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The Model X and the lament of the introvert

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So I picked up my X yesterday (VIN 8XX), great experience down at the factory in Freemont. Kind of scary driving a car this expensive, but it didn't take me long to start appreciating autopilot on the drive home. Dropped my wife off at her home office, then went to work.

My partner decides he's going to ditch his bike and catch a ride home with me. Cool! But first I have to pick up my son from a school rehearsal. Walk in, and the rehearsal is running late and a group of parents sit there waiting, bored. One of them says, "I saw your wife posted your new car on Facebook!" Others ask what she's talking about. Three minutes later we're all outside, oohing and aahing the car. Other parents on their way in or out stop to check it out. Then my son's class is released, and I suddenly have twenty kids swarming in and out of the car, opening and closing the doors (they got seriously stress tested). One boy announces that he's moving in with me. Parents wonder about the white seats. I shrug. It's a soccer team mobility vehicle. Either the white seats survive gaggles of dirty, sweaty children loading in and out or they don't. This isn't a museum showpiece.

30 minutes later, I finally get on the road. Drop my biz partner off at home. His son and wife come out to check the car. As soon as the FWD's come up, half the houses on the block empty out to check it out. I have another dozen people swarming around the car. People want to know how much it costs which makes me nervous. "A lot, too much" is the best I can mumble. Every parents asks me about those white seats. Finally I extricate myself, and see a text from my mother. Her husband is dying to see the car. Okay, here I go. I pull in front of the house. They come out to check things out, and so does another bunch of neighbors. I hear a kid yell out, "Mom, come quick, it's a Tesla!" This time I act like I'm in a hurry (though I really have nowhere to go) so I can extract myself from here. I get home, walk in house without making eye contact with neighbors I can sense glancing in my direction. They were also alerted by my wife's Facebook post, so I'll have to deal with them later. But did I mention I'm an introvert? I've had enough human interaction for one day.

I get up this morning, start loading the kids in the car to take them to school. A policeman is parked next to my driveway investigating a report of something or other. He sees me, "Is that your Tesla?" I nod. "Cool! At first I thought it was the Model S, but then realized it was too big and it's the first X I've seen! Do you mind telling me how much it cost?" I spend the next five minutes chatting with him about the car even though the kids are going to be late to school...

So, this isn't even a first-world problem. This is a no-problem. As someone who believe's in Tesla's world-saving mission, I'm happy to be an ambassador for the Tesla brand, and always bring up the Model 3's forthcoming reveal. I want people to know why electric cars are such a benefit, and I want people to see Tesla as the aspirational brand that it is.

I just want to do it in little bits and pieces, because if every day is like the last 24 hours, I'm not sure how I'll survive! I'll manage, but man, I do look forward to the day when this car doesn't attract these kinds of crowds!

And to those who question the value of those doors ... these last 24 hours really do prove that they are sheer marketing genius.
Wow! The X sure gets a lot of attention. I wouldn't expect this much "tesla time" in CA, in Irvine I can't drive 30 minutes without seeing a Model S (but the S doesn't have wings). If your X held up to this "stress test" I can only imagine that Tesla solved the build quality issues early reservation holders reported.

Congrats on the Tesla btw, would love to see photos and your experience with the car. This is as close to a Model X I would get until mine is delivered next month.
I just want to do it in little bits and pieces, because if every day is like the last 24 hours, I'm not sure how I'll survive! I'll manage, but man, I do look forward to the day when this car doesn't attract these kinds of crowds!

And to those who question the value of those doors ... these last 24 hours really do prove that they are sheer marketing genius.

Wait until you take it to a SuperCharger site and the Model S folks see it. They will ask all kind of questions and treat you like a celebrity. The people that were traveling with me couldn't believe the excitement. Also I've had someone next to me at a traffic light motion to me to roll down the window and then ask how much it cost. It is bizarre, because for me it is a car not a collectable. There are times when I am running late and I do my best to not open the FW doors, but then there are times I want company so I'll open the doors just to attract people.
Congratulations on your car.

I recall some years ago a similar "problem" with the S. It was suggested a preprinted card with a few details about the car and a photo of it could be kept on hand for such occasions. You could include websites for further information.

As for price, I'm with you there on your reluctance to discuss what you paid for it. You could simply say "The base price is $xxxx, and options will add to that." Or, simply say there are several options and refer them to the Tesla website. No need to divulge what you paid for your car.


Been in Irvine, you must have seen so many super and exotics cars. Every time i go to Jamboree plaza i see Mclarens, Lambos, Ferraris. My GTR does not get any attentions at all, lol.
So true, even the ads on TMC as I write this...

Does the Model S/X count as a "super and exotic car"?


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I'm surprised this was the reaction in Oakland. I'm north of the Bay and I see a Model S every 5-10 minutes on the road. Only one MX, though.

There are threads discussing this "how much does it cost" question in the Model S subforum. I was asked it quite a bit early on, and it's a weird question that definitely makes me uneasy. Knowing your audience is a good thing - I read someone's response when in small towns Supercharging was, "Cheaper than sending troops to the Middle East." Around here, I've gone with "It's priced at a premium to help the company release their affordable Model 3," and then direct the conversation that way. Some people talk about gas savings.

Enjoy the car...
So true, even the ads on TMC as I write this...

Does the Model S/X count as a "super and exotic car"?

I think X is considered super car for now. S is not. The fact is in order to get to super level, you need the followings:

0-60 time
crazy looking doors
horse power

Let's look at Model X P90DL
0-60 3.2 sec
front door opens by itself, rear doors goes up "falcon doors"
Tesla is still a premium brand since model 3 is not out yet
720+ horse power
145K+ (fully loaded)

For now the X is definitely a super car. S is not because it's too basic looking, outdated hardwares (no crazy door, no bio defense filter, no crazy helicopter pit glass etc).

No matter how long the X is out on the market, it will most likely to remain as small market segment to Tesla. The Model 3 will expand the brand recognition and brings Model X as Tesla's ultra exotic car in it's line up.

Only thing that makes X not on super car level is the gas saving. Most super cars are gas guzzler, but that's slowing changing.
You know, as with most new models, the "wow" factor wears off fairly quickly as more and more get on the road. But after test driving an X in Burbank, once those doors go up, it's like bees to honey. I'm not so sure the wow will wear off that quickly cuz the shear rarity of the doors. There's just nothing like them and it's super cool! I have a feeling Marcos' experience will be shared by many X owners, especially if they're hauling kids around. Just sayin
I'm surprised this was the reaction in Oakland. I'm north of the Bay and I see a Model S every 5-10 minutes on the road. Only one MX, though.

Oh, the car barely gets a glance ... until the FWDs open up.

Today, the word had spread all throughout the kids' school, so when I showed up, a whole new crowd of kids was ready to run through it. I grin and bear'd it...
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Congrats on the Tesla btw, would love to see photos and your experience with the car..

There are much nicer pictures floating around of Xs than anything I could manage. But as for the experience, I'm coming from a small car, so it's a bit nerve-wracking trying to gauge how much space around the car as I traverse an urban landscape. I keep imagining scraping the door on day 2 of ownership. Today I was getting better on the whole "1-foot-driving" thing, but I still want to coast to stops and the car obviously doesn't let you do that with regen braking. Opening the doors is still not intuitive for people. You've got to retrain people on doing something they've already done in a different fashion a million times in their lives.

That's about it for the negatives. On the plus side, the car appears perfect to me. I don't have the kind of eye for detail others obviously do, but I couldn't find any manufacturing flaws. Everything works as it should. And on the plus side, I think it was in the QC process for only a couple of days. So looks like manufacturing problems have been ironed out. I love the absolute silence of the car when it moves (other than tire-on-road noise). I love to point that out to my passengers and they all ooh at that.

The screen is heaven for a gadget geek like me and I can't wait until my busy work schedule gives an opportunity to really dig in. The drive is fun, punching the accelerator, even to 30 mphs, gets shouts of glee from the gallery behind me (full of kids from my various carpools). The panoramic roof is GLORIOUS—fast becoming my favorite feature. I love that I don't have to go to gas stations anymore (they smell like dying brain cells and cancer). And I boosted my home's solar capacity so that I drive 100% from sun power (and also power my home entirely on solar as well). That kind of carbon-neutral living feels awesome!
There are much nicer pictures floating around of Xs than anything I could manage. But as for the experience, I'm coming from a small car, so it's a bit nerve-wracking trying to gauge how much space around the car as I traverse an urban landscape. I keep imagining scraping the door on day 2 of ownership. Today I was getting better on the whole "1-foot-driving" thing, but I still want to coast to stops and the car obviously doesn't let you do that with regen braking. Opening the doors is still not intuitive for people. You've got to retrain people on doing something they've already done in a different fashion a million times in their lives.

That's about it for the negatives. On the plus side, the car appears perfect to me. I don't have the kind of eye for detail others obviously do, but I couldn't find any manufacturing flaws. Everything works as it should. And on the plus side, I think it was in the QC process for only a couple of days. So looks like manufacturing problems have been ironed out. I love the absolute silence of the car when it moves (other than tire-on-road noise). I love to point that out to my passengers and they all ooh at that.

The screen is heaven for a gadget geek like me and I can't wait until my busy work schedule gives an opportunity to really dig in. The drive is fun, punching the accelerator, even to 30 mphs, gets shouts of glee from the gallery behind me (full of kids from my various carpools). The panoramic roof is GLORIOUS—fast becoming my favorite feature. I love that I don't have to go to gas stations anymore (they smell like dying brain cells and cancer). And I boosted my home's solar capacity so that I drive 100% from sun power (and also power my home entirely on solar as well). That kind of carbon-neutral living feels awesome!

Glad that you are pleased with the car!
What are your thoughts on the panoramic windshield as far as sun exposure. Not sure how sunny it is in Oakland but we are in the upper 80's down here in SoCal. Is it adequate at blocking sunlight? I believe that they are now providing sunshades for new delivers, did you receive it?
That's about it for the negatives. On the plus side, the car appears perfect to me. I don't have the kind of eye for detail others obviously do, but I couldn't find any manufacturing flaws. Everything works as it should. And on the plus side, I think it was in the QC process for only a couple of days. So looks like manufacturing problems have been ironed out. I love the absolute silence of the car when it moves (other than tire-on-road noise). I love to point that out to my passengers and they all ooh at that.

This is really great news. So glad to hear they've gotten things smoothed out!