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  1. J

    TESLAA - Android Auto for Tesla App

    After some fiddling around/reboot, your description of how things should work is correct. I can confirm, pressing the microphone button on the steering wheel still initiates the Tesla Voice Command, and Navigate On Autopilot works as it should. If you say "OK Google" it hands over the command...
  2. J

    TESLAA - Android Auto for Tesla App

    Are you able to clarify how you engage Tesla Navigation via voice? When I press the microphone button on the steering wheel - Google Assistant is the default voice command. How are you able to engage the Tesla Voice command to use Navigate On Autopilot. (eg) I said "Navigate Home" - which was...
  3. J

    TESLAA - Android Auto for Tesla App

    Hi there. I just purchased tried this app yesterday. It's a slick program and works very well. I really like the ability to use Android Auto as well as the other accessible android apps within my Tesla. The one question I had though....is with Google Assistant as the default voice command...
  4. J

    After seeing the FSD videos, do you think it will work well on MCU1 cars?

    Hi I did not have my cameras upgraded - as my vehicle came with HW 2.5. I didn't investigate this thread....but I think some ppl got their cameras upgraded. Legacy Model S/X with camera upgrade got FSD?
  5. J

    After seeing the FSD videos, do you think it will work well on MCU1 cars?

    Hi there. I have a 2017 Model S 90D. Original configuration was MCU1 + HW2.5. Because I had purchased FSD, I received HW3.0 upgrade. In my opinion, this configuration was a step backwards, as basic functionality like dashcam, voice command, and streaming music became crippled. I am now...
  6. J

    After seeing the FSD videos, do you think it will work well on MCU1 cars?

    Like others here : All FSD/HW3 + MCU1 cars record broken dashcam video? I was experiencing choppy video and super laggy/unresponsive MCU1 after the HW3 upgrade. As I saw BETA FSD rollout, it became apparent, there was no way BETA FSD would work with the HW3/MCU1 configuration. I opted to...
  7. J

    New UI for pre-refreshed model S? Holiday update

    Yup agreed. That is actually an alright implementation. However, it certainly would make the car safer if they extended this feature for all driving situations (regardless of whether on Autopilot). I really think its a better solution if you could leverage Tesla's image recognition of...
  8. J

    New UI for pre-refreshed model S? Holiday update

    @ucmndd I didn't realize the limitation - thanks for pointing this out. I don't really need Birds Eye View with an actual video/image. Something like this with some colored warning would be sufficient and far more useful than an actual blindspot video in my opinion. Technically, they have...
  9. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    @fetzu sorry to hear about your continued troubles. Curious, are the issues related to your local Tesla Service? Do you have the ability to travel to another location, and have a second opinion on your issues? I wonder why they won't swap your sim card - considering that has to be a fairly...
  10. J

    New UI for pre-refreshed model S? Holiday update

    Seems crazy there isn't "birds eye view" given all the cameras. Blind spot camera seems like a band aid solution. By all accounts a simple colored (red) flash on the LEFT or RIGHT side of the driver screen (when a car is detected) would be equally effective/useful. I'm pretty disappointed...
  11. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    Just wanted to close the loop on the sleeping while charging/plugged in. Since the update, I do not experience the intermittency with sleep some others have observed with their vehicle. Last 2 days, the sleeping has been stable.
  12. J

    Apps and battery usage

    The native Tesla APP (which you have to use to communicate with Tesla Service), keeps the car awake. I've noticed significant drain, with the Tesla App running in the background. On that note, I second @GeorgeSymonds recommendation of using Teslamate. It is super useful for observing your...
  13. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    Hi @Adopado @Drew57 thanks for confirming. Yah, it's unfortunate they don't want to be transparent about the diagnosis/repairs. I suspect doing so might point to an issue with the original installation, and they probably do not want to admit fault and expose themselves to future liabilities...
  14. J

    Longetivity When Parked Issue

    @DWtsn there's a bunch of resources to help you fine tune your vehicle. As people have noted, you can shut off Sentry, Cabin Overheat Protection, Disabling Summons, and Disabling Mobile Connectivity (no app access) - if you intend on leaving the car parked for an extended period of time. That...
  15. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    It was a Sabrent Hub I bought from Amazon. That said, I just completed some additional tests - and the car is sleeping properly (Cam Off, Cam On, using the USB Hub). Tesla unfortunately, refused to provide details on what they did and simply pointed to the HUB being the problem. This is...
  16. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    Hi @fetzu & @markgyork ... my car was in the shop for 4 business days (and over the weekend). I can't confirm whether they did work on the vehicle over the weekend. On that note, my car has come back, and is now sleeping according to Teslamate (I shut off Teslamate while the car was in the...
  17. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    Thanks for the data point. Sentry is off when at home. My issues are likely related to the MCU2 installation. I've tried turning off all of the usual culprits like Sentry, Summons, and Cabin Protection. When you say overnight, is it 1% over 8 hours? Cheers. My S goes into the shop tomorrow...
  18. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    hi @fetzu, if you're familiar with SQL, you can install PGADMIN and query your database tables directly directly. Timeline is a different view than States. If you query the States table directly, you can see how Teslamate is capturing the states and durations of your vehicle. For context...
  19. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    @fetzu based on my data points - there are instances where I line up with your 0.75 km/hr. My drain is when the car is NOT PLUGGED IN. That said, it drains similarly - after it has charged (plugged in) to the prescribed limit. As noted, I've tested with Sentry & Dashcam off, with everything...
  20. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    Thanks for the update @fetzu. Sorry to hear you haven't seen any improvement. Too bad there isn't a way to see what items are drawing power and keeping the car awake. I only have Teslamate running - which as I understand should not be keeping the car awake. As a data point, I'm seeing loss...
  21. J

    All FSD/HW3 + MCU1 cars record broken dashcam video?

    @viper2ko, you referencing the AMD Ryzen chip? That'd be pretty cool if they did that. I wonder if they would do that for older versions of Model S and X which have different hardware setup than Model 3/Y and current S/X.
  22. J

    All FSD/HW3 + MCU1 cars record broken dashcam video?

    @Amber85 and @Pink Duck it really sucks we all got put in this position. By all accounts, not upgrading to HW3 - we'd all be better off. HW3 gives you stopping at lights, at the expense of all normal functions. It's really unfortunate that Tesla went down this route of not upgrading HW3 and...
  23. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    @fetzu I'm sorry to hear you haven't gained any traction on this. You've done an incredible amount of troubleshooting. That said yours is sleeping at least. Since my upgrade, my car has yet to fall asleep at all whether plugged or unplugged from the home charger. I have Tesla mobile service...
  24. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    Thanks for the tip @gangzoom! As of right now, I have not tried plugging the charger in the vehicle yet. To be honest, I've never played with charge settings before - but I'll give your suggestion a try when my range gets down to around 100km. On that note, is your car able to sleep when it...
  25. J

    Battery Drain Overnight.

    @fetzu thanks for documenting your steps to debug your issues. I found this from the Teslamate post you made. I just got the MCU2 upgrade, after a year of running a crippled configuration of MCU1/HW3. With MCU1/HW3, my 2017 S90D was sleeping perfectly - as noted in my Teslamate chart below...
  26. J

    All FSD/HW3 + MCU1 cars record broken dashcam video?

    Feel your pain @t3sl4drvr. Great that you posted this, as it will be useful for others experiencing the same problems. Really frustrating that the HW3 upgrade degraded the usability of MCU1 to the point I was forced to upgrade to MCU2 as well. Being in Canada (no Beta FSD), I really wish they...
  27. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    All fixed with 2020.12.10 :)
  28. J


    Your Dash Cam issue (detailed here : Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty? )will be resolved with 2020.12.5. However, the update breaks USB Music storage/playing. Cheers, J
  29. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    This is a known issue as noted here : 2020.12.5 2020.12.5 Fixes : USB Dash Cam recording Breaks : USB Music storage / player
  30. J

    Dashcam USB recording no longer continuous?

    You can buy yourself a Pi Zero from Amazon, and install it yourself fairly easily. To set it up takes honestly between 10-20 min. marcone/teslausb There are some great guides on Youtube on how :
  31. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    With 2020.12.5, the TeslaCam is working again. Can anyone confirm whether their Music partition works?
  32. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    Sweet you beat me to the update! Agreed - the 2020.12.5 update seems to have resolved this issue. I'm going to plug my TeslaUSB / Pi back in now - given with MCU1/AP2.5 we do not get the sweet Sentry Viewer. Hopefully, all is good again on that front.
  33. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    That's very strange then. If everyone here had MCU1/AP2.5 at least it could point to very specific firmware updates. As this thread doesn't appear very large - this doesn't appear to be affecting too many users. Just S/X owners. People who have gotten the infotainment update (S/X owners with...
  34. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    Are you on the 2020.8.1 software with MCU1 and AP2.5 - because that seems to be the common issue? On that note - my drive is continuing to write for about 15 min each day before registering as "FULL". The next day the drive is good to record again - but for 15 min again. Rinse and repeat.
  35. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    Drive was full overnight, but was good to record when I drove the car today. It recorded for about 15 min before the the car said the drive was full again. I've been leaving the drive in the car to see many days I'll be able to record clips until the drive is actually full.
  36. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    Interesting - my drive was full last night during my drive last night. I left the USB in the car as my hands were full with takeout food. I went to go grab the USB drive this morning - and the car was recording again. I'll be driving it later - so I'm curious whether the drive will report...
  37. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    This wouldn't apply for a freshly formatted drive though would it? Conversely, on a 256GB drive the car complains that it is full after around 1.5GB of recording footage (I've done several reformats of this drive and got similar results). Windows sees the available space on the drive when I...
  38. J

    Dash Cam Error - Says Drive is full but it's nearly empty?

    Hi there! Thanks for posting this. I thought I was going crazy - as I've been trying to debug this issue for the past few days with different cards and configurations. I have a 64GB drive and it's only recording around 1.5GB before it I get the grey "x" camera on my Tesla accompanied by the...
  39. J

    2017 S 90D Supercharging Weird

    I'm on software 2019.24.4 73fb1ab according to my Tesla app on my phone. I don't think my range has dropped to be honest - but I haven't really monitored it. I'm contemplating getting a ODB2 for the model S, so I can keep track of things like that. I spoke with a coworker who has a Model 3...
  40. J

    2017 S 90D Supercharging Weird

    Hi there, New to the forum, but was wondering if anybody has experienced weird supercharging where it oscillates between ranges. This past weekend my supercharging was terrible as it bounced between. 0kw and 40kw. I tried 4 different chargers and I was the only car charging. I've contacted the...