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Active vs Reactive Power settings on Delta Inverter

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I was looking through the settings on my delta M8 inverter and found the "smart grid" settings.

It includes options for active vs reactive power priority and has options for active power control.

What is the difference between active/reactive and is there a preferable option for the active power control?

Choices are Fix_P, Freq/Watt, Volt/ Watt.


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The only thing I know about reactive power is what was posted about it in the following thread: Beware SMETS2 meters

The quote was:

Yes, the way I like to think about apparent, real, and reactive power is this:
Consider a wheelbarrow - you must lift up in order to move the goods forward. The lifting up doesn't actually move the goods, but you need it in order to move them (can't just drag on the ground).
Reactive power (VAR) is the lifting up, real power is you pushing forward moving the goods (watts), and apparent power is your entire effort (VA).

I would suggest you not touch any of those settings at all, personally, as you likely would have a chance of pretty royally screwing up how your inverter operates. The thread I linked is basically about how the meter in question seems to be billing for reactive power as well as active, causing discrepancies in billed kWhs. Like I said, I wouldnt touch any of those settings, and doubt they are there for end user customers to interact with.
The only thing I know about reactive power is what was posted about it in the following thread: Beware SMETS2 meters

The quote was:

I would suggest you not touch any of those settings at all, personally, as you likely would have a chance of pretty royally screwing up how your inverter operates. The thread I linked is basically about how the meter in question seems to be billing for reactive power as well as active, causing discrepancies in billed kWhs. Like I said, I wouldnt touch any of those settings, and doubt they are there for end user customers to interact with.

I was confused because none of the active power control radial buttons seem to be selected.

I won't change anything but didn't know anything about it and was curious.