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  1. simplesolid

    Anyone Else Worried About Not Getting Delivery in December?

    Just a word of caution, that one week waiting period is a godsend, I can't tell you how many changes I made during that week until I finally found the perfect options for me. I must changed my order no less than 7-8 times during that week. I am glad I waited.
  2. simplesolid

    Anyone Else Worried About Not Getting Delivery in December?

    I thought about that, but I think it is the contrary of what you think, cars being built right now will have a sweet price spot as they will have AP 2.0 and free Supercharger for life. Not to mention that I get the Federal Tax credit is a very nice discount. I can't pass out on all these...
  3. simplesolid

    Caveat Emptor

    The only thing that really concerns me is that my Ipad has much better response times than the onboard screen, seems so slow and very annoying quite frankly as I like my devices to be snappy. At least in the 2013-14 car I rented before deciding to order mine. It's not a deal breaker but...
  4. simplesolid

    Anyone Else Worried About Not Getting Delivery in December?

    May I ask where do you live? 10-11 days sounds pretty fast for transit time.
  5. simplesolid

    Ordering my Model S - Should I order Full Self Driving Now or Later?

    I think that's relative and depends how many cars they have out in the wild with necessary hardware. Probably doesn't add up to much if you compare to actual car sale, but then again it's all profit for them so I could be wrong.
  6. simplesolid

    Anyone Else Worried About Not Getting Delivery in December?

    I am very impatient as well always hate waiting for things, Tesla hasn't been that bad tho, the worst was when I was trying to buy our house, talk about inefficient :) The way I figured I have a least another 3-4 weeks worth of waiting, hopefully less. But I have vacation coming up Dec 15th, it...
  7. simplesolid

    Powerwall2 and Enphase Microinverters

    I ordered the PW2, hopefully it will work with my system. I have 44 panels with enphase micro inverters that slightly over 10kw. Currently selling to power company however I sell to them cheap just so they can sell it back to me at a higher rate. Hoping that the PW2 will let me save more money...
  8. simplesolid

    Anyone Else Worried About Not Getting Delivery in December?

    I confirmed my order on Nov 17 and contacted my DS last week and was told that my car would go into production December 5th, now I live in Florida and I heard that it takes many weeks to get the car delivered for us. I was assured by the DS that they will delivery before end of the year, but I...
  9. simplesolid

    Main screen won't come on in the morning

    May it started now because the weather has been getting colder now. Just saying may not be due to the software update it could have been a coincidence with the weather changes. Hopefully your issues will be sorted out.
  10. simplesolid

    Ordered my MS60 today, debating if I should get the wall charger

    I just confirmed my order today and I am debating if I should spend the 500 bucks and get the wall chargers, it would be kind of nice not having to keep taking the cable in and out of the trunk everyday. Which is better the wall charger or the plug needed to charge at RV places? I think I need...
  11. simplesolid

    Ordering my Model S - Should I order Full Self Driving Now or Later?

    I read the note a bit more closely and this is what it says "While this is occurring, Teslas with new hardware will temporarily lack certain features currently available on Teslas with first-generation Autopilot hardware, including some standard safety features such as automatic emergency...
  12. simplesolid

    Does Model S 60 actually have a 75 battery?

    Yes that is exactly right, I would feel that would be worth the 10k price tag as it required a physical change.
  13. simplesolid

    Does Model S 60 actually have a 75 battery?

    I now understand why they did it, but still feels shady. Imagine if apple throttled your iphone 7 to an iphone 5 CPU power and sell it at a lower price, people would complain as it is capable of more. How is limiting how much the battery charges for any different than say limiting the max speed...
  14. simplesolid

    Does Model S 60 actually have a 75 battery?

    I guess my problem is paying 8-10k for just a software patch. 8-10k is justifiable to me if they had to change the battery to higher capacity, but knowing that's not the case I would be paying 10k for a OTA. Just feels shady to me.
  15. simplesolid

    Ordering my Model S - Should I order Full Self Driving Now or Later?

    B Based on the responses on this thread, I just removed it from my order. I'll add it after as it may be years until it is ready.
  16. simplesolid

    Does Model S 60 actually have a 75 battery?

    Thanks for the response, but I must admit that it feels like a jerk move from Tesla, I mean restricting the capacity via software when the hardware is there, not sure what Tesla is saving by doing this. Just feels like a butt-head move at least to me.
  17. simplesolid

    Does Model S 60 actually have a 75 battery?

    I was told by a sales person that the 60 actually has a 75 battery but it is restricted to 60 via software and when you upgrade that's just a software update. Is that true?
  18. simplesolid

    Interface Speed - 2014 vs 2016 Model S - Any faster?

    I rented a 2014 Model S to make sure that I would like the car before I placed my order for my 2016 model S, however I am wondering if the hardware for the interface has improved between the 2014 and 2016 as I noticed that things are bit slow like screen takes a bit of time to refresh and...
  19. simplesolid

    Ordering my Model S - Should I order Full Self Driving Now or Later?

    Sounds like there is no immediate benefits to for now. So I think I'll wait as you guys suggested and enabled it after it comes out. Thanks for the help.
  20. simplesolid

    Ordering my Model S - Should I order Full Self Driving Now or Later?

    I am leasing it for now and may purchase after the term, depending on what new version is out at the time and their capabilities.
  21. simplesolid

    Ordering my Model S - Should I order Full Self Driving Now or Later?

    I already placed my order, but I am questioning whether it is wise to get full self driving now or just upgrade later when it becomes available. I did choose the enhanced autopilot which is a requirement to enable full self driving later. Any thoughts?
  22. simplesolid

    60 vs 60D - What will I miss out on?

    I ordered mine this week and they are saying delivery before xmas. I am hopeful.