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navigation map question

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I've noticed when using sat nav in the car that some junctions / stretches of road show an orange (predominently) or red line on one side of a road (sometimes both sides) and at some junctions. Short coloured single lines??
When we get there - there is nothing, no hold up, no traffic....nothing at all.
Any ideas?
That's indeed the traffic indications and it is a little misleading, but true.

At stoplights or stop signs, the average speed of vehicles decreases, so that's what you are seeing, a decrease of other vehicles speeds.

What do you expect red to indicate? Very slow or stopped vehicles?
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When you touch the map several indicators appear on the left hand side, for charging, points of interest etc. What you describe is what appears when you tap the "traffic light" image which represents traffic conditions, but in reality often reflects nothing of the sort ;) . Just turn it off and look out of the windscreen.

As suggested above, it shows that traffic slows down at roundabouts and traffic lights, whoopsy doo!!

Here is an extract from an electronic book you will find within the vehicle settings - often referred to as "The Owners Manual" and where such things can be gleaned and much useless guff too, and where you can turn it off:

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 22.00.45.png
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That's indeed the traffic indications and it is a little misleading, but true.

At stoplights or stop signs, the average speed of vehicles decreases, so that's what you are seeing, a decrease of other vehicles speeds.

What do you expect red to indicate? Very slow or stopped vehicles?
Erm - wrong.
I'll assume I didn't make myself clear.....
I specifically mentioned the words: "on one side of the road". I specifically didn't mention orange or red roads.

The red or orange colour is depicted in the format of a red (pencil thick) line. It doesn't fill the road as per Google Maps or indeed the sat nav on the car - which as you correctly stated was a reflection of traffic hold ups etc.

These red/orange pencil thick lines overlaying the edge of each affected area - appear on the right edge or the left edge of the road sporadically. They appear at junctions or along a small stretch of the road and yet when the car arrives at that point - there is nothing at all to suggest delays/traffic etc. In fact most of them are in the middle of nowhere - along a quiet stretch with no traffic, no hold ups, no roadworks. Some of the marked junctions are quiet isolated crossroads deep in the middle of the countryside????

So I say again - any ideas?
If you read my post above about traffic indicators and just tap the “traffic light” image you will see that you can turn it on and off. Your description is a perfect description of what is described in the Owners Manual.

The problem is the implementation and how it is shown. It is not “real time”, but appears to be an indicator of how traffic flow rates are changing, and you see it on the side of the road that is affected, eg slowing down for traffic lights would show on the opposite sides of the road as an orange light and when stationary at the lights as red. However the implementation is such that they appear to be a traffic “average”, so if you are approaching the lights and they are green you will sail straight through but on the map see and orange or red marker on your side of the road.
Erm - wrong.
I'll assume I didn't make myself clear.....
I specifically mentioned the words: "on one side of the road". I specifically didn't mention orange or red roads.

The red or orange colour is depicted in the format of a red (pencil thick) line. It doesn't fill the road as per Google Maps or indeed the sat nav on the car - which as you correctly stated was a reflection of traffic hold ups etc.

These red/orange pencil thick lines overlaying the edge of each affected area - appear on the right edge or the left edge of the road sporadically. They appear at junctions or along a small stretch of the road and yet when the car arrives at that point - there is nothing at all to suggest delays/traffic etc. In fact most of them are in the middle of nowhere - along a quiet stretch with no traffic, no hold ups, no roadworks. Some of the marked junctions are quiet isolated crossroads deep in the middle of the countryside????

So I say again - any ideas?
I believe that is still the traffic depiction on a 2-lane road, the ones that are only shown with a single line. That's as opposed to 4+ lane roads that are shown with multiple lines.
This is from Google Maps in a computer browser, not the car.

Notice College Ave SE in the lower portion. It is a 2-lane road, it's real obvious on the Northeastern portion where it is green, that the traffic indicator is adjacent to and somewhat covering the actual grey road line.

And you can see that it is traffic stopped for a stop sign or traffic light.

Or are you seeing something else?

And yes, it can easily appear in the middle of nowhere where there is only a stop sign.

That's what this is. Most of the time there's no one at the Intersection. But at some point recently, a vehicle running an app like Waze came by, slowed down for the traffic sign and traffic registered as slow.
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