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  1. G

    What posters did you have on your wall as a "teenager"?

    I'm just amazed in these over-sensitive, PC times that nobody's leapt in and complained about the sexism!
  2. G

    What posters did you have on your wall as a "teenager"?

    Much as I liked cars it was Samantha Fox.....
  3. G

    How to stop using home charger

    I'm a bit bemused by all these solutions. We have a Pod Point charger and when we go away I simply trip the breaker that feeds the charger. What's difficult about it?
  4. G

    Seat pre-warming broken?

    If it is down to the car detecting whether there's an occupant in the seat or not it makes it pretty pointless having the option to turn on the seat heaters from the app doesn't it? It definitely worked up until very recently.
  5. G

    Seat pre-warming broken?

    Interesting. It's not just maximum setting though. I always use the middle setting (two wavy lines) when pre-warming and that's stopped working too.
  6. G

    Seat pre-warming broken?

    My M3P was upgraded to 2021.44.30.14 a few days ago. Since then it seems that pre-warming the seats has ceased to work! I normally turn climate on from the app a few minutes before going out and at the same time turn the seat heaters on. It appears to work at the time but, when you get in the...
  7. G

    Tesla granny charger on a non-Tesla?

    Thanks Bernard. It sounds like there should be no problem from the responses there has been. We have a Pod Point 7kW charger so we probably won't have much need for the 13A charger but it might just come in handy. She will pick up the Mii next week so we'll give it a try then. Thanks to all...
  8. G

    Tesla granny charger on a non-Tesla?

    Yeah, I was actually replying to George, not implying that we called our granny charger George! It's name is Egbert.
  9. G

    Tesla granny charger on a non-Tesla?

    Thank you very much for your replies chaps. George, the charger we have is what came with the Model 3 we bought in Sept 2020 so should be OK.
  10. G

    Tesla granny charger on a non-Tesla?

    Apologies, I did do a search and somehow missed that.
  11. G

    Tesla granny charger on a non-Tesla?

    Yeah, I thought so. I thought it was worth asking though! Thanks.
  12. G

    Tesla granny charger on a non-Tesla?

    Please excuse my ignorance if this is a stupid question! My other half has just ordered a Seat Mii which apparently comes without a 13A charger. As it's a Type 2 charging connector would the Tesla 13A charger be OK to use with it? Or does the Tesla charger talk a proprietary protocol? As we...
  13. G

    New Highway Code Rules

    Well said. I'm not bothering to reply to this character further as I've much better things to do!
  14. G

    New Highway Code Rules

    You need to calm down and try and regain some sense of perspective.
  15. G

    New Highway Code Rules

    That's a bit of a sweeping statement. How do you know what an "average" cyclist is? As I said in an earlier post, the law doesn't require a cyclist to be taxed, licensed or insured at present. I might as well make the statement that the "average" motorist doesn't respect a cyclist as a valid...
  16. G

    New Highway Code Rules

    As both a motorist and cyclist I can see, and sympathise, with both sides of the argument. Plus there are good and bad examples of car drivers and cyclists. As a cyclist, I always keep as far left as is safe to do so. As a motorist, I give cyclists as much room as I safely can. But I've seen...
  17. G

    Octopus go - Still available?

    My meter is a SMETS1 but made by Secure, which Octopus said that they could read. It took a few days from switching to them but they agreed that they could read it OK and put me on to the Go tariff without issue. Mind you, over three months later and I've still not had an electricity bill from...
  18. G

    Octopus tariffs and solar PV

    Well our installation was completed this morning after a few hiccups and delays due to battery supply. I'm just waiting now for a valid login to the GivEnergy online portal so that I can monitor what's going on. Installation took two days.
  19. G

    Wiki [UK] V11 UI Changes and Features

    Haven't worked in five years. One of the (very) few benefits of getting old!
  20. G

    Octopus Go tariff billing

    Thank you chaps for your replies. Sounds like sporadic billing for electricity is standard then! I might do as suggested and email them to request a bill. It would be nice to get a feel for how the pennies are stacking up. The other daft bit is that since joining them my direct debit payment...
  21. G

    Octopus Go tariff billing

    A question for those on the Octopus Go tariff. I've been with Octopus since mid-October and went on to the Go tariff after a few days. Since then I've not had one bill for electricity. I provide a meter reading for gas every month (no smart meter for gas) and get a bill for gas every month...
  22. G

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    We're awaiting installation (due January) of a 4kWp panel + 5 kWh battery config. The cost is just under £9.5k and the estimated payback is 12 years. For me, the payback wasn't a consideration really. We're retired and have savings which are earning next to nothing. We preferred to use some...
  23. G

    Have you switched to British English?

    Or "English with spelling mistakes".
  24. G

    Octopus tariffs and solar PV

    Of course, no problem. The last communication I had from them suggested they would start work the beginning of December, but there were also mutterings of "supply chain problems" and I think batteries are proving difficult to source, so it may be a while!
  25. G

    Octopus tariffs and solar PV

    From initial contact it took about 17 days to complete the switch to Octopus. I initially went on to an intermediate tariff and there was some confusion over my meter, which is a SMETS1 but one of the Secure ones which they can read. I reckon it took another few days to sort that out and...
  26. G

    Octopus tariffs and solar PV

    Is an interesting one this. I've just joined Octopus (from Bulb) and after a few days went on to the Go tariff. They didn't once ask for any evidence that I owned or used an EV.
  27. G

    Octopus tariffs and solar PV

    It's a bit like the proverbial piece of string. The best estimate I can give is around 12 years. The payback wasn't the main consideration in my circumstances.
  28. G

    Cash Buyer - My bank doesn't recognise Tesla account

    I bank with Natwest and I had to make multiple payments.
  29. G

    Octopus Smart Meter Experiences

    I'm getting a bit jaded with this smart meter business. I've just switched to Octopus, with the intention of going on to the "Go" tariff. My electricity meter is a Secure SMETS1, a model which Octopus say that they can read. However, on my account page it tells me that they need to book my...
  30. G

    M3 LR ordered today! Options on selling old car

    Another plus for Motorway from me. I sold my 2018 Golf R through them September 2020 and got more than the online price guides (Autotrader etc) indicated. They came and picked it up as promised and the money was in my account within 30 minutes - before they left with the car of course!
  31. G

    Do I smell? The empty Superchargers picture thread

    Is that Thetford by any chance Dilly?
  32. G

    Smart meter woes

    Having just placed an order for solar panels and battery I thought I'd look around for a decent tariff for electricity supply. I've been with Bulb for a couple of years so thought I'd check out their EV tariff before switching to Octopus Go. My electricity meter is a SMETS1 made by Secure...
  33. G

    Octopus tariffs and solar PV

    We're using a fairly local company called The Green Way (based in Olney). The battery and inverter are from Givenergy, panels are from Eurener. Total cost is a bit under £9.5k.
  34. G

    Octopus tariffs and solar PV

    We are taking the plunge and having a 4kW solar installation and 5kWh battery. The guy selling us the kit said that Octopus were the best energy supplier for our situation (we're with Bulb at the moment). I'm assuming one of the "smart" tariffs is what to go for but not sure which. We have a...
  35. G

    [UK] The Button and good driving.

    Got you, thank you.
  36. G

    [UK] The Button and good driving.

    How do you get to that screen then? I've got a M3P and never seen it!
  37. G

    My car fell to the centre of the earth [closed]

    I use it all the time. I thought this forum was better than such silliness though.
  38. G

    My car fell to the centre of the earth [closed]

    The danger with clickbait topics is that when you succumb to the irresistible urge to ignore them there's just the slight chance there might be something actually interesting lurking underneath. It's a chance I'll take though! And yes, I know this particular one is just pointing out how daft...
  39. G

    Grantham supercharger experiences?

    Thanks very much guys, for your experiences and tips. It's much appreciated.
  40. G

    Grantham supercharger experiences?

    Sounds promising! Thank you.
  41. G

    Grantham supercharger experiences?

    Just looking for user experiences with the Grantham supercharger. I'll be driving up the A1 in a couple of weeks, on a Friday, arriving at Grantham around lunchtime. Is it generally a busy site? Any gotchas to be wary off? Cheers.
  42. G

    Oh my goodness! The range anxiety...!

    Just to pick up on the twaddle about petrol vehicles being not much more expensive to run than EVs, my M3P costs me about 3.5p/mile to run, sometimes less, as I have some (at the moment) free PodPoint chargers nearby. For that, I have a vehicle which will propel me to 60 mph from standstill in...
  43. G

    M3P Uberturbine Wheels Curbed “IT happened”

    I may well do the same. Its not a thing I've ever looked into up to now but if the end result is reasonable then worth doing.
  44. G

    M3P Uberturbine Wheels Curbed “IT happened”

    I feel for you. I've had my Model 3 Performance since September last year and had avoided any damage to the alloys until yesterday! Some k***head in a campervan coming the other way forced me into the side and I heard a horrible grinding. Sure enough, both near-side wheels well and truly...
  45. G

    [Question] Trade-in experience

    We traded in my partner's BMW i3 and I don't think they hardly looked at it. I sold my Golf R through Motorway, got more than I expected and wouldn't hesitate to recommend them.
  46. G

    Auto Wipers are awful

    It's really weird this. How can people's experience with the same car vary so much? I've had my Model 3 Performance since last September and have never once had an issue with the wipers. Admittedly, because of lockdown, I haven't driven it that my much, but I have driven it in varying...
  47. G

    ICE to EV doubts

    I can only echo the general views expressed here. The Tesla M3P I bought last September was the first EV I have owned, though for two years previous to that I had driven my partner's BMW i3. For me, there is no way I would ever go back to an ICE car. A few weeks in to driving an EV and you...
  48. G

    New Navigation Maps for Europe Rolling Out 2021.8

    Thank you chaps. I had a feeling it was only for a limited market.
  49. G

    New Navigation Maps for Europe Rolling Out 2021.8

    I seem to remember from an earlier software release that there was going to be some additional visualisation of complex junctions once the new maps were available. Has this happened, or was it only for some overseas markets?
  50. G

    [UK] 2021.4.x

    I've got Advanced set and had 4.18 a couple of days ago but no map update. M3P, no EAP or FSD.