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  1. V

    Bought used car with AP 1.0 computer but Can't Upgrade/Add-Auto-Pilot

    They stopped putting AP1 in cars long before they added the software upgrade page in the UI and the app. My guess is there was no need or desire to even put any development work into adding it to the upgrade page at all, especially with the low number of AP1 cars in the world. Best way is...
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    Late 2016 / Early 2017 S Owners: How Are Your Daytime Running Lights Holding Up?

    After seeing the post about the 10 pairs on Ebay, I grabbed a set myself. Late 2017 S. My left headlight eyebrow has been out for over a year now, and the right one was replaced 3 years ago for a different issue with a D revision, so I have been diving with an "imbalanced" eyebrows for a...
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    Euro Tail Lights in USA

    Actually now that I think about it again, I found out that the dimmer, running lights that are on the trunk itself also blink when you put the turn signals on (i.e. during the day when your headlights & running lights would be normally off already). Found that very strange and unexpected, but...
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    Euro Tail Lights in USA

    Honestly, I'd assume there is some legal/liability reasons why they can't modify a car to a different specification beyond what was originally sold. Since they've never sold a Model S with Amber Taillights in the US, they can't modify one to use them since it's a configuration that was never...
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    Euro Tail Lights in USA

    I attempted it about 2 months ago. I rewired all the signals around so the top brake light signal would run the outside part of the taillights, and the front turn signals would run the new amber rear lights, all via relays. Even put equivalent grounding resistors on the old outputs so the...
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    V11 is going to be HUGE!

    Pretty much. Which was a poor decision in my opinion. The UI before v9, the S/X had it's own unique UI that worked very well. Then they threw in the horizontal designed UI from the 3 into the S/X vertical screen. Compared to v8, v9 & V10 in the S/X is awful. Pretty much everything on the...
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    Smart Shift for Older S/X Models Possible?

    I doubt it will be "forced" upon us but I do believe it would be super easy to implement in our older cars if they decided to add it. I do recall seeing in some of the Model S Refresh leaks that there was a way to disable it in the settings menu as well. Thus if we do get it hopefully we also...
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    Late 2016 / Early 2017 S Owners: How Are Your Daytime Running Lights Holding Up?

    My left light has failed, waiting on the right side to do the same. Did you get the F revisions from Tesla and install it yourself then? Or got them from E-Bay? I'm waiting to see if these F revisions do fix the problem before I look into replacing them myself. Or go snip a wire and disable...
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    Euro Tail Lights in USA

    I'm currently in beginning of the process of doing this myself. Always bugged me to the point where I want to just fix it myself. Right now I still need to get ahold of another EU taillight however. My plan now is to get to the main control unit and change the signal wiring via relay logic...
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    Gen2 HPWC charging cable tight fit in charge port

    I just installed a Gen 2 at my home and noticed the same thing. It's way more snug and requires more effort to get it to lock in vs the mobile charger I have been using. I just figured being brand new it just needs broken in. Perhaps not... I would guess it was manufactured slightly larger...
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    Something interesting happened with my Service Loaner and Autopilot

    Same thing happened to me this week as well. Got a older loaner and it's autopilot was way different. Did the car on the heads up display look way different too? Essentially, the 2015 has autopilot 1 (AP1) which was developed by mobile eye and not by Tesla. So it's running completely different...
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    MCU2 Upgrade Audio EQ Balancing - Coming From MCU1

    Now, the real question that I don't have the answer for... how do we Tesla's attention with this? The EQ balancing as well as proper DSP timing. Clearly the settings between what we had on MCU1 and what's being used on MCU2 are different and has affected the sound quality a lot. I might start...
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    MCU2 Upgrade Audio EQ Balancing - Coming From MCU1

    That's a neat way to think about it, just 13 ft different. And I see what you're saying, but each instrument in an orchestra plays something completely different from the others. There is a reason all the trumpets sit next to each other and not far apart. And yeah, there may be a slight delay...
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    MCU2 Upgrade Audio EQ Balancing - Coming From MCU1

    In follow up to my previous post on rear speakers being out of sync with the front, I grabbed a laptop with audicity to have it play a click track and record what the microphone hears. I recorded one with the front speakers only, and a second with the rear speakers only, Here's the results I...
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    Considering Model S 2017 75 RWD... any help?

    I got a Sept '17 RWD Model S. Probably one of the last ones made. Definitely has the power boost of 4.2 sec 0-60. Got the MCU2 upgrade and it still feels like a new car. ~60k miles now. Do wish I had more range to go to more isolated places away from chargers, but I feel stopping every ~2...
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    MCU2 Upgrade Audio EQ Balancing - Coming From MCU1

    So i found this thread a while ago, all of which describes my thoughts exactly on the sound quality with the new MCU 2. I've been playing with my tone settings for a long time but still couldn't get it to sound right. it always sounded... muffled and not crisp at all. I one thing i learned in...
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    Model S Windshield Service Mode

    90% sure on this: if you have the "beta: automatic windshield wipers" enabled, you need to turn the wipers to off on the stalk to get service mode to work.
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    Another feature removed by a software update

    I was going to make a similar post myself, but I'm quite certain it would just go on deaf ears. In the S/X's vertical screen, the original toy box worked great and IMO didn't need to change. But since it wasn't really well designed for horizontal 3/Y screen, they changed it for them and then...
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    Tesla infotainment system upgradeable from MCU1 to MCU2

    Except that the MCU1 eMMC dies every 4 years and requires ~$4k to replace..... at that point might as well upgrade at half cost to something actually robust, has a working browser (which was basically removed w/ v9+), and doesn't take 20+ secs to load the map.
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    Denver (Evans) SC Experiences - Waiting/Loaners?

    Earlier this year I was given an ICE loaner from enterprise when I dropped off my car. Wasn't fun. I dropped it off again this summer (mid July) for a day and there was a lot more teslas in their lot. Ended up with an older P85D, which was too much fun! I.e. it seemed like their loaner stock...
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    Early Access Current Version

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    Early Access Current Version

    About what's in it, sure. I'm just curious if others got an 24.X EA update recently. Planning to skip it for now.
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    Early Access Current Version

    Posting here since there is more model 3 EA folks. My car downloaded an update today, but I never hear anything from Tesla if it's another EA update or not. Rather not lose the current (but still rough) smart summon. Currently on 20.4.5. Anybody in EA can confirm a newer version?
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    New Service & Sales Center: Superior, CO

    Got my car back from the Evans St. Service Center. I asked about the Superior SC and was told that it is definitely going to be a Tesla service center, but the planned opening date is near the end of the year. Sounds like it's several months away before we see anything happen.
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    Advice for damaged Model S in Colorado

    I moved here ~6 months ago. Guess I should update my profile on here..... Luckly, my accident was very minor, so far looks like ~3k to repair. I'll certainly look into it, but not sure if it's even worth the effort in my case.
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    Advice for damaged Model S in Colorado

    Not to hijack this thread too much, but my model S is currently at Stuttgart from getting rear ended few months ago. (Hoping it'll be a quick repair, but expecting the worse atm). Anyway, any suggestions on where to get a good DV claim amount? All new to me and rather not use some random...
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    Viewing options

    You talking about having Power and Camera at the same time? They got rid of being able to have any app in any order on the screen with the new V9 UI update. Now forced to have maps always on the top, music always on the bottom, and only one other app docked to the top of the music (or only at...
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    Software Update 2019.12.x

    I got the early access .9 with the enhanced summon on my '17 Model S. Certainly feel very lucky, but it's not very useful at all atm.
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    MCU1 Browser with Mars vs Drawing

    As an owner with a MCU1 that currently has an inoperable browser given the always present map display that eats up too much CPU, having the drawing app cover it up has been a great solution to get the browser working as desired. I did discover recently though that having the Mars display also...
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    Petition to demand "camera on top, media player on bottom" be retained in UI

    I was hoping that V9's release was more of a "rushed release" and that we would see some major fixes/changes by now to fix all the poorly implemented "changes".... sadly it's been a (regrettable) ~5 months and no obvious changes in sight. I'm not sure what the best way to get their attention...
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    V3 Supercharger Revealed 250kW

    I'm a 2017 75 owner as well. But here's my current understanding, which is somewhat guessing atm. V2 has a Amp limit of ~250A per stall/pair (or 300A max soon). With the 75kWh packs we're limited to 350V, which gives a max power of 90kW (300V * 250A). With V3, looks like they can put ~500A...
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    “Standard Range” = 75D? Is a range upgrade coming?

    They stopped making the 75 kWh battery pack few weeks ago. The standard range Model S is now a "software limited" 100kWh pack.
  33. V

    Petition to demand "camera on top, media player on bottom" be retained in UI

    They have, but only if it's "docked" on top of the Music App. So with the camera on top you only get music at the bottom half, nothing else. Plus you have to reset the positions every time you get in the car. If that's not a problem with you then go for it, but overall V9 still needs a lot...
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    Petition to demand "camera on top, media player on bottom" be retained in UI

    From what I noticed, they pretty much took the super fancy Model 3 UI, tweaked it to work on a vertical screen and dumped it onto all us S/X owners. No thought was put in place on how this UI would work on a vertical screen, and more importantly to incorporate any of the features of V8 that...
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    Is it possible to ask a service center to downgrade version 9 to version 8?

    I've sent many emails and complaints on the UI and all I've gotten is "We don't do any software reverts but updates are frequent enough that your issue may be fixed in a future update." Myself being quite tall having to look way down at my feet to operate everything is a serious concern. Guess...
  36. V

    PETITION: Bring back dual app view Elon! Sign here!!

    @Tech_Guy Brilliant! Will do.
  37. V

    PETITION: Bring back dual app view Elon! Sign here!!

    Having the ability to customize the screen with the apps in any order is one of the biggest advantages the Model S/X had over any other car out there. I.E. not a button X does X only, but set up but able to but customized for any situation. While 80% of the time I have maps on top and music on...
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    Supercharger - Leavenworth, WA (LIVE Jul 2018, 16 V2 stalls)

    Oh wow. I'm actually headed up to Orondo this weekend. A supercharger there would make taking the Tesla an option (vs. an ICE car atm). Confirmation would be great! If not I'll see if I can verify it myself if I'm in the area over the weekend with the ICE car (I'm not driving however).
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    Supercharger - Lynnwood WA

    Stopped by during my lunch and saw a couple of big trucks (one with a crane) leaving the area, and saw a nice pretty transformer! No idea on wiring status, didn't have time to talk to anybody/check it out. I'm sure Tesla still needs to come by and do their tests. Almost there!