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Need help with buying spare parts for Tesla Service

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Hi, who can help with the purchase of spare parts in Tesla Service in California or in any other city. My car has a Salvage certificate and is currently removed from the Tesla service base, and I can’t buy spare parts now for it. Who can place an order for your car, I clarified you won’t have to go to the service and do not have to pay, I will pay and Tesla can send 19809, Wilmington. You only need to call and place an order, If anyone can help me with this. Thanks

8008228-00-A Rear Brake Caliper, Sport, Motor Assembly 90 usd
1108557-00-A output axle seal 3.31 usd
Hi, who can help with the purchase of spare parts in Tesla Service in California or in any other city. My car has a Salvage certificate and is currently removed from the Tesla service base, and I can’t buy spare parts now for it. Who can place an order for your car, I clarified you won’t have to go to the service and do not have to pay, I will pay and Tesla can send 19809, Wilmington. You only need to call and place an order, If anyone can help me with this. Thanks

8008228-00-A Rear Brake Caliper, Sport, Motor Assembly 90 usd
1108557-00-A output axle seal 3.31 usd
Where able to get the parts. I need 1108557-00-A seal.