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I will buy your Model Y reservation for cash

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Have a reservation ready to be delivered Sep 23

Like et me know If you are interested I have this configuration on white with white $53k
  • Long Range All-Wheel Drive
  • Pearl White Paint
  • 19’’ Gemini Wheels
  • Black and White Premium Interior
  • Seven Seat Interior
  • Autopilot
Interested if you still looking for someone to take over the reservation. Please DM.
Hi everyone,
Could you please explain step-by-step how the transfer process works? I am located in Canada, how to transfer my December Model Y reservation to someone who is willing to pay for it?
Bump and ditto for a request about a step by step (like directions so even a bumbling idiot could follow them) description of what needs to be done to successfully transfer a reservation to someone else.
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Hi all! Not sure if this is frowned upon or not. My apologies if it is. I would like to purchase someone's Model Y reservation.
I am willing to pay up to $2000 cash for your reservation delivering within a month.
Cash will be paid at time of delivery. Was in an accident and my Model Y is just not the same looking for a new one.
My preferred build:
Color: Anything but red.
AWD Long Range,
rims: don't care.
Location: Los Angeles county, Orange County.
5 seater
i have booking, i am not sure whether it is legal to sell, i would like to sell my booking if it is legal
I am locking this thread since it has become a dumping ground for folks also looking to buy and thread-jack here.

As a general reminder, don’t post for sale in someone else’s “for sale” or “want to buy” in someone else’s “want to buy”.

@Vatchg - Let me know if you are still looking and I will repopen this thread.
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