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I've seen a lot of people mention vroom here and I hope this is the right forum to ask this. My understanding is that vroom makes you an offer on your car and picks it up and then re-sells it. So I'm sure their offer is a lowball offer. But any idea how much they markup before sale? Just trying to get a baseline for how much I should pay when looking for a used S and whether I can get a quote from them if I get the vin number from the seller.
Vroom is no different that any other company that takes trades, they will offer you wholesale or below. The only difference that you can fight about with anyone is that they really cannot do anything to refurbish a Tesla but wash it and change tires. So the whole low ball price because of repairs wont fly.
Vroom is no different that any other company that takes trades, they will offer you wholesale or below. The only difference that you can fight about with anyone is that they really cannot do anything to refurbish a Tesla but wash it and change tires. So the whole low ball price because of repairs wont fly.
You can also photoshop their offers to add an extra $20K of value to your car’s private party value