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Need 4 TPMS Sensors for new Model S

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I seen threads where some folks picked up the new TPMS sensors at a Tesla Service center for $18 a piece which is a great deal but the closest service center is over 1 1/2 hours away from me. I was hoping to be able to buy them online and have them mailed to save me a trip. Anyone know where to get OEM TPMS sensors online?
I seen threads where some folks picked up the new TPMS sensors at a Tesla Service center for $18 a piece which is a great deal but the closest service center is over 1 1/2 hours away from me. I was hoping to be able to buy them online and have them mailed to save me a trip. Anyone know where to get OEM TPMS sensors online?

I called my nearest service center (which is 155 miles away) and they FedEx'd them to me. I paid about $60 each (so I don't know where you saw $18?) plus S/H.

When I asked, he said non Tesla provided TPMS sensors may not always work.
I don't know why one SC would be that much cheaper than another.

I just wanted to say what my experience just last month was for a Model S and how they'd handled it for me.

(And I thought the sensors in that post were for the Roadster, not the S, but it was getting a bit hard to follow).
I don't know why one SC would be that much cheaper than another.

I just wanted to say what my experience just last month was for a Model S and how they'd handled it for me.

(And I thought the sensors in that post were for the Roadster, not the S, but it was getting a bit hard to follow).

I ended up contacting the service center which was out of state and they sold me 4 TPMS Sensors and shipped it for $106 total.
What SC did you use? I just talked with a service center manager from an IL location and he said they're all $50 ..., so he'd like to find out where you'd gotten them.

Devon PA, Originally they were charging me $50 and I asked are you sure those are the newer ones that fit my new Model S picked up in December which are supposed to be less expensive and then they came back with... "I have received this message. You are correct, the total for the sensors came to be $106.00 including tax" so they were half the price including shipping and tax.

There are 2 versions of the TPMS sensors. I am not sure when the change occurred.