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Phone-key issues with car sharing family?

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Jun 19, 2018
So Cal
My wife and I will be equally using the one model 3. It could be every other day we switch off due to work/telecommute schedules.

Anybody in similar situations and care to share their experience, annoyances that the phone as a key may have given them? False open/locking? Maybe the system is buggier when you got alternating phones being used?

How about when both of you are in the car with phones. Does the car get confused? If my wife gets out the car and I stay, will the car turn off? Do you have to mindfully switch the other's phone to airplane mode?
I can't answer from the perspective of two (or more) people equally using the car, but I don't think that matters because a lot of the time my wife is the first one to approach the car even though I am the one that drives it and I've never seen any issues with her not being able to unlock and get in and me not being able to start the car, above and beyond the normal Phone as Key issues (which admittedly have gotten much better for us).

As for getting in and out of the car. Whether the car shuts off or not has more to do with whether it senses someone in the driver's seat or not. Yes, the car will shut off (it can be turned back on by simply pressing the screen) if the driver gets out, but it will do so even if the phone is left in the car (I do this every day as I get out of the car to get my mail from the mail kiosk, which is literally at the side of the street, but in the 20 seconds or so it takes me to get my mail the car has shut off, even though my phone is still in the car!)
Ok so I think I get it. I was mistakenly thinking the phone as key is like Bluetooth pairing? Where the first phone to "pair" with the car is the sole controller?

Nope, not at all. Think of the phone as being functionally equivalent to a set of key fobs. They are functionally identical for purposes of authorizing entry and starting of the vehicle. But the actual starting of the vehicle (once authorized) is by stepping on the brake pedal, and shutting off the vehicle is getting out of the driver's seat.

Now perhaps some may think about the possibility of having driver profile of the person that unlocked the car first be automatically activated, but this is not the case. You must manually select the driver profile from the screen to switch to a new driver.
Both phones will act as individual keys. My girlfriend and I share the car and whoever walks up to the car first can unlock it. I have given her the backup key card just in case but we haven’t had to use that.

Like stated above, if she or myself drove the car last, that driver profile stays in the car until we change it manually depending on who is driving the car. It’s been working quiet well for us and haven’t had any nuisance with the phone key or any other aspect of different profiles.
All works well with 2 phones as keys. As the tall one, one word of advise is to have Easy Entry enabled on the shorter person's profile. Makes it much nicer for the taller person to enter the car if the shorter one drove the car last. Just remember to select the taller person's profile ASAP after entering the car to avoid getting crushed in the compactor as the car switches to the shorter person's profile. Tesla, please tie the seat settings to the phone of the person that opened the driver's door. Please!
Tesla, please tie the seat settings to the phone of the person that opened the driver's door. Please!

I second this. Also annoying is that the steering wheel height and chair adjust at the same time. My SO has the seat and wheel set very high. If I squeeze into the seat and change to my profile (steering wheel and seat are lower), the steering wheel comes down very quickly and can crush my thigh before the seat gets to its lower state.
The phone key is actually harder if you decided to get another Tesla. Last night, we drive my wife's X out to dinner because it is bigger and more comfortable. So I have to switch my app to the X in order to share an address to her car for the Nav. This morning, it was raining outside where my 3 is parked. I thought maybe I should go out and unplug the charger.. probably not good for the charger port being open in the downpour. So I went, try to unlock it.... nothing.. try to open the door nothing.... in the rain. So I thought oh great.. did my phone key suddenly decided to not work? Then I realized that I forgot to change the car back to mine in the app. Doh. :oops: