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20" Winter Wheel / Tire set for 2019 Model S Chicago Area

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Looking to buy a used winter wheel / tire setup for my 2019 Model S. Looking for 20" Wheel with winter tires. Ping me if you have a set to sell.. I live in Chicago area and willing to purchase in surrounding areas or, if shipping reasonable / free :>), that works as well..

I don't have a 20" set, I didn't know these existed, but I do have a set of OEM 19" Slipstreams wheels with All Season tires, that came with my Tesla S.
I live in Chicago, and these wheels have proven perfect through the coldest Chicago winter weather for me. I am no longer using these, as I decided to keep my Arachnid wheels with GoodYear All Seasons on my car year round. See here: Tesla S OEM original 19" slipstream wheels + tires for sale
Hey there. Thanks for reaching out. I ended up getting a 19” set of winters / rims a few weeks back. Curious, you mentioned you were able to get all seasons on your Arachinids. Are they 21”? I have 21” Sonic Carbon Twin Turbines and haven’t been able to find a set of all seasons for it. Would prefer that vs having to change for winter / summer. Any advice you can provide would be appreciated.