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Tax credit predictions?

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The tax credit is surely dead.

Focus had already shifted to other priorities for the Democrats and now with Russia invading Ukraine it as a complete afterthought. We are also well into an election year now and Democrats are poised to take massive losses in the House and will likely lose control of the Senate as well.
Climate change stuff is still in play to the degree anything is. Manchin isn’t against EV credits per se, just the add-on for union built. Demos are still interested in passing climate change measures and there were murmurings in congress as recently as yesterday of putting together a few of modest bits of the nixed bill that could be passed. Does it have a chance? Yes. Big one? No.
10 percent, something in that range probably? And if by that small chance it happens the question is would they change much? Wildly guessing no, except for dropping the additional credit for union-built.
No change. Republicans will not want to spend more on subsidies, but the "sensible" senate won't remove them either, just like most years.
US is oil and gas producing, so not going to get the kind of _open_ consensus from politicians on EVs it would need to make large changes.
Send a Thank You note to Manchin. And yes he is against them. He feels electric cars are selling fast enought without them. (Weren't the 1%ers doing well enough without their HUGE tax credits too?" He killed EV credits initially with BBB and just this week has spiked it through the heart again by suggesting that the money be transferred to research HYDROGEN-powered vehicles. He should have a discussion with Elon about that, In June 2020 he tweeted “fuel cells = fool sells,” adding in July of that year: “hydrogen fool sells make no sense.”

He might be interested in a "Yacht credit" tho.

Back to the Future? Stuck in the coal mine?
No EV tax credit. Nothing positive coming from Washington for EVs as long as this guy is around. Hydrogen. What are you nucking futz?

Can't this guy find a job as a canary?
