around Sacramento, CA region

    Travelers Property and Casualty Company of America
  28. C

    Diminished value claims around Sacramento, CA region

    Any advice or suggestions on how to claim diminish value if the other insurance company is non responsive?
  29. C

    Diminished value claims around Sacramento, CA region

    I was side swiped by a semi truck back in March, minor damage. Got everything fix. Can I still claim diminish value at this point?
  30. C

    First time tire change mileage.

    At 30k miles and still going strong
  31. C

    Tesla Owners' Everyday Climate Control Use

    The overheat protection is a useless feature in my opinion. It will also drain your battery. You are better off manually doing it through your phone 10 min before entering your car.
  32. C

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    My work offers level 2 charging at work for $.20/kWh. I am currently on tou 4-9 and charge daily. I was thinking about switching over to prime, but thought of sticking to tou 4-9 and charging at work when I am over for the month. That should be the most cost effective way for me right?
  33. C

    SCE: TOU-D 4-9pm or TOU-D Prime

    what is the rate of SCE buyback of net producers with TOU 4-9 vs prime?
  34. C

    Fair price for PPF + Ceramic?

    How does one tell when the ceramic coating has worn out? I also had really bad water spots that I didn’t think I would be able to remove. However after 3 good washes (3 weeks) the water spots are all gone. Wondering if it was the ceramic coating that helped or my car washing skills are elite.
  35. C

    Cabin Overheat Protection doesn't work, never has.

    I leave it off and never thought about it again. It’s useless in my opinion and will drain the battery
  36. C

    Phantom Braking - Fixed.

    This who are FSD beta: if I switch back to standard, will I get the latest software update? If so, what happens to my fsd beta?
  37. C

    Phantom Braking - Fixed.

    What do you mean by standard software? Get out of beta?
  38. C

    Phantom Braking - Fixed.

    I am still on 2022.4.5.21 as well. How to I get the software updated?
  39. C

    hit by a semi truck

    Lol. Not sure how to post video on here, but here’s a screenshot (it’s easier to photoshop).
  40. C

    hit by a semi truck

    Semi truck merged on to my lane and side swiped the rear bumper and wheel on the passenger side. Damage looks minor, mainly deep scratches. Looks like I will need a new rear bumper and rim. Truck driver is definitely at fault. Looking for a good Tesla body shop in Socal, any recommendations?
  41. C

    Cabin Overheat protection

    All my windows are tinted. The car reports +100 degrees interior temps. I am wondering the same as you. However the car doesn’t feel like it’s over 100 degrees when I do sit in it.
  42. C

    Cabin Overheat protection

    It’s set to fan only
  43. C

    Cabin Overheat protection

    Also it’s about 69 degrees right now. The car is reading 81 degrees for exterior and now reading 103 degrees for interior. I am parked directly under the sun, but it doesn’t feel like 103 degrees inside the car
  44. C

    Cabin Overheat protection

    Does anyone leave this option off? Hasn’t really been hot in SoCal (60-70 degrees) and realized the cabin overheat protection was on for the last couple days. Rather save on battery by leaving this off completely.
  45. C

    Cost to charge on a public level 2 charger?

    I’m just doing my math base off this.
  46. C

    Cost to charge on a public level 2 charger?

    I have Charge Point chargers at my work and it costs about .05 cents a mile to charge. Is this considered a good rate?
  47. C

    Touch up paint for Induction wheels

    Had a minor curb scape. Touch up paint should be able to fix it. Does anyone have a recommendation on touch up paint for the induction wheels?
  48. C

    Judgement Day (FSD Beta)

    just curious… is the car worth more with beta vs FSD?