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Climate Change Denial

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I have no friggin' clue what you are trying to demonstrate with that contraption, and how that applies to the atmosphere. If you truly want to learn something about the Annual Global Budget of the atmosphere, you would listen to the late, great Dr. William Gray. He spent his entire life studying the atmosphere, The entire lecture is worth watching. To shorten things, go to 7:30. There he talks about where CO2 fits in. This guy knew by far more what goes on in the atmosphere than some Pac NW engineer.

According to him we can't make any long term predictions at all because it is too complex, and climate models are like some strange animal to him. Maybe "atmospheric" scientists are better at predicting the weather...

There will be less water vapor because there will be more water vapor causing rain? I don't know who that makes sense to, but not to me. To me that sounds like story telling time for small children. And like a weather guy trying to talk about climate.
I have no friggin' clue what you are trying to demonstrate with that contraption, and how that applies to the atmosphere. If you truly want to learn something about the Annual Global Budget of the atmosphere, you would listen to the late, great Dr. William Gray. He spent his entire life studying the atmosphere, The entire lecture is worth watching. To shorten things, go to 7:30. There he talks about where CO2 fits in. This guy knew by far more what goes on in the atmosphere than some Pac NW engineer.

At 17:30, Gray explains why the water vapor feedback does not work in the climate models. Subsidence from cumulonimbus clouds dries the upper atmosphere.
According to him we can't make any long term predictions at all because it is too complex, and climate models are like some strange animal to him. Maybe "atmospheric" scientists are better at predicting the weather...

There will be less water vapor because there will be more water vapor causing rain? I don't know who that makes sense to, but not to me. To me that sounds like story telling time for small children. And like a weather guy trying to talk about climate.
After the cumulonimbus clouds reach dissipation stage, upper tropospheric subsidence results in a drying factor that the climate models neglect.

Also, note how the climate predictors do not want to make 1 year, 3 year, or 5 year predictions. Why? Because they can be verified! So, they go out to 50 years, 75 years, 100 years because everybody will be dead before they can be verified.
After the cumulonimbus clouds reach dissipation stage, upper tropospheric subsidence results in a drying factor that the climate models neglect.

Also, note how the climate predictors do not want to make 1 year, 3 year, or 5 year predictions. Why? Because they can be verified! So, they go out to 50 years, 75 years, 100 years because everybody will be dead before they can be verified.

Everyone will be dead because of global warming in less than 100 years? Wow your outlook is even more pessimistic.
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Dr. Gray is explaining why the climate models predict too much warming. The models assume increased thunderstorm activity will result in more water vapor hanging around the upper troposphere, trapping additional outgoing IR beyond what CO2 does. But the modelers neglected subsidence, which dries the upper troposphere, which allows outgoing IR to escape into space. This is why we should never base policy on climate models because they are wrong!
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After the cumulonimbus clouds reach dissipation stage, upper tropospheric subsidence results in a drying factor that the climate models neglect.

Also, note how the climate predictors do not want to make 1 year, 3 year, or 5 year predictions. Why? Because they can be verified! So, they go out to 50 years, 75 years, 100 years because everybody will be dead before they can be verified.

No, obviously because those are noise in the context of climate change. That sentence shows you don't understand the basics of climate science, even if you know something about weather.

All you do here is confirm the stereotypes about climate deniers.
Do any of you here have any idea who Freeman Dyson was? I dare you. Google him. Lots of stuff about Dyson. He had a lot to say about global warming alarmism. He was around right from the beginning. Check out what he says at 1:09:30.

I suppose all of you climate change know-it-alls are going to call him stupid, right?
No, obviously because those are noise in the context of climate change. That sentence shows you don't understand the basics of climate science, even if you know something about weather.

All you do here is confirm the stereotypes about climate deniers.
Actually, nobody understands the basics of climate. If they did, then they would be able to predict it. Nobody can.
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Climate change denial in a nutshell.

Yep, and instead of playing it safe by advancing renewables and increasing implementation, he figures it is better not to change his comfort/life style and let the kids worry about the future. Typical A******* boomer. Again, the smart money would be to increase interconnection and help the country be truly energy independent. Imagine a gas or coal plant that does not need to be fed - because nature feeds it! I guess Mitch would rather there be no rain and no pipe system and instead people have to bring buckets to the river or village well to collect water... very Mad Max / 3rd world that only 1 party is trying to lead us to.
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Yep, and instead of playing it safe by advancing renewables and increasing implementation, he figures it is better not to change his comfort/life style and let the kids worry about the future. Typical A******* boomer. Again, the smart money would be to increase interconnection and help the country be truly energy independent. Imagine a gas or coal plant that does not need to be fed - because nature feeds it! I guess Mitch would rather there be no rain and no pipe system and instead people have to bring buckets to the river or village well to collect water... very Mad Max / 3rd world that only 1 party is trying to lead us to.
You cannot be any further from the truth. I am all for alternative forms of energy. Just let it develop as the scientists and engineers advance the technology. Shutting down fossil fuels before the replacements are ready will create undue hardships on the working-class poor. Of course the elitist snobs have no regard for them.
You cannot be any further from the truth. I am all for alternative forms of energy. Just let it develop as the scientists and engineers advance the technology. Shutting down fossil fuels before the replacements are ready will create undue hardships on the working-class poor. Of course the elitist snobs have no regard for them.

Tony Seba was making what seemed outrageous projections at the time but even his estimates were exceeded. He thinks we can go 100% renewable by 2030 if we want to instead of throwing up road blocks/excuses.

There are many storage options being researched and the fossil fuel industry's preference is hydrogen because it best match their current business. The Ford F-150 electric is coming as is a 180KWh home backup battery for $60K. Imagine if the Texans who love trucks all had rooftop solar and two F-150 electric in the garage.