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  1. R

    Very efficient last drive

    Especially impressive if the "Since Charge" included the ascent of the mountain...
  2. R

    Model 3 - One Year Later

    1975 Toyota Corolla = 160,000 miles 1983 Toyota 2wd Pickup = 205,000 miles 1989 Toyota 4wd Pickup (pre-Tacoma) = 340,000 miles 1997 Toyota Tacoma 4wd Access Cab Pickup = 310,000 miles 2006 Honda Civc Hybrid = 235,000 miles All five of those were purchased new and provided remarkably good...
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    Model 3 - One Year Later

    Congrats on the imminent arrival! It's hard to overstate how profoundly good these cars are. I'd be a bit concerned about those kind of temps in your garage. I have two uninsulated 12x24' sheds (asphalt shingles) and a chicken coop (metal roof) which all see many hours of sunlight exposure...
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    Model 3 - One Year Later

    Today is the one-year anniversary of my Tesla Model 3, AWD Long Range. Here’s a snapshot of what my car looks like after one trip around the sun. Some context… this is a refreshed (late 2021, early 2022) model, with the Lithium 12v battery and the AMD Ryzen processor. I ordered the car on...
  5. R

    Periodic charging or?

    I'd be wary of looking to employees of the manufacturers of EV vehicles or Lithium batteries as the final word, as they have a horse in the race. Even Jeff Dahn. And I'd be cautious about lending too much credence to any article which includes the word "tips" in its title. That usually...
  6. R

    The Perils of Reporting Charge Time in Percent

    It's only a peril for the math-challenged.
  7. R

    Charging at home "complete" before reaching set percentage by a large margin

    I think you're fine. Like you, my car sits out in the weather. And my charger only delivers 16 amps (it's a 20-amp circuit) at around 236 volts. That's pretty low for AC charging. At 10 amps yours is even lower. If the pack temp drops into the 30's (Fahrenheit), the car will attempt to...
  8. R

    New Model 3 draining 12V

    Things happen even with the best manufacturers, and so my starting bias is to give them - the manufacturer and their representatives - every opportunity to redress the issue. That said, a six-week repair on a two-week-old vehicle would have me looking at my state's lemon law and preparing to go...
  9. R

    Higher charge or higher discharge?

    If you can make the trip with SOC going from 90% to 15% I would call that good. If that's an accurate depiction of your trip, there's no good reason to charge higher, simply so you can end at 24%. The wildcards, though, are things like cold temperature, headwinds, elevation, rain, and the...
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    Thinking to purchase a high mileage model 3

    Another aspect of high-mileage cars is that their percentage of DC Fast Charging vs. Level 2 AC charging is likely to be quite high. That's hard on a battery.
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    Arbitration decision of my PCS dispute

    Thanks, @Yanquetino, for making the effort, even if it was unsuccessful. As an aside, regarding arbitration in general, it would be interesting to hear how many cases are decided for the plaintiff versus how many are decided - like here - for the corporate entity. The very word "arbitration"...
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    Arbitrator rules that PCS is not part of HV warranty

    What, pray tell, is this new thread supposed to convey that your other thread hasn't already?
  13. R

    Cold weather driving sucks up the battery

    The car will actively heat or actively cool the battery once certain - fairly extreme - thresholds are crossed. But the notion that the car maintains some kind of optimal battery temp simply isn't true. Tracking cell temps across seasons and across various driving situations shows the "normal"...
  14. R

    Battery temperatures during winter drives

    Being short on charge in very cold weather, with a cold-soaked pack, is a bad place to be!
  15. R

    Can't Schedule Unless I Precondition?

    I believe the "Precondition" button is simply so you can toggle any scheduled events (Departure or Charge) on and off.
  16. R

    Battery temperatures during winter drives

    No, the car was plugged in (Unless it's raining or snowing, I keep it plugged in pretty much all the time). And, yes, the HV pack is warmed by simply turning Climate on... IF the pack is cold enough.
  17. R

    Battery temperatures during winter drives

    Coldest temps of the year here in the mid-Atlantic. Single digits (F) overnight. Yesterday afternoon I walked out to the Model 3 - 150-odd feet from the house, parked in the weather outside the shed - where it had sat getting cold-soaked for two days. Ambient had warmed up considerably (32F)...
  18. R

    any permanent battery degradation driving in extreme cold?

    <<. Here’s one example: https://mdpi-res.com/d_attachment/b...loy/batteries-08-00206.pdf?version=1667368670 >> Thanks for posting this report, @AAKEE. It is excellent! Yes, as far as actionable items, making sure the battery is warmed before driving or charging is about all we can (or need)...
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    any permanent battery degradation driving in extreme cold?

    Roger that, @AAKEE. I agree that L2 charging is rarely a problem. I was speaking of the most extreme conditions... the "bomb cyclone" spreading across most of North America right this moment certainly brings EV charging into sharp focus for a lot of us. I'm not aware of any good studies...
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    any permanent battery degradation driving in extreme cold?

    To provide some additional context for the chart @AAKEE posted, here are some approximations of how different DC Fast Charging speeds relate to C-rate (these are based upon the nominal 82.1 kWh pack in my dual-motor Model 3): 250 kW = 2.77 C-rate 150 kW = 1.83 C-rate 100 kW = 1.22 C-rate 50 kW...
  21. R

    any permanent battery degradation driving in extreme cold?

    Yes, mostly. Turning on Climate will also trigger heating of the battery if it's cold enough. Unfortunately, the car's UI doesn't provide any indication of when that cold-enough threshold has been reached and the battery is being actively heated, versus the threshold wasn't reached and only...
  22. R

    any permanent battery degradation driving in extreme cold?

    Battery internal resistance increases as temperatures decline. Lithium plating is basically a phenomenon whereby that increased resistance causes the rate of ion absorption in the anode - a process called intercalation - to fall below the rate at which ions are being delivered from the cathode...
  23. R

    Cold Weather - Outdoor Parking, any precautions?

    I generally agree with @Braumin about leaving your car plugged in whenever possible. Since my car lives out in the weather, however - no garage - I make a habit of unplugging whenever significant precipitation is expected. That practice has nothing to do with cold weather... and is simply an...
  24. R

    Cold Weather - Outdoor Parking, any precautions?

    Yes, some pretty extreme temps are rolling across most of North America over the next few days. Like you, my car sits out in the weather. No garage. I'd recommend turning climate on 45 minutes to an hour before driving your car. That's to heat the battery pack. Do any L2 charging...
  25. R

    any permanent battery degradation driving in extreme cold?

    Many people own and operate EV's in colder climates. @AAKEE, in particular, does an excellent job in this forum of showcasing how EV's can be successfully and happily used in very cold weather. That said, the OP raises an excellent question. My short answer to that is yes, extreme cold...
  26. R

    Absolutely Best, Proven Method to Warm a Cold Battery

    Yes, the cabin quickly comes up to temp, even if quite cold. But it takes much, much longer for a cold-soaked battery pack to increase temp. Somewhat related... pre-conditioning with the Climate control will always condition the cabin. But it will only trigger heating of the pack (via sending...
  27. R

    New RWD LFP ideal SC strategy?

    @crazy150, your post prompted me to look at my app... and as you already knew... there it is. I didn't know the Tesla app had a "Send to Car" feature. Yes, I'd think that would trigger the SC-level pre-heating just fine.
  28. R

    New RWD LFP ideal SC strategy?

    No, "Scheduled Departure" from the smartphone app will bring the cabin temp to whatever you've set. And if the battery is cold enough - probably never going to happen in Southern Florida - it will pre-heat the battery just enough to get it out of really cold zone. But the pack temperature...
  29. R

    New RWD LFP ideal SC strategy?

    Yes, the LFP-charge-to-100% is only for the BMS. I wouldn't worry about trying to charge to 100% - especially at a SuperCharger. Plenty of time for that once your charger arrives. LFP's exhibit less cell stress from the higher voltages that come with higher SOC's. But they are in no way...
  30. R

    Can someone explain this sentence from the owner's manual regarding the battery

    What Tesla is telling you is NOT to continue with the typical ICE regimen of fill-it-up-and-drain-it-down. Depth of Discharge (DoD) is one of the factors that affects battery health and longevity. Shallower charge-discharge-charge cycles are much preferred over deeper cycles. If at all...
  31. R

    Used 6% to pre-condition

    "Risk" depends upon how hard you accelerate, how fast you drive, at what pack temp, and for how long before the pack is warmed. What will happen to someone who drives a lot with a cold pack? They'll see more rapid deterioration of their pack than they would otherwise. Whether that's important...
  32. R

    Used 6% to pre-condition

    If one's concern is only how many kWh's are consumed, then heating the cabin is certainly an option that can be thrown to the curb. But it's a more complicated story than that. Lithium plating is arguably the worst phenomenon that faces EV drivers. And Lithium plating accelerates...
  33. R

    Displayed Range, Watts/Mile, Calculated Battery Capacity on 2021/2022 Model 3s

    There's simply no way around that if we're going to use our car, we can't avoid any number of things that, on their own, aren't great for the car's battery. Like Supercharging. Or charging to high SOC's. Or driving when it's cold. Or driving when it's hot. But you raise a great question...
  34. R

    Testing the health of 12v battery?

    If your 12v battery is of the older, sealed lead acid family, testing it is fairly straightforward. There are many good testers available at reasonable price that allow you to put a load on the battery and get a gauge of its health. The better testers will also measure internal plate...
  35. R

    2022 M3LR Insufficient Regen After Preconditioning

    Roger that, @GtiMart. You are correct! Hold that thought. I need one more cold morning to check something.
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    2022 M3LR Insufficient Regen After Preconditioning

    Interesting results there, @GtiMart. Thanks for running that test. Looks like Tesla makes a distinction between behaviors of driver-is-in-the-seat vs. just-got-remote-signalled-via-the-app-to-precondition. In any case, the context for preconditioning is that the driver is NOT in the seat...
  37. R

    2022 M3LR Insufficient Regen After Preconditioning

    What I can say is that on a 2022 Model 3 LR AWD, running 2022.40.4.1, ambient temp of 30F, and a cold-soaked pack at 37.4F... heating the cabin most emphatically does NOT heat the battery. Front and rear stators remain quiescent and pack temp does not change, even as the cabin warms. As soon...
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    2022 M3LR Insufficient Regen After Preconditioning

    Simply turning Climate on will not pre-heat the battery. Your cabin will be nice and toasty, but your pack is still cold as ice. The only way I know to actually pre-heat the battery is to go into Scheduled Departure and activate the "Precondition" button (along with an appropriate departure...
  39. R

    Insufficient grounding with metal conduit

    @Olle, you can't test the quality of a ground system with a multimeter. If it were that simple, Fluke would never sell any of those multi-thousand dollar meters that were included in that earlier link of yours. Not that testing individual outlets isn't important - that's in fact what I...
  40. R

    Pre-conditioning in route to supercharger

    Well, I don't think Tesla, good as they are, has found away around the law of Conservation of Energy. So magic probably ain't it. There are a bunch of things on a Tesla which influence pack temps. Watching energy usage from the stator(s) makes sense, since waste heat from those is the...
  41. R

    Longer to charge at home in colder weather?

    Yes, my statement was based upon repeated observations of pack temps (albeit, during warmer weather). Frankly, I was quite surprised the first time I observed that behavior. Like most people, I assumed that if the car said it was pre-heating the battery while navigating towards a...
  42. R

    Longer to charge at home in colder weather?

    What you'll find is that the "preconditioning" alert while navigating to a SuperCharger is not a reliable indicator of whether the car is actually sending heat to the pack or not. Typically, once you get closer - in some cases, much closer - to the SC, it will begin to heat the cells. Congrats...
  43. R

    Insufficient grounding with metal conduit

    Unfortunately, establishing a good ground is a bit more complicated than tightening down all connections. And creating a ground system at a residence that is anywhere close to 5 Ohms isn't practical. That spec for <5 Ohms is for things like communications sites, like cell towers, and typically...
  44. R

    Car sleeping for 1 min, then idling for 11.

    He mentioned he still has a "widget" on his phone. I'd start with making sure that's disconnected!
  45. R

    Car sleeping for 1 min, then idling for 11.

    2022.36.x was the release where a number of people reported issues with suddenly increased phantom drain. I'm not sure if those issues were resolved in 2022.36.4 or 2022.36.5... or if it wasn't until 2022.40.x. But somewhere in there we stopped seeing all those reports. So if it's a software...
  46. R

    Car sleeping for 1 min, then idling for 11.

    What software release are you on? Excessive phantom drain is almost always caused by something the user is doing - Sentry Mode, Cabin Overheat Protection, frequently checking their mobile app, etc. And oftentimes it's because the user has installed one or more third-party apps (which keep...
  47. R

    Read battery temperature & voltage from different its cell/module on a Model 3 's CANBUS?

    Yes, the Model 3 reports individual voltage on each of its 96 cells across the CanBus. I don't believe - I don't recollect seeing this, so could be wrong - it reports individual cell temps, though it reports minimum, maximum, and average of the population. (To be clear, it's possible the car...
  48. R

    Car sleeping for 1 min, then idling for 11.

    Have you ever installed a third-party app? If so, change the password on your Tesla account.
  49. R

    PCS_a052 Error when trying to charge on 110V at home

    You're wrangling with pretty much the worst-case charging solution for an EV that exists. 120v circuit with an extension cord. 120v can work, kinda sorta, but it pretty much requires an ideal setup. In your case, you're going to have some voltage sag because of the extension cord (in...
  50. R

    Long term storage & high ambient temperatures

    I don't have a suggestion for your airport parking... but just to add a little context, pretty much anyone who parks their vehicle in the sun, even for a few hours, is going to see similar high battery temps during the summer. So your situation is far from unique. Your car's battery will...