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Looking for 21” arachnid rims

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I have a referral Brand New set of 21" Silver Arachnids with Michelin Plus tires and TPMS. I can determine where they are to be shipped, when order is placed. The Service Center will install for free.
$4800 and I might throw in an invite to the Semi Reveal October 26. Where are you located?
I have a referral Brand New set of 21" Silver Arachnids with Michelin Plus tires and TPMS. I can determine where they are to be shipped, when order is placed. The Service Center will install for free.
$4800 and I might throw in an invite to the Semi Reveal October 26. Where are you located?
I’m located in Toronto Canada.
I have a referral Brand New set of 21" Silver Arachnids with Michelin Plus tires and TPMS. I can determine where they are to be shipped, when order is placed. The Service Center will install for free.
$4800 and I might throw in an invite to the Semi Reveal October 26. Where are you located?
Just curious. How do you know that you can ship the wheels to any service center and they will install? I haven't seen info confirming that it is an option.