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  1. Bantam

    [UK] 2022.16.x

    After reading this thread I checked TeslFi and I received the Map update last week (09/06), never received notification so it must of happened without me having a say. Do you not get alerted when a new Map update is available? I cant remember seeing a alert in the car when I got into drive on...
  2. Bantam

    Window washer fluid low

    Over the years I have collected a fair few different half full bottles of washer fluid, my solution was to get a box of these keep a few bottles in the bottom boot area (in a plastic bag in case they leak) when I get the alert that washer fluid is low (not often) just pull into a petrol station...
  3. Bantam

    Snippiness 2.0

    If it was you that was driving, your response above does not surprise me😤
  4. Bantam

    [UK] 2022.16.x

    Doing 14mph in a multi storey car park, while taken a picture on your phone, seems to be a bit excessive:eek:
  5. Bantam

    Rumour of free premium for leases cars ending

    yep the few times I have had to speak to them, they have been very responsive. I guess the Thread title needs to be updated from Rumour to Confirmed :(
  6. Bantam

    Rumour of free premium for leases cars ending

    I'm afraid not, I only see the premium connectivity option as per @Mhk29 posted above. Apparently I was the first person to query his with my particular lease company (ElectricAuto), so I was their test user for getting it working, so I expect anyone else who has leased via ElectricAuto may also...
  7. Bantam

    Rumour of free premium for leases cars ending

    Quick update on the above.... after a few emails back and forwards with the guy at my lease company and after their purchasing dept manually turned on the subscription service on my account I now have access to the subscription page in the app
  8. Bantam

    Rumour of free premium for leases cars ending

    I lease via ElectricAuto (part of ZenAuto), just had a response back from them in regards to my query about this and they said Tesla have advised them they plan to make it available the app from the 25th April to subscribe. At the moment I can only see the option to purchase accessories. this...
  9. Bantam

    EV running costs starting to look expensive?

    I'm stuck on the standard rate for the Foreseeable. As @PITA points out without a smart meter you have no chance of getting an EV/off peak tariff. I have a smart meter fitted, but it cannot get a WAN connection, something about the network they use in the North of England to send meter...
  10. Bantam

    [UK] 2022.12.x

    Never tested it but I believe you can say "Eject (x) seat" (x = Driver, Passenger), this will put the seat heating to max, you have to have Auto turned off for it to work.
  11. Bantam

    [UK] 2022.12.x

    You missed... 11. Update the fart noises in the emissions app, they haven't changed since I got the car in Sept 2020 💩
  12. Bantam

    Tesla Screen (Dangerous)

    or she’s past her sell by date… time for an upgrade?
  13. Bantam

    Nav Screen upside down

    The OP also has been advised on numerous occasions to use the search function on this forum which would give them the majority of answer they are after.
  14. Bantam

    Tesla Screen (Dangerous)

    o_O The heating controls is one of the more simpler controls to get your head around, even my better half picked that up straight away (and she is not very tech savvy, she doesn't even have a smart phone!!). I'm now wondering if you are just trolling this forum and don't actually own a Tesla.
  15. Bantam

    Nav Screen upside down

    have you tried sitting upside down, this works for me!! If only there was some sort of online manual that gives you the answers..... online manual to read before starting another thread
  16. Bantam

    Protecting Drivers internal B pillar

    in the first week of having my Model 3 i caught the speaker in the door with my right foot getting out and tore the mesh on the front of the speaker keep meaning to replace it but keep catching it with my foot (at least once a week) so decided to live with the tear until it’s time to hand the...
  17. Bantam


    or enhanced AP (EAP) which is also a chargeable option
  18. Bantam

    Any advice for Ireland Roadtrip?

    For those that have travelled on a ferry in their Tesla, is there any special settings you need to turn off/on while on the ferry i.e. Tilt/Intrusion off?
  19. Bantam

    Brand new M3 RWD - Supercharging won't go above 52kw

    What is the state of charge (SOC) when you plug into the SuC? If the SOC is quite high you will never get a decent Charging speed.
  20. Bantam

    What posters did you have on your wall as a "teenager"?

    a picture of a Jet.... the gladiator type not the fossil fuel burning machine ;)
  21. Bantam

    M3 not sleeping

    Every time you open the Tesla app, it will wake the car to connect and the car will then start the sleep countdown again. I know its hard (or at least it was for me when I first received the car), but if you want the car to sleep avoid opening the Tesla app.
  22. Bantam


    If you have broking down and need to ring Tesla Roadside assistance, how are you meant to contact them if Tesla have blocked your telephone number?;)
  23. Bantam

    [UK] 2021.44.30

    Only a guess but I assume the 2021.44.30 software version is Tesla doing some testing on some sort of new functionality (maybe under the hood so not obvious to the user). If you turn off data sharing, it will stop Tesla being able to capture any data from the trial, hence they bump you to the...
  24. Bantam

    Tesla open up the SuC network [in UK]

    there’s a separate thread to discuss all things SpaceX 😙😝
  25. Bantam


    Looking at the OPs posting history, I can only agree with @M3noob summary. I don't think Tesla customer service model fits with his/hers more traditional car purchasing experience/expectations.
  26. Bantam


    Not sure why Tesla would block your specific number or why you think they have blocked your number, if you are getting to the menu options then this suggests they are not blocking your number, if it was blocked it would just drop the call before presenting you with the menus.
  27. Bantam


    As per signature its a LR
  28. Bantam

    Tesla open up the SuC network [in UK]

    Is that the new BP Garage in Shipley? For such a massive forecourt it puzzled me they didn't future proof it by installing EV chargers, makes sense now.
  29. Bantam


    correct, the .1 will probably be bug fixes we will never know about. It would be good for Tesla to state that in the release notes but as most things Tesla... This Is The Way
  30. Bantam


    Yep aware of that, I was just highlighting to Tigermad that I went from 2021.44.30.11 to 2022.4.5.1. his/her previous post suggested that no car had made that leap :-)
  31. Bantam


    2022.4.5.1 release notes
  32. Bantam


    I was on 30.11 and have just upgraded straight to 2022.4.5.1 this morning (Wasn't offered any of the 30.12, .13, etc upgrades).
  33. Bantam

    Mobile app updates

    Weird since having the car (sept 2020) the phone as a key (iPhone X then I upgraded to iPhone11) has not let me down once. Still carry a back up card key in the event it does fail. You can guarantee the one time I forget my wallet it will fail :)
  34. Bantam

    Vanarama BP Pulse deal

    Instavolt seem to have a good rep. Only used them a couple of times (with no issues).
  35. Bantam

    Vanarama BP Pulse deal

    My limited experience of using the BP pulse network has been a nightmare. 4 out of the 5 times I have tried to use them they have started a charge and then after short period the session just stopped (5 different charge points, using both app and contactless). Last weekend in Carlisle I had to...
  36. Bantam

    Lease Car - EAP Trial?

    As per everything relating to owning a Tesla, I don't think it is that black and white. I lease (via Zen Auto) and didn't receive the EAP Trial (or the free Winter pack that was sent out winter 2020 to all owners). I think it may depend on the lease company you go with or some other random...
  37. Bantam

    Crackling when plugging car in to charge

    I thought this thread was going to be about what pork based snack do you eat while charging... how disappointing (@Billbrown1982 hope you get it sorted with EO)
  38. Bantam

    Cold weather warning

    reminds me of a Iron I bought years ago that had a warning on the label.. Never iron clothes while they are being worn!! 🤯 Back on topic when I got in my car this morning (below zero outside), I noticed a helpful on screen message (where the cards briefly appear), that when pressed took me to...
  39. Bantam

    Cold weather warning

    Regarding getting them replaced under warranty I am sure I have read on this Forum where a user got Tesla to replace the damaged trim under warranty (cant find the actually Thread at the moment).
  40. Bantam

    Cold weather warning

    While we are on the subject, as per the manual, its always best to disable the "auto fold mirrors on lock" option this time of year to prevent ice build up causing any problems with the mechanism when you unlock the car on a cold morning.
  41. Bantam

    Wiki [UK] V11 UI Changes and Features

    installed this morning had a little play and noticed the tunes on the radio scroll now so you get to see the full name of the track playing I’m happy now 😂
  42. Bantam

    Mobile app updates

    I'm with you on this, whenever the GOM subject comes up, I often wonder how people coped in an ICE car when all they had was a fuel gauge indicating Full, 1/2, and Empty.
  43. Bantam

    Wiki [UK] V11 UI Changes and Features

    It will be interesting how they implement this, in the Ioniq5 the blindspot camera shows up in the Binnacle behind the steering wheel when indicating. Be weird and (IMHO not very safe) if you are indicating right but then have to look left to see the blindspot camera in the centre screen.
  44. Bantam

    Electricity Tariff (what are you paying)

    I have a dumb smart meter (no WAN connectivity in my area), so dont have access to a funky off peak plan. My OVO energy fixed plan runs out in Jan 2022 and so will be moving on to their SVR until nearer the next energy price cap review (April 2022). All the fixed deals are horrendous at the...
  45. Bantam

    [UK] 2021.44.x

    Same exp as me since 40.6, I have not timed it but it feels like you are holding for much longer and no T Logo appears just goes straight to home screen.
  46. Bantam

    Cost for Supercharging Increased ? Where to find prices?

    This is something I always forget and need reminding every so often 👍
  47. Bantam

    Wi-Fi will not turn on - Can't even access the connection settings.

    Last couple of full resets i have had to do the T logo never appeared i just kept everything pressed until screen reappeared (previously always used to have the T logo). When i mentioned it to SC they said to remove the usb storage before resetting, still no T logo when i tried a reboot after...
  48. Bantam

    Cost for Supercharging Increased ? Where to find prices?

    The only way to find the live cost of a SuC, is by sitting in the car and tapping the SuC icon (Red icon) on the map, it should then display all relevant info including costs for that particular SuC location.
  49. Bantam

    eCall emergency call system needs service

    Just to follow up on the above, as mentioned I reported the fault on Friday with a service appt via the app, just received a text saying they have looked at the logs and can see the Autopilot ECU failed to boot up on Friday, but corrected itself on Saturday. They have re-pushed the latest...
  50. Bantam

    eCall emergency call system needs service

    i’ve had this issue on Friday, (no cameras, satnav stuck, eCall erro, etc) 3 x reboots and removing the USB (samsung T5) didn’t work reported via the app and this morning everything back to normal. Seems a lot of people are getting this at the moment I’m on 40.6