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  1. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You think CO2 is the thermostat of the earth. It isn't. It is a component. But not the whole thermostat.
  2. M

    Climate Change Denial

    It lowers the dewpoint temperature, resulting in less clouds, thus more sunlight coming in to the earth's surface. Then the earth warms again.
  3. M

    Climate Change Denial

    CO2 becomes a mountain when you consider that life cannot exist without it.
  4. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Water vapor is not dependent on CO2.
  5. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You are trying to make a mountain out of the CO2 molehill.
  6. M

    Climate Change Denial

    And you don't get to tell me or anybody else what to do. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Water vapor dwarfs it.
  7. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The oceans allow water vapor in the atmosphere - not CO2. CO2 allows for life on earth. I find it peculiar how some of you consider CO2 to be a pollutant.
  8. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You're just mad that not everybody is hopping aboard the hysterical global warming bandwagon.
  9. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Think you can tell me what is the strongest greenhouse gas?
  10. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Because the sun is still shining.
  11. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I was pointing out that the benefits of fossil fuels to humanity far outweigh the harm. The late, great Dr. Roger Revelle, who is known for being the father of modern day greenhouse theory, stated shortly before he died that the benefits of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere probably outweigh the...
  12. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Yes, what I stated in another post. T Boon Pickens said the price of oil will skyrocket once we run out of the easy oil, creating yet another energy crunch. Developing alternatives will lessen the load on oil. Kind of like using 2 or 3 lakes to supply water to a city instead of relying on just one.
  13. M

    Climate Change Denial

    T Boon Pickens said once the "easy to get to oil" is used up, the price of oil will skyrocket. This is why he pushed hard for wind and natural gas 15 years ago. We have an abundance of natural gas. We have an abundance of oil as well, but the easy oil is limited. This is why the majors are...
  14. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I am simply pointing out that comparing the issue of cigarettes to fossil fuels makes no sense at all.
  15. M

    Climate Change Denial

    That was a dumb comment. That's like saying just as long as an airplane crash or a fatal car crash happen to people you don't care about.
  16. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Oil majors are mainly interested in getting car and truck drivers to buy their gasoline and diesel. They also like to tout their alternative energy research.
  17. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I got my 2nd Moderna shot over a month ago.
  18. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I call that Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. The American socialists are protecting their ideological kin.
  19. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You call the list of numbers useless because it does not support your silly idea that the Arctic ice is melting away to oblivion.
  20. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Cigarettes are more of an issue related to alcohol. As a matter of fact, there is a law enforcement agency that has the words Alcohol and Tobacco in it. Only from the Land of Liberaldom are cigarettes tied to fossil fuels and climate.
  21. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I assure you. Texans are not the only people in the world who have futures tied to FF. I never have complained about alternative sources of energy. What I do complain about are a bunch of silly "know-it-all" liberals who think they can tell everybody else what kind of energy they should be...
  22. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Dumb, goofy comparison that can only come from a mind from the Land of Liberaldom.
  23. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Fossil fuels brought us motorized transportation. Fossil fuels helped bring electric power to common people. Fossil fuels help our airplanes fly. There are several applications of refined product derived from crude oil. Fossil fuels heat our homes in winter. Our standard of living, health, and...
  24. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The late great Dr. William Gray studied climate and hurricanes for 50+ years. He would tell you that you don't know what you are talking about.
  25. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The Arctic ice has changed very little during the past 10 years. The melting phase has reached a bottom.
  26. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Too many variables in the atmosphere to determine that.
  27. M

    Climate Change Denial

    But it did work, as crazy as the strategy was.
  28. M

    Climate Change Denial

    That is what I call hysteria.
  29. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Not too much for the global warming alarmists to write home about at the moment. For the 29th of May, this is how 2021 compares to some recent years: 2021 - 12,205,000 Km^2 2020 - 11,718,000 Km^2 2019 - 11,758,000 Km^2 2018 - 11,773,000 Km^2 2017 - 12,214,000 Km^2 2016 - 11,334,000 Km^2 2015 -...
  30. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Physics was difficult for me in college, but I passed. I accept the fundamentals. But atmospheric physics is highly contentious. Some physicists believe the CO2 effect is much greater than what others think. From the Richard Lindzen-Gerald North debate I attended in Houston back in 2010, the...
  31. M

    Climate Change Denial

    It must have upset you that Lindzen exposed Nye for his lack of understanding of the thermohaline circulation, and that it does not drive the Gulf Stream.
  32. M

    Climate Change Denial

    If I make it to my 80s, I will see it. And I'll be rubbing your noses in all of that Arctic ice!
  33. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Public-private partnerships. Like Houston Lighting and Power.
  34. M

    Climate Change Denial

    When the Arctic ice starts expanding again within the next 10-20 years, all of you global warming zealots will have egg all over your faces.
  35. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Those things you mentioned have very little, if any to do with bureaucrats.
  36. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You are still making that faulty assumption.
  37. M

    Climate Change Denial

    The next generation will not be concerned about global warming because they will be living in a multidecadal cooling cycle.
  38. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You must have a highly overactive imagination if you think the presence of humans causes large scale weather pattern shifts.
  39. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You call it a waste of time because you don't like to hear the hard cold realism from one of the most knowledgeable atmospheric scientists in the world.
  40. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Are you assuming all of that is human? That is an awfully big assumption if you are.
  41. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Well, we are all going to die. But in the meantime, let's not do something that will economically disrupt the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the western countries. China and India sure as shoot won't abide by any carbon restrictions.
  42. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Dr. Lindzen has also debated Dr. Lawrence Krauss. Check out 37:30. The human effect is small, and is not a big concern.
  43. M

    Climate Change Denial

    I know you didn't watch it.
  44. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Admitting what? 0 point.
  45. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Bureaucrats are by far more of a burden than a benefit to society. A primary example is the enforcement of our convoluted income tax law. Enormous time and resources are spent to comply with the thousands of rules. And many of those rules are subject to interpretation. Bureaucrats will target...
  46. M

    Climate Change Denial

    This fossil fuel age we are living in is just a mere infinitesimal increment of time compared to the paleoclimate time scale.
  47. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Those costs are just a mere blip compared to the benefits fossil fuels brought to humanity. You are just an ingrate.
  48. M

    Climate Change Denial

    You haven't refuted a thing.
  49. M

    Climate Change Denial

    That is Giorgio Tsoukalos. Here is a brief little debate between Dr. Richard Lindzen and your hero, Bill Nye the "science guy" back in 2007. This is why not too many global warming zealots want to debate Lindzen.
  50. M

    Climate Change Denial

    Curry, Lindzen, and Spencer have no desire for political attention. They don't seek it. But they do get called in for congressional testimony sometimes.