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I'm Getting a Tesla -- And You Can Have One Too

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2014 S P85 | 2023 F-150L
Jun 27, 2013
Kansas City, MO
It finally happened. I was finally ready. I ordered a Tesla Model S. How did I do it?

This is a little piece for all those folks out there who have dreams. Sometimes they seem impossible to reach. These dreams could be anything. You might dream of owning your own Tesla. You might dream of visiting all of the historical places on the Earth. Or of becoming someone who helps underprivileged children find a better life.

One of my dreams was to buy and own a Tesla. Why dream about buying and owning a Tesla? I've always been a car guy. I like cars. I like fast cars. Sexy cars. And practicality has it's place too; I need somewhere to put my kids and groceries. I like technology. Agree with me or not, I am also convinced by the available scientific arguments and evidence that we not only need to curb greenhouse gas emissions, but we need to find new sustainable energy systems for the sake of future generations. I care about that. Some of these passions are not closely aligned. Then along comes Tesla. Here was a company and a car that seemed to be the best of everything. A brighter future for myself and the rest of humanity all wrapped into one. I love the car, and the company. For someone like me, it was a perfectly packaged dream. The only downside was, I couldn't afford one.

A story about making money seems a little petty at first glance, but it's what I needed to do to achieve this dream. It certainly wasn't easy. I grew up poor. I have the benefit of a wonderful family, but circumstances at the time I was a child left us struggling. We lived in a trailer home that was falling apart and struggled to get by for quite some time. But I didn't give up. None of us did. I paid attention in grade school, got loans to get me through college, and have worked hard over the last fifteen years to build my career. Then Tesla came around. My childhood family had all climbed out of the hole we once found ourselves in, but I still couldn't afford a Tesla. It was a dream.

So I worked harder, keeping my dreams in mind. I planned ahead. I committed to choices that would help me reach my dreams. Some of these choices were sacrifices. But they got me closer to reaching my dreams. I worked together with my adult family and we built on these dreams together. They help me reach for my dreams, and I help them to reach for theirs. Then one day it finally happened. You climb a ladder long enough, you eventually reach the top. We made it! The dream has become reality. A dream come true.

I know it sounds silly. But I believe in the Tesla mission. And I love their product. I've always been secretly a Star Trek fan. I like science fiction. But I especially like Star Trek. I like it because it portrays a positive, vibrant, and successful future for humanity through discipline, respect, advancing technologies, and always trying to be better than we are. You could say this is yet another dream. And I believe, if we are ever to achieve it, we will need companies like Tesla who aren't afraid to take chances in an effort to build a better future. They've got the magic this world needs more of. Take my money, Elon.

Don't give up on your dreams. Work hard with your family to achieve them. Make decisions that will help get you there. And keep close ties with your friends and family through all of it. Journeying with them through life to achieve dreams is itself a fulfilled dream, regardless of how many other dreams you eventually reach. Now, your dreams can be anything, but being a Tesla Motors forum, I know there are others out there reading this who dream of buying and owning a Tesla just like I did. The point is, believe in it. Work hard for it. Make your choices. It was once just a dream for me. But now I'm getting a Tesla -- and you can have one too. I just told you how to do it. Go get started.