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I am looking to takeover X lease

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i live in Southern California. I am looking to assume a model X lease. Will pay money upfront to compensate for your out of pocket costs. Preferably looking for shorter lease term with a decent amount of allowable yearly mileage. Please respond with monthly lease amount,current miles on vehicle, remaining miles, down payment amount.
i live in Southern California. I am looking to assume a model X lease. Will pay money upfront to compensate for your out of pocket costs. Preferably looking for shorter lease term with a decent amount of allowable yearly mileage. Please respond with monthly lease amount,current miles on vehicle, remaining miles, down payment amount.

Hi there! I have a 2017 Tesla X P75D for a lease takeover.

Original downpayment was $10k, looking to get back $7500.

Payment is at $905. Car is in San Francisco.

Current mileage is about 6200. 36000 total mileage allowance.

25 months remaining on lease.

Please call me at 415-889-3260 for more details. My name is Efim. Thank you.