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  1. mbranciforte

    Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

    Any idea if you’ve got the new Li ion low voltage battery or still the old lead acid?
  2. mbranciforte

    Firmware 8.5

    Maybe a silly question but is the peak power increase across all models? Pretty excited about that one!
  3. mbranciforte

    Why my vent moves, finally figured this out!

    I still think the A/C interface needs improvement. It’s not completely clear and straightforward and accurately pinpointing flow is tricky. Also, the animation is just fluff. It was simpler to direct airflow accurately before the software update.
  4. mbranciforte

    Suggestion for Improved Windshield Wiper Interface

    Very good suggestions! Definitely would be helpful improvements. Thanks for your ideas!
  5. mbranciforte

    No firmware updates in a while

    Does 46.2 have any new features or just firmware updates? Thanks!
  6. mbranciforte

    Model 3 Software Updates

    I just had this exact thing happen to me as well. Had a notification pop up about the free trial installing and then nothing...
  7. mbranciforte

    Model 3 Software Updates

    Confirmed. Downloaded properly and the dash cam seems to be working properly.
  8. mbranciforte

    Model 3 Software Updates

    I just got the notification that update is available. Have early LR M3 with VIN in the 5000s. Updating now. Will confirm when complete. So excited!!
  9. mbranciforte

    Model 3 Software Updates

    Anyone with an early production regular old RWD model 3 (extended range) get the update yet?? It looks like there’s one person so far. I took delivery in mid-February and typically get updates pretty early but nothing yet and I’m wondering if priority is going to the more expensive versions of...
  10. mbranciforte

    Model 3 Software Updates

    That's precisely right. Hopefully, one day, Tesla is big enough to handle that kind of capacity!
  11. mbranciforte

    Model 3 Software Updates

    As I suspected when I posted my concern/question yesterday about the validity of the rumor...Tesla, from my experience, has NEVER released an update in one big release at the same time. Tesla has always "rolled" the updates out over the course of a week to three weeks to ensure there are not...
  12. mbranciforte

    All-weather floor mats, trunk/frank mats

    I am looking for all weather mats for the driver and passenger areas and would love to hear some recommendations. I have the all weather frunk and trunk mats made by Tesla and really like them. They are custom designed by Tesla so you really can’t beat that. I wish they made them for inside...
  13. mbranciforte

    Discussion: Floor Mats in Model 3

    Is there a good, custom, all weather mat for the M3 that people have had a good experience with?
  14. mbranciforte

    Paint protection/ceramic coating

    What is the typical cost of ceramic coating the entire car?
  15. mbranciforte

    Miles driven vs miles used on P3D+

    I forgot to mention that I’m in a long range model 3, not the P3D and have had it since Feb (hence the usage). However I have seen many variations to range over the course of owning the car, so I wanted to let you know it’s perfectly normal. If I’m good, I get around 250 with pretty high AC...
  16. mbranciforte

    Very high charging rate

    I got 475 mph one time on a road trip from Miami to Orlando at Fort Drum supercharger with a SOC around 10-15%. I was pretty amazed and have not gotten that high since.
  17. mbranciforte

    Miles driven vs miles used on P3D+

    Totally normal to see those kinds of variations. Especially when the car is new and just starting to learn your behavior. I have 5500 miles on mine and it can still vary significantly on range when I drive aggressively (which seems to be much more often these days).
  18. mbranciforte

    Model 3 Software Updates

    Do we have any more confirmations about the rollout tomorrow? This would be the first time I’m aware of that they’d be releasing an update to every at the same time. I thought it was a policy to release in waves to be able to address unforeseen issues and bugs.
  19. mbranciforte

    2018.24.7 firmware

    Thanks for the updates. I’m still stuck on 2018.21.9 too!! Feels like forever!
  20. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    I just checked the other day and it had been moved as well!! Took delivery on 2/16 and got the account moved on 5/5. I did not receive any notification that it had been moved and was only contacted by email about a week after to let me know it had been completed. There's even a delay in their...
  21. mbranciforte

    Model 3 Software Updates

    SDK...totally agree with you on the interface changes...not nearly as intuitive as before. Also, I really don't think these are the types of changes and updates the car needs at this point. Surely, there are more important items to be improving on and updating. Does anyone know the email...
  22. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    Update: it has now been 2 months since I took delivery of my Model 3 and there has been no progress made with my account transfer. This is just becoming absurd!
  23. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    Wow...can you tell me exactly how you went about doing it? Because, so far, I have called the (877) 798-3752 number and spoken with countless reps there. I have directly contacted [email protected] and [email protected]. I've contacted my delivery specialist and the pre-delivery...
  24. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    Are you sure your neighbor transferred a Model 3 or was it an S or X? Either I am being completely lied to by every Tesla employee I've spoken with or your neighbor is mistaken or has gotten around the system somehow. I have been told repeatedly that there is a company-wide hold on any and...
  25. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    Another update, I called in today to check on the status and was told that NO account transfers/updates are being done on Model 3s. There has been some kind of "hold" on doing any transfers, so it looks like this isn't going to get resolved any time soon. Has anyone else called in and received...
  26. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    Just an update, I have requested the account transfer correctly, as outlined above, but it has now been over a month and a half since I took delivery of the car, and still no progress. This request is being done within the same family (it's not like I purchased the reservation or anything like...
  27. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    I've just submitted the request through the "Manage" tab as you suggested, so let's see how long it takes to process from this point! Thanks for the advice!
  28. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    Definite head scratcher! I was initially told that they would take care of the transfer at delivery, then at delivery they told me I needed to have the original account email servicehelpNA and they would take care of it. Many emails, many calls later and 5 weeks...still no apparent progress...
  29. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    Ok, so I have had full functionality with the app since delivery because I had been using my dad's account (with his login info). Then, a few weeks back they granted me access to the Model 3 through my own account which now allows me to access the car through my own sign-in, but my VIN still...
  30. mbranciforte

    Account/Ownership Transfers

    Has anyone successfully completed an account or ownership transfer? I reserved the Model 3 through my father's account since he is a Model S owner (which put me a little higher in line for delivery). I finally took delivery of my Model 3 on February 16th and made the request for the account...