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Open Source Teslalogger on Raspberry / Docker with ScanMyTesla integration

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Guess from the last no-response post - I cannot hope much for this. Hi all, I just recently (like...last week) got my teslalogger on RP3b to work - with lots of help from Michael K. Afterthat, I have whole bunch of questions and nobody has enough time to respond. I have no knowledge of linux, respbien, docker, synology. If anyone can answer - I'd be very grateful.
1) When import data from TeslaFi, I can only see the charging (some of them) data but not the drive. Is this normal? That import took me almost 3 hr (13 months data).
2) I saw people posting beautiful picture of their car on the dashboard pic. I try to copy my own picture to that \\raspberry\teslalogger-web\admin\wallpapers\1\ - but I couldn't find that folder inside the etc folder. I tried look for it elsewhere on the SD card and no avail. I even tried create that folder (in the etc folder) with my own image but it still not coming up. Anyone can teach me how to do it?
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Guess from the last no-response post - I cannot hope much for this. Hi all, I just recently (like...last week) got my teslalogger on RP3b to work - with lots of help from Michael K. Afterthat, I have whole bunch of questions and nobody has enough time to respond. I have no knowledge of linux, respbien, docker, synology. If anyone can answer - I'd be very grateful.
1) When import data from TeslaFi, I can only see the charging (some of them) data but not the drive. Is this normal? That import took me almost 3 hr (13 months data).
2) I saw people posting beautiful picture of their car on the dashboard pic. I try to copy my own picture to that \\raspberry\teslalogger-web\admin\wallpapers\1\ - but I couldn't find that folder inside the etc folder. I tried look for it elsewhere on the SD card and no avail. I even tried create that folder (in the etc folder) with my own image but it still not coming up. Anyone can teach me how to do it?
Hi, Sorry I had some day offs and was out of town.

basically it should import everything from teslafi - do you have a logfile?

I don't know what installation you have, but if you run teslalogger inside a docker container, you have to copy in subfolder: \TeslaLogger\www\admin\wallpapers\1
i just installed and created everything and i am using the web interface for the first time and its all nut like naw bro your not doing anything here.
I go to settings and click credentials by my tesla and it shows the first image just a blank screen with the error about allcars
the home screen is there just because i dono if something is supposed to be there but i assume not since i dont have my car connected.
also i try to enable scan my tesla but it wont give me a token its just a checkbox that does nothing when i check it.
can anyone help me, im assuming its a user error and i screwed something up but i dont get what it could be.



  • logfile.txt
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i just installed and created everything and i am using the web interface for the first time and its all nut like naw bro your not doing anything here.
I go to settings and click credentials by my tesla and it shows the first image just a blank screen with the error about allcars
the home screen is there just because i dono if something is supposed to be there but i assume not since i dont have my car connected.
also i try to enable scan my tesla but it wont give me a token its just a checkbox that does nothing when i check it.
can anyone help me, im assuming its a user error and i screwed something up but i dont get what it could be.
So I'm a big dumb dumb and i figured it out. After looking at the logfile it says line 23 and line 24 are ****ed up. so me not knowing much about code eventually count down the lines and see that is the line i made changes to based on the directions and so i went back to the page and then google translate because i couldn't find an English page and saw where i went wrong its supposed to say
but mine said
<value />Server=database;Database=teslalogger;Uid=root;Password=teslalogger;CharSet=utf8;</value>

after staring at the 2 of them i finally saw the error and fixed the / and then saved and rebooted my Pi and its good to go

now i cant figure out how to get the "dashboard" tab to work. every one of the things i click on goes to the cant find page screen they all start with the same thing http://raspberry:3000/d/zm7wN6Zgz/Consumption is that correct link or have i screwed something up again?
So i see what the problem is but i have NO EFFING CLUE how to fix it the dashboard stuff should be for each item but short of typing in the IP each time i dono how to change it from raspberry:3000 in the code please help
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So I'm a big dumb dumb and i figured it out. After looking at the logfile it says line 23 and line 24 are ****ed up. so me not knowing much about code eventually count down the lines and see that is the line i made changes to based on the directions and so i went back to the page and then google translate because i couldn't find an English page and saw where i went wrong its supposed to say
but mine said
<value />Server=database;Database=teslalogger;Uid=root;Password=teslalogger;CharSet=utf8;</value>

after staring at the 2 of them i finally saw the error and fixed the / and then saved and rebooted my Pi and its good to go

now i cant figure out how to get the "dashboard" tab to work. every one of the things i click on goes to the cant find page screen they all start with the same thing http://raspberry:3000/d/zm7wN6Zgz/Consumption is that correct link or have i screwed something up again?
So i see what the problem is but i have NO EFFING CLUE how to fix it the dashboard stuff should be for each item but short of typing in the IP each time i dono how to change it from raspberry:3000 in the code please help
On the settings page, towards the bottom:
URL Grafana:
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now i cant figure out how to get the "dashboard" tab to work. every one of the things i click on goes to the cant find page screen they all start with the same thing http://raspberry:3000/d/zm7wN6Zgz/Consumption is that correct link or have i screwed something up again?
So i see what the problem is but i have NO EFFING CLUE how to fix it the dashboard stuff should be for each item but short of typing in the IP each time i dono how to change it from raspberry:3000 in the code please help
I've been using this app for about 2 years now and while there are a lot of really cool things that it logs the fact that it is originally coded/developed in non-English and metric units makes it difficult for us Americans to use sometimes :(

What goRT is saying is to add your IP ( to this location on the Settings page:

I've been using this app for about 2 years now and while there are a lot of really cool things that it logs the fact that it is originally coded/developed in non-English and metric units makes it difficult for us Americans to use sometimes :(

What goRT is saying is to add your IP ( to this location on the Settings page:
Ok so I got it now thanks that was driving me nuts.
Last question/problem, on the dashboard dropdown there is no SMT links but on the grafana page under browse dashboards there are several SMT graphs. Is there any way to add those to the Tesla logger page?
Ok so I got it now thanks that was driving me nuts.
Last question/problem, on the dashboard dropdown there is no SMT links but on the grafana page under browse dashboards there are several SMT graphs. Is there any way to add those to the Tesla logger page?
Not that I know of. I'm sure you could alter the code yourself to add some custom dashboard drop downs or you could ask for a feature request here: Issues · bassmaster187/TeslaLogger
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I am starting with a logger app. Tesla logger seems good, however this not US friendly. Lot of broken language in Grafana dashboards for english. Also, I tried with the docker install. docker-compose itself has references to "Europe/Berlin" timezone. I am not sure if this is ever getting fixed to be a truly multi - language support. Any opinion / recommendations? Should I start with Teslamate instead, or should I go with Teslalogger?
I am starting with a logger app. Tesla logger seems good, however this not US friendly. Lot of broken language in Grafana dashboards for english. Also, I tried with the docker install. docker-compose itself has references to "Europe/Berlin" timezone. I am not sure if this is ever getting fixed to be a truly multi - language support. Any opinion / recommendations? Should I start with Teslamate instead, or should I go with Teslalogger?
100% agree. I live in North Carolina USA and constantly frustrated with the lack of translation in the units of measurements and the verbiage (most of the time "miles" setting doesn't stick and it reverts to KM). I still use the program since I do get a little bit of benefit from it but do find it frustrating most of the time. You can tell that not as many people use it in the US vs the rest of the world based on the Supercharger location polling.

Here is the US data:

Here is Europe data:

I dont have a suggestion to move to something else since I am still using this product. The price is right (free, or donation to the developer) so that has kept me from moving to something else.
I've debated using it but don't see the advantage to forced polling data keeping the car awake when it wants to sleep. Seems like a recipe for vampire drain (ironically which people then complain about). I'd love if there were some simple way to turn on polling ONLY while using the car and have it shut down until the next time you toggle it. Likely not a hard change to make.
I've debated using it but don't see the advantage to forced polling data keeping the car awake when it wants to sleep. Seems like a recipe for vampire drain (ironically which people then complain about). I'd love if there were some simple way to turn on polling ONLY while using the car and have it shut down until the next time you toggle it. Likely not a hard change to make.
You can set the setting for it to sleep, maybe just make them more aggressive to your liking:
Does anyone (@bassmaster ?) have instructions on updating the Grafana module of this application? I am not familiar with docker/Linux and it looks like there is a vulnerability assocaited with the older version 8.3.2 that I am running:
Does anyone (@bassmaster ?) have instructions on updating the Grafana module of this application? I am not familiar with docker/Linux and it looks like there is a vulnerability assocaited with the older version 8.3.2 that I am running:
If you run it on docker, you can overwrite the version. For Raspberry, you need to update it.
Unfortunately Grafana is notorious for breaking changes and new bugs, so let me please check if everything works fine with the newest Version. After that you can update your docker file and everything should update itselfs.
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@bassmaster Thanks for the quick update to address the vulnerability. My local install is now 8.5.22 of Grafana which is the patched version. 👍

For anyone with a Synology running this app in a docker container (who are like me and don't really know what they are doing) here are my instructions:

Log into Synology normally​
Open Control Panel -> Terminal & SNMP -> Enable SSH​
SSH (using a program like putty.exe) into device IP​
Enter Credentials <normal synology user/password>​
sudo -i​
<normal synology password> again​
cd /volume1/docker​
cd TeslaLogger​
<Begin normal code update steps from website:>​
docker-compose stop​
git fetch​
git reset --hard origin/master​
git checkout origin/master -- docker-compose.yml​
git checkout origin/master -- TeslaLogger/GrafanaConfig/datasource.yaml​
docker-compose build​
docker-compose up -d​
Go back to Synology device and disable SSH​
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I managed to get 10.0.1 working the problem are raspberries from the first day. Grafana needs a new glibc and the only stable way is to upgrade to a new debian.
I saw that an update was released and needed to compose the file again. I performed the steps you listed here and got the following error:


TeslaLogger/GrafanaDB does not exists

I manually created that folder since it was not there and then ran the command you listed on your page:
chmod 777 TeslaLogger/GrafanaDB

The app was now able to start but all my historical data is gone. 😭

@bassmaster Either something is wrong with the upgrade or I am missing a step. I hope others don't get all their data wiped like I did.
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