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  1. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Note that 2021 is the same as 2004. The ice melt is slowing down.
  2. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Those were picked because that 15 year period has very little change in sea ice extent. I can do some more comparisons for your education.
  3. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Actually, I pushed the Tesla idea in my family. My stepdaughter loved my MS60 and begged me to sell it to her. She still has it. I am on the board of a small business in Dallas - 16 employees. I am not in a position to make some profound statement or effect on "climate change." It is too small...
  4. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Check out 2021 to 2006. So far, they are very close to the same. By September, there will be a departure. But it always freezes right back up, catching up in the late fall and winter.
  5. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You seem giddy that it happened in Florida.
  6. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The Arctic ice is at the same place it was 10-15 years ago. The meltdown occurred in the 1990s and the early 2000s. After that, the melting has slowed down considerably, much to the consternation of you global warming activists. 29 Jun 2021 - 9,763,000 km^2 29 Jun 2010 - 9.480,000 km^2 29...
  7. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I am most certain that all of you global warming alarmists just nodded your heads in agreement with this "Arctic summers ice-free by 2013" prediction. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7139797.stm
  8. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Surface Mass Balance of Greenland is above average from autumn 2020 through spring 2021. http://nsidc.org/greenland-today/files/2021/06/Fig3_SMB-June30-2020_2021.png Greenland's 2021 Spring report says more snow, less melt...
  9. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Here it is, late June and there is still plenty of ice in the Arctic. https://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/images/daily_images/N_daily_extent_hires.png Just shortly after Summer Solstice, solar radiation is most intense. That ice is reflecting a lot of it back into space. The Central Arctic...
  10. M

    Climate Change Denial

    My first Tesla was a 2014 MS60. My highly successful stepdaughter bought that from me in 2015. I got the 2015 MSP85D in March 2015. Got 120K miles on it. Still spinning like a top. I also have a 2018 Chevy Silverado Pickup truck V-6. Not a lot of power but good gas mileage and range (not F-450)...
  11. M

    Climate Change Denial

    It is going to take a lot more than 273 deg. K to melt away the Arctic ice cap. http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/meant80n.uk.php
  12. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Wrong. The global warming alarmists were all pointing at Greenland as the place that will melt away, raising sea level across the earth and drowning everybody along the coasts. They saw what happened in 2012, and got all excited about it. False alarm.
  13. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Here is the Danish Meteorological Institute. They, like the NSIDC are all in for the human-caused global warming theory. That is how they get their funding. http://polarportal.dk/en/groenlands-indlandsis/nbsp/viden-om-groenlands-indlandsis/ However, there are good honest geoscientists who work...
  14. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Here, you can see during the last 14 years, the Arctic ice has been steady. This is MASIE data from the NSIDC by the way - a higher resolution method of measuring sea ice extent. https://realclimatescience.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/MASIEArcticSeaIceExtent_shadow.png
  15. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The most scientifically accurate representation of global sea ice comes from these NSIDC graphs. https://i2.wp.com/www.climate4you.com/images/NSIDC%20GlobalArcticAntarctic%20SeaIceArea.gif?ssl=1 As you can see, Antarctica has not changed in 40 years. The Arctic has declined 2,000,000 km^2 in...
  16. M

    Climate Change Denial

    There were no satellites to monitor the Arctic sea ice in the 1800s and the early 1900s.
  17. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Is this one of those "irrational and inflammatory things" that I post here? https://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/images/daily_images/N_daily_extent_hires.png That is the latest map of the Arctic sea ice extent. I'm sure it surprises you how much sea ice still exists in the Arctic after decades...
  18. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Europe is going back to good ol' reliable coal! https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/06/15/climate-activist-europe-firing-up-coal-plants-as-gas-shortage-bites/
  19. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I'm not worried about it.
  20. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Check it out everybody, Swiss voters reject new climate taxes. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/06/14/swiss-voters-reject-new-climate-taxes/ Good for them!
  21. M

    Climate Change Denial

    OK. Quantify that. How bad is that, and how much do you think the almighty CO2 molecule is involved?
  22. M

    Climate Change Denial

    After 30 years of declining sea ice, it is not going to stop on a dime and freeze up to 1979 levels within a year or two. It will take at least 30 years to do that.
  23. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Looks like Lake Mead is 14 feet below where it was on June 12 2019. Full pool is 1,229 feet. It is currently reading 1,071 feet. Is that really really bad?
  24. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Dr. William Happer gives an informative discussion about John Tyndall, Max Plank, and Karl Schwarzchild concerning their contributions to our understanding about greenhouse gases. Happer points out the CO2 effect is currently saturated, and doubling it will have very little influence on climate...
  25. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Move. That's how.
  26. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Here is some extra data you left out. http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/files/1999/06/Figure2a-2.png 2021 is currently showing higher sea ice extent than the previous 3 years.
  27. M

    Climate Change Denial

    2012 was the record SEPTEMBER minimum. Just because it was the September minimum does not mean 2012 was a minimum for every month of the year. You obviously did not read the NSIDC report. The month of May 2021 was only the 9th lowest on the satellite record. "Arctic sea ice extent continued...
  28. M

    Climate Change Denial

    According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, the Arctic sea ice decline has been slower than normal in April and May. https://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/ Here we are in the month of June and the sun is shining bright onto the Arctic ice. The sea ice extent is below normal, but certainly...
  29. M

    Climate Change Denial

    But global warming is a global event. The Northern Hemisphere is by far more representative of global climate than the US West.
  30. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The Northern Hemispheric snow mass has been well above 1SD this year. https://globalcryospherewatch.org/state_of_cryo/snow/fmi_swe_tracker.jpg
  31. M

    Climate Change Denial

    According to who's science? Gizmodo science. That's who.
  32. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Western droughts happen. El Ninos end them.
  33. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I'll ask Spencer on his blog page if UAH will have access to the satellite data. Spencer and Christy will probably be the lead scientists!
  34. M

    Climate Change Denial

    There is much more than Fox News.
  35. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You didn't even look at it. Those are 97 separate articles investigating the bogus 97% claim.
  36. M

    Climate Change Denial

    There are plenty! https://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/12/19/97-articles-refuting-the-97-consensus-on-global-warming/
  37. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You must think Waterworld was a realistic movie.
  38. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Well, you just undermined your entire argument against me with your endorsement of the rabid monkey. This is why I don't behave so high and mighty. I am amongst a bunch of bottom feeders here.
  39. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You cannot be any further from the truth. I am all for alternative forms of energy. Just let it develop as the scientists and engineers advance the technology. Shutting down fossil fuels before the replacements are ready will create undue hardships on the working-class poor. Of course the...
  40. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Devotee of a New Age Religion in a nutshell.
  41. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Actually, nobody understands the basics of climate. If they did, then they would be able to predict it. Nobody can.
  42. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Do any of you here have any idea who Freeman Dyson was? I dare you. Google him. Lots of stuff about Dyson. He had a lot to say about global warming alarmism. He was around right from the beginning. Check out what he says at 1:09:30. I suppose all of you climate change know-it-alls are going...
  43. M

    Climate Change Denial

    My perspective on global warming is due to paying attention to Lindzen, Christy, Curry, Spencer, Gray, Michaels, Legates, Nir Shaviv, Koonin, Happer, Dyson, and others.
  44. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I have kids and grandkids. I am doing all I can to protect them from the likes of you.
  45. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Dr. Gray is explaining why the climate models predict too much warming. The models assume increased thunderstorm activity will result in more water vapor hanging around the upper troposphere, trapping additional outgoing IR beyond what CO2 does. But the modelers neglected subsidence, which dries...
  46. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The people living today Einstein.
  47. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Why is it any concern of yours how I've lived? I'm retired. 4 years of Trump doubled my 401K so I could retire a few years early.
  48. M

    Climate Change Denial

    After the cumulonimbus clouds reach dissipation stage, upper tropospheric subsidence results in a drying factor that the climate models neglect. Also, note how the climate predictors do not want to make 1 year, 3 year, or 5 year predictions. Why? Because they can be verified! So, they go out to...
  49. M

    Climate Change Denial

    At 17:30, Gray explains why the water vapor feedback does not work in the climate models. Subsidence from cumulonimbus clouds dries the upper atmosphere.
  50. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I have no friggin' clue what you are trying to demonstrate with that contraption, and how that applies to the atmosphere. If you truly want to learn something about the Annual Global Budget of the atmosphere, you would listen to the late, great Dr. William Gray. He spent his entire life studying...